Mormons and Freemasonry:Don't trust mitt.

SO what word does Noachite translate into? You're so full of shit.

They're not converting jews. They're converting non jews to become jew slaves. Please do some reading. You cannot argue with someone you must educate. here's a good set of links
I am not "full of shit" as you so desperately want to believe.

here is a nice link for you:

Noachite translates to Knight.

Notice specifically what the degree teaches, it has nothing at all to do with your noahides. I would agree they were the same if they actually were, but they are totally not even close.
I admit it is real and that it is abominable,

and yet
The Seven Laws of Noah have officially been recognised in the American Congress "Whereas Congress recognizes the historical tradition of ethical values and principles which are the basis of civilized society and upon which our great Nation was founded; Whereas these ethical values and principles have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization, when they were known as the Seven Noahide Laws.
That degree is also called the "Masonic Key" as it teaches Justice... I guess that makes Freemasons that continue into outside bodies into really bad men.
That degree is also called the "Masonic Key" as it teaches Justice... I guess that makes Freemasons that continue into outside bodies into really bad men.

Yes. They are obsessed with the law, as the pharisees in jesus's day. Controlling the law is ultimate control. Freemasonry is a satanic sham.
Yes. They are obsessed with the law, as the pharisees in jesus's day. Controlling the law is ultimate control. Freemasonry is a satanic sham.
Rubbish. Read the link, it has nothing to do with control of the law. You are obsessed and clearly misunderstand actual English.
Rubbish. Read the link, it has nothing to do with control of the law. You are obsessed and clearly misunderstand actual English.

You are obviously believing the cover story of a satanic power hungry organization that pulls the string behind all the worlds atrocities.

Ever wonder why there are so many jewish lawyer? "JUSTICE", the noachide laws. or Knight Laws if you will, martial law. Global fascism.
You are obviously believing the cover story of a satanic power hungry organization that pulls the string behind all the worlds atrocities.

Ever wonder why there are so many jewish lawyer? "JUSTICE", the noachide laws. or Knight Laws if you will, martial law. Global fascism.
And with that... I'll leave you to your misery.
Freemasonry is not a conspiracy theory. They're a real organization, that everyone knows pulls the levers on the back of the machine. Why are you people carrying water for these asshats? You're rather go back to your bickering about R versus D ? Such a waste.
Freemasonry is not a conspiracy theory. They're a real organization, that everyone knows pulls the levers on the back of the machine. Why are you people carrying water for these asshats? You're rather go back to your bickering about R versus D ? Such a waste.
LOL. I never said they don't exist. I have stated clearly that they do not control the world. That belief is, in fact, a Conspiracy Theory.
LOL. I never said they don't exist. I have stated clearly that they do not control the world. That belief is, in fact, a Conspiracy Theory.

How many powerful people have to be masons before you realize there's something to it? It is a conspiracy fact.
How many powerful people have to be masons before you realize there's something to it? It is a conspiracy fact.
No it isn't. It is a theory. I can create the same kind of theory using Christians... There are so many among the government that it must be a Conspiracy.
No it isn't. It is a theory. I can create the same kind of theory using Christians... There are so many among the government that it must be a Conspiracy.

No, it is a fact. Freemasons run this shit.

What you call christianity has also been corrupted by masons. So when you tried to do the same with christians, it will still point to masons.
No, it is a fact. Freemasons run this shit.

What you call christianity has also been corrupted by masons. So when you tried to do the same with christians, it will still point to masons.
LOL. Then I'll use Buddhists, there are enough governments run by them...

Or I'll use Atheists, who most definitively are not freemasons. There are enough of them in government to make anybody pause, if you use your "facts".

Or we can use, redheads. They run the world. There are so many in the government, THEY RUN THE WORLD!!!

Secksi and so powerful!
Umm, just watched another show on freemasons, and found out that Agnostics and Atheists are not allowed in there.