Mormons and Freemasonry:Don't trust mitt.

Kamala Trump

Verified User
Mormons are freemasons and thus Noahides. They wish to bring you under jew servitude. I will furnish proof of anything you doubt.
Mormonism and Freemasonry are so intimately interwoven and interrelated that the two can never be dissociated. Mormonism was born in the throes of the holocaust provoked by the Anti-Masonic Morgan affair of 1826. What I shall attempt to cover is the period from the beginning of Mormonism is the 1820's, with its early Masonic ties, through social and political upheaval in New York State tied into the so-called Morgan Affair, the establishment and marriage of Freemasonry and Mormonism in Nauvoo, Illinois; the assassination of Joseph Smith by members of the Masonic Fraternity, the subsequent exodus to Utah by Brigham Young, the rejection of Mormonism by Utah Freemasonry, and finally the coming of universal Freemasonry to Utah.
Mormons are Freemasons? Wha? I do know of one Mormon who is a Freemason, but definitively I can tell you, not all mormons are Freemasons. In fact, at least half of them cannot be.
Mormons are Freemasons? Wha? I do know of one Mormon who is a Freemason, but definitively I can tell you, not all mormons are Freemasons. In fact, at least half of them cannot be.

The mormon leadership will mislead their people into the hands of satan when the time comes.

"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time." 4
There are elements of Freemasonry in the Mormon Temple ceremonies...
When people meet they shake hands, therefore there are "elements" of Freemasonry. This is the most ridiculous statement I have ever seen. If all it took to make Freemasons was an "element" every single person on the planet could then be considered Freemasons.

The Catholic church considers all Freemasons apostate, yet in their ceremonies you can find similarities to some of the Freemason Ceremonies (you can find similarities in almost any ceremony to another ceremony), they too must be Freemasons...
There are probably a couple of elements of the mormon worship that is the same as satanic worship as well :)
Same for the christian worship, etc...
There are probably a couple of elements of the mormon worship that is the same as satanic worship as well :)
Same for the christian worship, etc...
Oh, yeah. The Satanic Church uses wafers in their communion ceremony, much like the christians use wafers. That is an element of Christianity in Satanism, so they must really be Christians!


There is a donation box in Buddhist Temples, much like in Catholic Churches. That is an element of similarity. Therefore All Buddhists, though they don't believe in God, don't confess to priests, do not seek forgiveness in that manner, are all Christians... or are all Christians Buddhists, I'm not quite sure how this "element of" thing works. It seems that whatever is more "evil" corrupts the other, and "evil" is comprised of those things not specifically to AHZ's beliefs on Freemasonry. Therefore, since all Buddhists temples give to Charity as do all Christian Churches, they must ALL BE FREEMASONS!!!1111SHIFT+1!!1!


Oh, yeah. The Satanic Church uses wafers in their communion ceremony, much like the christians use wafers. That is an element of Christianity in Satanism, so they must really be Christians!


There is a donation box in Buddhist Temples, much like in Catholic Churches. That is an element of similarity. Therefore All Buddhists, though they don't believe in God, don't confess to priests, do not seek forgiveness in that manner, are all Christians... or are all Christians Buddhists, I'm not quite sure how this "element of" thing works. It seems that whatever is more "evil" corrupts the other, and "evil" is comprised of those things not specifically to AHZ's beliefs on Freemasonry. Therefore, since all Buddhists temples give to Charity as do all Christian Churches, they must ALL BE FREEMASONS!!!1111SHIFT+1!!1!



Your silliness and hyperbole do nothing to obviate the truth of the masonic roots of mormonism. I'll take you to the mat again, dude. Just name a time and place. Your denials are pathetic and only prove my correctness.
Your silliness and hyperbole do nothing to obviate the truth of the masonic roots of mormonism. I'll take you to the mat again, dude. Just name a time and place. Your denials are pathetic and only prove my correctness.
Your conspiracy theories are lame. They are based on some of the least powerful people that I know who only give to charity. They are based on suspicion and unreasonable fear of the unknown, even though they aren't unknown... Everybody that I know, knows at least one Freemason. Usually far more of them. Instead of judging on experience and understanding of the people that they actually meet, those who believe in these inane theories welcome any thought that "a small number" of them are somehow controlling the world in some sort of negative fashion.

One is not allowed to speak of politics in a Freemasonry meeting. The control nothing but their own money which they give freely when it is deemed that people are in need.

