More UFO sightings than voter fraud cases

Requirements will always prevent some number of people from voting. That's just a fact. Howey's post mentioned people that had difficulty obtaining IDs for various reasons that had nothing to do with stupidity.

However, you make it impossible to assume the absence of stupid or dishonest people.

Do you have anything to support your claim about Ohio?

I believe I read it here within the last week.....any one else recall the thread?.....

in any event, here's a news clip from the Cleveland Plain Dealer....
except....guess, is that yellow stuff egg on your face?.....

Nope. Even if you had provided a source for your claim that would not be egg on my face for asking for one. But you failed. You said, "there were Ohio precincts that had 100% voter turnout and 100% voted for Obama."

Where are those? Your source talks about precincts that voted unanimously for Obama but does not mention 100% voter turnout, nor does it indicate any surprise.
13 credible cases of in-person voter impersonation.


Prior to the 2012 elections, I found myself in a discussion with a colleague concerning Republican efforts at what has come to be known as “voter suppression.” I was informing this person, who is well educated, that voter fraud is not a problem of any significance in the USA. This individual rejected my contention, arguing that he was aware of countless examples of alleged fraud and that the efforts to make voting more difficult were justified.

A fascinating article in Mother Jones from July 2012, which I only just discovered, contains the sorts of ammunition that is needed in this debate, ammunition that really can not only end the argument but open up the real question: Why are the Republicans trying to make it more difficult to vote?

The article, by Hamed Aleaziz, Dave Gilson and Jaeah Lee [“UFO Sightings are more common than voter fraud,” contains this little factoid at the end: Between 2000 and 2010 there were 649 million votes cast in general elections; 47,000 UFO sightings; 441 Americans killed by lightning; and 13 credible cases of in-person voter impersonation.

How is it possible that with no evidence of massive voter fraud that legislators around the nation have moved to narrow voting? The answer, to a great extent, has to do with race. First, the people making the allegations tend to be White and rich. They are playing into the growing fears among many average Whites that the U.S. is becoming a Black and Brown nation, and, to be honest, they are scared. Many of them still cannot understand how it was that a Black man became president of the United States.

Second, the criminalization of Black America and the assumption that we are up to no good—as demonstrated most recently in the acquittal of George Zimmerman for the killing of Trayvon Martin—opens up the door to the belief that African-Americans are somehow involved in trickery and voter fraud. We do not have to have ever done anything. It is more about what many Whites believe that we are capable of doing that matters.

Yet voter suppression, which is not going away, is about more than the antipathy of many rich Whites for Black people. The voter suppression laws are not aimed solely at African-Americans. They remain part of the larger scheme to neutralize the growing majority in this country, a majority of people of color, youth, women and working people, that threatens the privileges of the rich and (in-) famous. Thus, we not only have voter suppression but we have gerrymandering of electoral districts to ensure that certain districts remain in the hands of Republicans and that cross-racial political coalitions are less likely to be built.

Thanks, great article.
Nope. Even if you had provided a source for your claim that would not be egg on my face for asking for one. But you failed. You said, "there were Ohio precincts that had 100% voter turnout and 100% voted for Obama."

Where are those? Your source talks about precincts that voted unanimously for Obama but does not mention 100% voter turnout, nor does it indicate any surprise.

lol....obviously the 100% votes for Obama faded away in the wind of irrelevancy......oh look, there they go now.....
lol....obviously the 100% votes for Obama faded away in the wind of irrelevancy......oh look, there they go now.....

That was only half of your assertion. Fraudulent in person voting is not likely to create a higher chance that 100% votes for one candidate. If there is anything irregular about that and there is NO reason to assume there is, then it would be due to some sort of vote switching or throwing out votes for one candidate.

Damn, you are stupid!
OMG it happened once! Let's change the rules! After all, she got caught but what if............idiots.

lol....isn't it amazing that she got caught even though no one asked for her ID all of the times that she did it?.......I wonder how many we would catch if we actually LOOKED.....besides I needed to post one to counterbalance the one you linked.....otherwise Guam might tip over.....
That was only half of your assertion. Fraudulent in person voting is not likely to create a higher chance that 100% votes for one candidate. If there is anything irregular about that and there is NO reason to assume there is, then it would be due to some sort of vote switching or throwing out votes for one candidate.

Damn, you are stupid!

lol....if you think there isn't a problem it may be someone else who is stupid...
lol....if you think there isn't a problem it may be someone else who is stupid...

No, it's just you. It does not logically follow that 100% voting for Obama means there must have been in person voting fraud nor is it even made more likely. You obviously lack the mental capacity to understand why that is.

I am sure this was reported in Cleveland, probably more than outside of it. Has anyone come forward to claim they voted for someone other than Obama in those precincts?