Yes, i want others to go and do something. Go see for yourselves what noahide means. Then read the well publicized teachings of freemasonry, which are noahide and elitist.
Rubbish? So you 're british now? what a poseur. check this one. THere are tons of other noahide sites.
Oh, the poor powerless jews. boo fricking hoo. Do you believe your own lies?
I disbelieve yours.
Most of you are idiotic dupes who really don't know what going on.
Again, talking to yourself? Most people who believe those silly sites are gullible dupes predisposed toward that type of paranoia because they desperately want everything that goes wrong to be somebody else's fault.
No. Reasonable people believe it's more likely that a powerful elite shapes world events rather than believe that "shit happens".
How foolish. I didn't say that the powerful don't shape events, I said that only those who are desperate to blame somebody less powerful than them, are the ones that believe such powerless people rule the world.
Oh the powerless minority. Perhaps you don't understand how hierarchies work. Through hierarchies, the small number at the top control the vast majority at the bottom. That's how all modern governments are. WHo's really the idiot here?
Clearly you. I already told you that a small number of people that are among the majority rule the world. I also told you that only a moron believes that a tiny minority (noahides) of a tiny majority (Jews) can control the rest of the world. They don't even have enough support within their tiny minority to even seize power there and so they dream of the day that their messiah will come and save them all. You then read their sites as they dream of the power they will never have, and then you spread it as if it is something to actually fear.
What violence are you speaking of? ANd which jews are preaching against it? can you provide a link? I have.
No you haven't. You have asked me to provide them for you.
I might as well be, once you go into "deflect and defame" mode.
Right, like when you attempt to blame Freemasonry for all that is wrong with the world?
The biggest power is the control of the worlds financial apparatus, and the control of monetray policy. Again, minorities are always in control. These are the same arguments that were stupid before.
Rubbish. Once again, a small number of people run things, but they are of the majority. Smaller number does not mean that the powerless suddenly have all the control. Smaller numbers of the majority control those things.
Again, you misrepresenting what's out there. There are plenty of legitimate noahide sites. The power of the jews is mulitplied immensely by the power seeking righteous gentiles who just want power or are duped by wrong teachings in christian church.
Then post them. And the power of the Jews is simply not really there unless you desperately want to believe that noahides, which are a small minority of the Jews out there, actually are the sole owners of all the banks, etc. This is inane, those sites are run by those who desperately want the power they'll never have.
Islam is bad too, you have no problem there. True christianity stand against the elitist hierarchies that have invaded all organized religions, including "christianity" itself.
If all this were so silly, your panties wouldn't be in such a wad.
The only panty wad here is in your pants. Seriously. "Go and look it up, because I know that the sites I provide are all silly conspiracies and desperate hopeless men who want a messiah to solve all their problems because they know that they cannot." is not an argument. It is a panty wad.
I am. Im looking at the coalition of freemasons, noahides, jews, and evangelicals. That's enough to do us all in.
Right a nonsensical "coalition" of mismatched groups? I'm looking at a silly conspiracy theorist. I should create a Conspiracy Forum on the site and move this to it.
Let's say this, I have read the sites you gave links to long ago on another site. They were sad little men pretending to be strong while knowing they had no power and paranoid conspiracy theories. I have read them before on another site that actually is all about conspiracies... Either way I remain wholly skeptical for the very real reasons I have provided above.