Why have you such a need to blame others for things that go wrong? We vote for people that refuse to keep our borders, shoot that refuse to even see a need for it. Blame it on the Freemasons and a minority of Jewish people! It must be THEM... A desperate need for THEM to exist is what this is based on. It makes people believe the most inane things rather than what their own experience and knowledge of a person, or many for that matter, may be.
It is true that the man who started that religion was a Freemason, but that is about the only connection at all to Freemasonry other than they have ceremonies that have some "elements" of "freemasonry" in them.

That is just plain silly, all ceremonies of a type have elements of other ceremonies of that same type in them. Hence my reference to the communion wafer used in Aleister Crowley's Satanic ritual of Communion (which involves other elements that are clearly not Christian, much like Mormon ceremonies contain other elements that are not Freemasonry but I digress here).

Attempting to make similar elements in a ceremony that the founder of the religion saw and somewhat imitated, like almost all people use elements of what they learned from the past, doesn't make the LDS church into Freemasons, it in fact makes them into Priests, as you would know if you knew anything at all about the religion.
It is true that the man who started that religion was a Freemason, but that is about the only connection at all to Freemasonry other than they have ceremonies that have some "elements" of "freemasonry" in them.

That is just plain silly, all ceremonies of a type have elements of other ceremonies of that same type in them. Hence my reference to the communion wafer used in Aleister Crowley's Satanic ritual of Communion (which involves other elements that are clearly not Christian, much like Mormon ceremonies contain other elements that are not Freemasonry but I digress here).

Attempting to make similar elements in a ceremony that the founder of the religion saw and somewhat imitated, like almost all people use elements of what they learned from the past, doesn't make the LDS church into Freemasons, it in fact makes them into Priests, as you would know if you knew anything at all about the religion.

I don't care about the cereomonies. It's the jew worship that freemasonry/noahidism/dispensationalism condones that bothers me. You stupid goy are turning off your brains to become subservient jew pawns.
I don't care about the cereomonies. It's the jew worship that freemasonry/noahidism/dispensationalism condones that bothers me. You stupid goy are turning off your brains to become subservient jew pawns.
There is no "Jew worship" that I have ever seen evident in Freemasonry. Do you think Thomas Jefferson was a "Jew worshiper"? How about George Washington? Which of them started "Jew Worship" as the national religion?
There is no "Jew worship" that I have ever seen evident in Freemasonry. Do you think Thomas Jefferson was a "Jew worshiper"? How about George Washington? Which of them started "Jew Worship" as the national religion?

They were all secret society types, Which are all based around the infernal teachings of pharisaic judaism, pure satanic elitism.

First google noahidism. Then remind yourself that the 21'st degree of freemasonry is the patriarch noachite. Then google the articles about the masons wanting to rebuild the temple at jerusalem. If you deny any of these links, i will post the research for you and embarrass the crap out of you. K, pumpkin?
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They were all secret society types, Which are all based around the infernal teachings of pharisaic judaism, pure satanic elitism.

First google noahidism. Then remind yourself that the 21'st degree of freemasonry is the patriarch noachite. Then google the articles about the masons wanting to rebuild the temple at jerusalem. If you deny any of these links, i will post the research for you and embarrass the crap out of you. K, pumpkin?
I don't need to Google up your conspiracy sites, if you wish to convince others you bring your information to them. I have read your sites and have previously schooled you on this subject. Your ignorance of Freemasonry scares you, you are clearly afraid of that which you don't understand. It simply is inane to call a Fraternal order that concerns itself with charity some sort of "satanism" just because you haven't become a member and refuse to use your actual experience with Freemasons as a guide to who they are and how they act. Instead giving them far more power than they ever will have, and speaking of them as some sort of huge world-running conspiracy.

As I said, go and meet them, talk to them, find out about them from them, you will find that they are men who are strong in their religion, whichever one it is. That they care about others and give to charity through their Fraternal Order. They will tell you of their experience with Freemasonry, but you don't want to hear. Instead you find a site that gives fake information about some inane "conspiracy" to run the world from a tiny nation of a couple million people. Along with this small minority of people that control less than the state of Rhode Island, they run the government of the largest nation of the world from ever-shrinking membership in lodges they somehow take over the minds of the rest of the world, convincing everybody that an even smaller minority of that previous minority, who want some sort of Messiah to come and kill us all, is really the ones to listen to...

Man, you really are in need of a good therapist. Just make sure you go to one that isn't Jewish, you'll be sucked into the world of Mormons and have to believe in Christ... And spend all your time posting how noachides are actually going to take over the world from their extremely small group of believers that have actually done nothing to you or anybody else....

