The best way to get over shyness is not to go to one of the most exclusive nightclubs in the city and continue to hit on the hottest woman there even when she does not want to deal with you.
My advice to a shy guy is to talk to women. Not just hot women, but all women. I don't care if she is old, fat, and married for 50 years, have a human conversation with her. This gets you used to talking to women. It gets you treating them like human beings.
Good looking women try to figure out if you are comfortable talking to good looking women. It is an important test to them. This gets you past that test.
Treating them like a human being does not mean falling all over yourself to give them things. If you are feeling abused in a relationship, leave it.
Finally, try to be a nice guy. And I mean a real nice guy, not someone who pretends to be a nice guy to try to trick women into sleeping with you.
This. Talk and LISTEN. There is too little of that from men. My wife and most of her friends are in the modeling and fashion industry. They can’t go out without some jackass hitting on them or giving them creepy vibes. She has insisted on leaving a place if someone is staring at her, and it happens all the time. I don’t seem to slow them down much. The reason for this should be obvious after reading some of the comments here. She absolutely HATES it.