More UFO sightings than voter fraud cases

???...and that proves what in your mind.....that asking for a photo ID would not have prevented it from happening?.....just the opposite......

Since there is precious little actual voter fraud going on, my mind tells me that somebody with an agenda is trying to drum up a problem where none exists. Repubs weren't calling for voter ID back in 2000 after the bush-Gore debacle. Nor were they doing it in 2004 after the bush-Kerry election. It's only when a Dem ran for office and won twice did this become an issue. Take the statistic quoted below, 10 incidences of in-person voter fraud in 12 years. If you have other statistics to refute this, please post them. But IMO the facts speak for themselves

"Voter ID and voter fraud are often linked. But, a popular understanding of voter fraud, people posing as another individual on Election Day, was shown to be “infinitesimal” according to a study conducted by Arizona State University. Today Damon Eris posted an article on regarding the study and its results. The study covered years 2000-2012 and uncovered that 10 incidences of in-person voter fraud have occurred throughout the country during that time."
Since there is precious little actual voter fraud going on

we haven't the slightest idea how much voter fraud is going on......if no one is asking for ID we do not know if the people voting are the people who have registered......

only when a Dem ran for office and won twice did this become an issue.

actually, I think it became an issue when people found out what ACORN was made people begin to wonder who was actually voting under all those false registrations.....
we haven't the slightest idea how much voter fraud is going on......if no one is asking for ID we do not know if the people voting are the people who have registered......

Voters at least in PA get an ID card after registering. It's just not a photo ID. The only time I had to show it was the first time. This isn't to say the vols can't ask for it, but they don't.

actually, I think it became an issue when people found out what ACORN was made people begin to wonder who was actually voting under all those false registrations.....

ACORN wasn't in-person voter fraud, it was registration fraud.

"Neither ACORN nor its employees have been found guilty of, or even charged with, casting fraudulent votes. What a McCain-Palin Web ad calls "voter fraud" is actually voter registration fraud. Several ACORN canvassers have been found guilty of faking registration forms and others are being investigated. But the evidence that has surfaced so far shows they faked forms to get paid for work they didn’t do, not to stuff ballot boxes."
Voters at least in PA get an ID card after registering. It's just not a photo ID. The only time I had to show it was the first time. This isn't to say the vols can't ask for it, but they don't.

and here I get asked for my ID, even though the woman asking me lives across the street from me and has for the last 27 she discriminating on the basis of my race?......
I wonder if they would catch more if they required photo ID.....

Which is exactly why the liberals don't want to have voter ID's.
They are afraid that some of their election voting fraud will come to light and reveal what they've really been doing.

It's like saying we should return to the 1940's and 50's, regarding spousal abuse; because there was so little being reported, that it must not have been happening.
More registered voters were prevented from voting due to the ID requirements than there are cases of in person voting fraud. Your stupid semantics and parlor tricks do not change the fact.

I saw a woman in the last election that forfeited her vote because the address on her ID did not match the one on her voting registration. She had moved one unit over. She could have cast a provisional ballot but she left in frustration because of the hassle and wait. Now you can argue that was her fault, but that has nothing to do with the point. It's not about blame, moron. If we assume that accurately determining the will of voters is a value then the ID requirements do more harm than good. But Republicans don't actually want to accurately determine the will of voters.

Because someone left, instead of casting a provisional ballot, is the fault of voter ID??!! :palm:

You keep referring to some magical "voter ID requirement" and have yet to point out what this restraint is.
Requirements will always prevent some number of people from voting. That's just a fact. Howey's post mentioned people that had difficulty obtaining IDs for various reasons that had nothing to do with stupidity.

However, you make it impossible to assume the absence of stupid or dishonest people.

Do you have anything to support your claim about Ohio?

So I guess you also believe that the ID requirements for buying alcohol are an burden on those just turning 21. :palm:
Only in crazy countries that allow people to fight and die but not take alcohol. Weird!

What's that got to do with those who are 21?

OH-WAIT; I see what you did there.
You just wanted a method of posting your "rant-du-jour".
I'm glad I could help.
What's that got to do with those who are 21?

OH-WAIT; I see what you did there.
You just wanted a method of posting your "rant-du-jour".
I'm glad I could help.

Civilized countries either ban alcohol or keep it only from children. Nowhere else in the world restricts military-aged citizens' rights in this peculiar way. Self-righteousness pomposity is very well in Lyncher's Landing amongst the mugs, kid, but it won't wash internationally.
Civilized countries either ban alcohol or keep it only from children. Nowhere else in the world restricts military-aged citizens' rights in this peculiar way. Self-righteousness pomposity is very well in Lyncher's Landing amongst the mugs, kid, but it won't wash internationally.

Once again; what's this have to do with those who have just turned 21?