I cannot imagine living with this amount of paranoia. It is truly sad.
I don't need to Google up your conspiracy sites,
They're not all "conspiracy sites". Many of them are legitimate noahide sites, spreading noahide doctrine and run by rabbis or "righteous gentiles".
if you wish to convince others you bring your information to them.
I'm bringing my information here. I invite anyone to google noahide and start reading. It's quite bizarre.
I have read your sites and have previously schooled you on this subject.
Yet you're misrpresenting them. They're not all "wacko" sites. All you do is deny hysterically like a little girl. School yourself.
Your ignorance of Freemasonry scares you, you are clearly afraid of that which you don't understand.
You explained many times. All they want is that you worship a single god. They just don't say which one. Turns out it's satan.
It simply is inane to call a Fraternal order that concerns itself with charity some sort of "satanism" just because you haven't become a member and refuse to use your actual experience with Freemasons as a guide to who they are and how they act.
You're one dude. You're just in denial. All they care about is power and our governments are churches are overrun with these satanic vermin.
Instead giving them far more power than they ever will have, and speaking of them as some sort of huge world-running conspiracy.
They are a huge world running conspiracy.
As I said, go and meet them, talk to them, find out about them from them, you will find that they are men who are strong in their religion, whichever one it is.
I do talk to them. I talk to you. If they're all like you, they're in complete denial and act like children when confronted with the truth.
That they care about others and give to charity through their Fraternal Order. They will tell you of their experience with Freemasonry, but you don't want to hear. Instead you find a site that gives fake information about some inane "conspiracy" to run the world from a tiny nation of a couple million people. Along with this small minority of people that control less than the state of Rhode Island, they run the government of the largest nation of the world from ever-shrinking membership in lodges they somehow take over the minds of the rest of the world, convincing everybody that an even smaller minority of that previous minority, who want some sort of Messiah to come and kill us all, is really the ones to listen to...
Ya see, the way hierarchies work is that a small number control many people. Like a pyramid. Like on the dollar bill.
Man, you really are in need of a good therapist. Just make sure you go to one that isn't Jewish, you'll be sucked into the world of Mormons and have to believe in Christ... And spend all your time posting how noachides are actually going to take over the world from their extremely small group of believers that have actually done nothing to you or anybody else....

I cannot imagine living with this amount of paranoia. It is truly sad.

Or you could quit lying. Do you want to read the forum where the rabbi is saying "yes, we must unfortunately behead christians.

Your diarrhea of words is completely ineffective in shutting out the truth.
They're not all "conspiracy sites". Many of them are legitimate noahide sites, spreading noahide doctrine and run by rabbis or "righteous gentiles".

I'm bringing my information here. I invite anyone to google noahide and start reading. It's quite bizarre.

But you aren't. You want others to go and do something. Bring it here. Show us those sites that are so engrossing to the paranoid. I invite you to go to your local lodge, meet the people you prejudge, and judge from experience.

Yet you're misrpresenting them. They're not all "wacko" sites. All you do is deny hysterically like a little girl. School yourself.

You explained many times. All they want is that you worship a single god. They just don't say which one. Turns out it's satan.

Rubbish. The only place you find that sentiment is from the conspiracy sites that you say "all of them aren't" which definitively states that most of them are, and the ones that aren't are groups of people who want to desperately believe that they will somehow overcome their powerless status through a Paladin they name the Messiah.

You're one dude. You're just in denial. All they care about is power and our governments are churches are overrun with these satanic vermin.

This only tells me that you never have met one, other than me. It is silly. Just go and watch them go into a lodge during a meeting. You will find that none are the all-powerful men that you want them so desperately to be.

They are a huge world running conspiracy.

I do talk to them. I talk to you. If they're all like you, they're in complete denial and act like children when confronted with the truth.

No, children take a mishmash of conspiracy sites and desperate people who wish for power in their powerlessness and pretend they've found the machine that runs the world.

Ya see, the way hierarchies work is that a small number control many people. Like a pyramid. Like on the dollar bill.

LOL. That small number of people that are Freemasons simply do not even seek the power that you pretend that they have. Only the desperate in denial of reality who want no responsibility for their own actions blame the problems of even something so small as a nation on the powerless minority.

Or you could quit lying. Do you want to read the forum where the rabbi is saying "yes, we must unfortunately behead christians.

