more 'woke' bullshit

There is either a huge conspiracy including all women, and many men to keep you from having sex... Or... Bare with me on this one... You might be an angry, creepy guy who gives most women, and even most men a creepy vibe.

Nice try - actually a pretty clumsy and sloppy try.

I get your reluctance to discuss the reality of the democrat war on normal sexual expression. You never want to consider that your Reich is anything other than perfect.

But you sure couldn't come up with any refutation of my points.
Nice try - actually a pretty clumsy and sloppy try.

I get your reluctance to discuss the reality of the democrat war on normal sexual expression. You never want to consider that your Reich is anything other than perfect.

But you sure couldn't come up with any refutation of my points.

Your conspiracy theory that Democrats are trying to keep you from having sex with beautiful young women is kind of creepy.
false's not a conspiracy, it's kinetic energy of feminist's blaming men for all of societies ills......most women refuse to accept accountability for their past, so they blame anyone and everyone else, usually men, for everything bad that happens to them, ignoring even the slightest possibility that they made a bad decision

Everyone remember that the majority of the alt right posters here have a conspiracy theory about liberals keeping them from dating young beautiful women.
Your conspiracy theory that Democrats are trying to keep you from having sex with beautiful young women is kind of creepy.

It's ALL kind of creepy. He is proud of his Incel status. His posts about his fascination with my love life have made for some good laughs in our household though. Seems like a common theme among the nutters.
Your conspiracy theory that Democrats are trying to keep you from having sex with beautiful young women is kind of creepy.


And you double down on your failure.

You remind me of the guys who would strike out with a girl and demand the girl was a lesbian.

Really pathetic Walt. You can't support or defend your position.
Everyone remember that the majority of the alt right posters here have a conspiracy theory about liberals keeping them from dating young beautiful women.

Making shit up again, Walt.

Most of the conservative men here dated young beautiful women, and then married them. Why is it that lefty chicks are so often ugly? I guess the soul shines through...
I noticed a report that the young dont want to see sex or romance in movies, this entire segment of humanity is so problematic for them.

This is society breakdown, driven by someone, maybe the CCP.
People in Hawkeye’s videos always have “crazy eyes”

And remember the eyes are the windows to the soul.

if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!” Matthew 6:23
so you could not serve blacks too and that would be fine?

OMG you guys are so fuckin simple minded.

Please give us Lauren Boebert and MTG as they would be a step in intellect from you pea brains.

NO discrimination based on race is not allowed.

YES a club can kick someone out they feel is acting creepy.

This is not difficult but because you guys are so incredibly stupid you will keep arguing as if a person has a right to act creepy in private businesses and they do not.
you avoided the basically sets up an atmosphere that allows only the top tier men, based on the womens opinion, to stay in a nightclub........just more feminist double standards

YOu have every right to object to how someone else chooses to run their business and you can think it should be run another way.

I can think the new Burger restaurant that just opened up next door, should have instead been Chinese food.

But it is the height of arrogant BS if we think we can tell them how they should run their business or that they are wrong because we would have made different choices than they did.
Nightclub bans ‘staring’ without ‘verbal consent’ in new ‘woke’ policy

The days of checking someone out at a club are over.

An Australia nightclub said it will remove people who are caught staring at someone without that person’s consent.

Club 77 in Sydney included unwanted attention from strangers in its updated “zero-tolerance policy” on harassment.

The venue posted the woke update on its Instagram account, saying the club is “not a place to come to if your sole purpose is to ‘pick up.’ ”

“As a nightclub, we encourage you to interact with strangers, however any engagement MUST begin with verbal consent,” the statement read. “This also applies if you are, for example, staring at someone from afar.”

The club has hired designated “safety officers” — who will be wearing a pink hi-visibility vest — to handle complaints and concerns.

“If we receive reports of any behavior that has made someone feel uncomfortable, the reported individual will be removed from the venue and the police will be called,” the statement said.
the two takeaways from the responses in this thread are 1. woke fuckers are actually justifying this 'policy' of expelling someone because another person feels 'uncomfortable' (that certainly isn't going to be abused :rolleyes: )
and 2. that they actually believe nightclubs don't exist to be pick up places :laugh:
Being an incel, you don't understand that you go up to a person and begin a conversation if you'd like to meet them. Being cheap, it would never occur to you to buy them a drink.

Being a socially awkward hermit, you would never ask anyone to dance.

I'm sure the last time you tried it was years ago, and realized that no woman is interested in you.

So you just act creepy .

There are bars that welcome creepy. I'm sure you know of a few.
do you not believe in a persons right to be out in public and stare at someone or something, IN PUBLIC??????
Everyone stares, especially from a distance. Sometimes it's because you believe you recognize someone. Other times you might be attracted.

If the latter, walk across the room and engage in discussion. Staring for extended periods and getting caught repeatedly isn't what the bar wants.

Pretty simple concept.
It has been a untold rule for years. This is nothing new. They would just kindly ask they guy to tone it down or at least man the fuck up and talk to the lady.
I think if a guy is buying drinks and spending money, a little drunk staring isn't going to get you tossed as long as you don't make anyone uncomfortable.

If you're just in there to stare, it does the place no good.
ROTFLMFAO!!!! Maybe #metoo isn't the REAL reason these clowns haven't had sex in a decade. Just sayin'.

Wow, they are really showing their true colors lately. I did not realize how much the alt right and the angry incel movements overlapped.