And have you noticed that noahides are the smallest portion of Judaism? That almost all Jews preach against such violence, even to the point of naming this small minority among them as evil?

Your diarrhea of words is completely ineffective in shutting out the truth.

Talking to yourself again?

This is inane. While a small portion of the world are given the responsibility to run things, they do not all come from the smallest of minorities of the smallest of minorities. They simply cannot have the proportional power necessary to take over the planet. Especially when over half the nations of the world are against them.

Again a desperate attack on what you refuse to even investigate further than your conspiracy sites and sites that promote the minority belief of an extremely minority religion...

There are far larger and more dangerous fish to fry in this world than a powerless minority that has yet to saw the head off of one Christian man, as opposed to a much larger, not minority religion that has members that actually have sawed off the heads of Christian men.

Look to those who actually have the power and act on it, rather than the minute possibility of the tiny minority of the smallest minority group suddenly gaining all the power you wish that they had so hiding wouldn't look so foolish.
It would be like a Buddhist living in fear because they read a neo-nazi site promoting the death of all things not white including those "slanty-lovers" who convert to Buddhism and pretending that all Christians are taking over the entire planet, even in Japan, because of these people saying this.
But you aren't. You want others to go and do something. Bring it here. Show us those sites that are so engrossing to the paranoid. I invite you to go to your local lodge, meet the people you prejudge, and judge from experience.
Yes, i want others to go and do something. Go see for yourselves what noahide means. Then read the well publicized teachings of freemasonry, which are noahide and elitist.
Rubbish. The only place you find that sentiment is from the conspiracy sites that you say "all of them aren't" which definitively states that most of them are, and the ones that aren't are groups of people who want to desperately believe that they will somehow overcome their powerless status through a Paladin they name the Messiah.
Rubbish? So you 're british now? what a poseur. check this one. THere are tons of other noahide sites.

Oh, the poor powerless jews. boo fricking hoo. Do you believe your own lies?
This only tells me that you never have met one, other than me. It is silly. Just go and watch them go into a lodge during a meeting. You will find that none are the all-powerful men that you want them so desperately to be.
Most of you are idiotic dupes who really don't know what going on.
No, children take a mishmash of conspiracy sites and desperate people who wish for power in their powerlessness and pretend they've found the machine that runs the world.
No. Reasonable people believe it's more likely that a powerful elite shapes world events rather than believe that "shit happens".
LOL. That small number of people that are Freemasons simply do not even seek the power that you pretend that they have. Only the desperate in denial of reality who want no responsibility for their own actions blame the problems of even something so small as a nation on the powerless minority.
Oh the powerless minority. Perhaps you don't understand how hierarchies work. Through hierarchies, the small number at the top control the vast majority at the bottom. That's how all modern governments are. WHo's really the idiot here?
And have you noticed that noahides are the smallest portion of Judaism? That almost all Jews preach against such violence, even to the point of naming this small minority among them as evil?
What violence are you speaking of? ANd which jews are preaching against it? can you provide a link? I have.
Talking to yourself again?
I might as well be, once you go into "deflect and defame" mode.
This is inane. While a small portion of the world are given the responsibility to run things, they do not all come from the smallest of minorities of the smallest of minorities. They simply cannot have the proportional power necessary to take over the planet. Especially when over half the nations of the world are against them.
The biggest power is the control of the worlds financial apparatus, and the control of monetray policy. Again, minorities are always in control. These are the same arguments that were stupid before.
Again a desperate attack on what you refuse to even investigate further than your conspiracy sites and sites that promote the minority belief of an extremely minority religion...
Again, you misrepresenting what's out there. There are plenty of legitimate noahide sites. The power of the jews is mulitplied immensely by the power seeking righteous gentiles who just want power or are duped by wrong teachings in christian church.
There are far larger and more dangerous fish to fry in this world than a powerless minority that has yet to saw the head off of one Christian man, as opposed to a much larger, not minority religion that has members that actually have sawed off the heads of Christian men.

Islam is bad too, you have no problem there. True christianity stand against the elitist hierarchies that have invaded all organized religions, including "christianity" itself.

If all this were so silly, your panties wouldn't be in such a wad.
Look to those who actually have the power and act on it, rather than the minute possibility of the tiny minority of the smallest minority group suddenly gaining all the power you wish that they had so hiding wouldn't look so foolish.

I am. Im looking at the coalition of freemasons, noahides, jews, and evangelicals. That's enough to do us all in.
If you want them to read the sites then bring them here. That you don't want to post them just shows that you are afraid of your sourcing.