Morons in space.


New member
You have probably heard about the rocket they want to send to the moon. It is apparently a test run to do such a mission with humans. To land on the moon. From what I hear, they would like to set up a permanent base there. For what. There isn't anything on the moon that's worth having. Because it's radioactive as hell. Also, obviously from having evolved on Earth, neither humans or any other Earth creature will thrive in the moons low gravity.

Even worse, they say that they want to use the moon as a stepping stone to Mars. They also want to set up a permanent base there. In that regard, they're being Elon Musk stupid. No creature that evolved on Earth will thrive in Mars low gravity either. And again, there isn't anything on Mars worth having. I can see having bases on both the moon and Mars for people to temporarily stay at to do research. Just as they do in the space station. But to attempt to live there long term is about the most moronic thing I've ever heard. The very worst place on Earth is FAR better than anyplace else in the solar system. And the very worst place on earth is FAR easier and cheaper to get to. Not only that, there is air to breathe!
You have probably heard about the rocket they want to send to the moon. It is apparently a test run to do such a mission with humans. To land on the moon. From what I hear, they would like to set up a permanent base there. For what. There isn't anything on the moon that's worth having. Because it's radioactive as hell. Also, obviously from having evolved on Earth, neither humans or any other Earth creature will thrive in the moons low gravity.

Even worse, they say that they want to use the moon as a stepping stone to Mars. They also want to set up a permanent base there. In that regard, they're being Elon Musk stupid. No creature that evolved on Earth will thrive in Mars low gravity either. And again, there isn't anything on Mars worth having. I can see having bases on both the moon and Mars for people to temporarily stay at to do research. Just as they do in the space station. But to attempt to live there long term is about the most moronic thing I've ever heard. The very worst place on Earth is FAR better than anyplace else in the solar system. And the very worst place on earth is FAR easier and cheaper to get to. Not only that, there is air to breathe!


The moon is radioactive? Fuck, that might be the dumbest thing I've EVER heard on this forum. Everyone knows it's made of green cheese.

You have to be putting us on. No one is this fucking stupid.

The moon is radioactive? Fuck, that might be the dumbest thing I've EVER heard on this forum. Everyone knows it's made of green cheese.

You have to be putting us on. No one is this fucking stupid.

That is what I heard from one of the astronauts who was on the moon. When taking radiation readings at their landing site he exclaimed, "This place is about to melt!" Of course he wasn't being completely serious. But no doubt it was highly radioactive. After all, it basically has an unshielded fusion reactor shining down on it. So, any more insults, moron.

The moon is radioactive? Fuck, that might be the dumbest thing I've EVER heard on this forum. Everyone knows it's made of green cheese.

You have to be putting us on. No one is this fucking stupid.

That is my suspicion.
That is what I heard from one of the astronauts who was on the moon. When taking radiation readings at their landing site he exclaimed, "This place is about to melt!" Of course he wasn't being completely serious. But no doubt it was highly radioactive. After all, it basically has an unshielded fusion reactor shining down on it. So, any more insults, moron.

That might mean that the Sun is radioactive, but the Moon is not....IDIOT.
That is what I heard from one of the astronauts who was on the moon. When taking radiation readings at their landing site he exclaimed, "This place is about to melt!" Of course he wasn't being completely serious. But no doubt it was highly radioactive. After all, it basically has an unshielded fusion reactor shining down on it. So, any more insults, moron.

That story is total bullshit.

And you are the dumbest fucking moron to grace this forum, and that's a high bar.
Jesus people!!!

I fucking hate it when people jump all over someone for something.
Especially when they have not got a fucking clue what they are talking about.

Concart and Hawkeye10 - did you two consider looking up this before you condemn the guy for typing it?
Obviously not.

reletor is right.
The Moon is AT LEAST 200 times more radioactive than Earth.

You two owe him/her an apology.

Now let's see if you two have enough decency to offer it?

For fuck's sakes people.
It's common knowledge that once you leave the Earth's protective atmosphere, that it is more radioactive in space.
Why the Hell do you think it is more radioactive near the poles (where the atmosphere is thinner)?
Or it is more radioactive to fly in an aircraft than standing on Earth?
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That story is total bullshit.

And you are the dumbest fucking moron to grace this forum, and that's a high bar.

And what a total fuckwit you are. Though it has been some time, that's what I heard one of the astronauts on the moon said. It may have even been what I heard one of the astronauts on the moon saying while it was going on. As I said, it has been some time. But apparently, the whole thing has been scrubbed from the internet. "Just as your brain has been scrubbed clean by brainwashing) Without a doubt, of all the tests they did on the moon, that would have been the number one most important test they could have done. And without a doubt, they did so. Even "if" my memory of it is foggy, they still must have taken such readings. But as I said, I could find no mention of it on the internet. Probably because the government wanted and still wants to promote travel to the moon. So they didn't want what the astronauts found on the moon in that regard to be known. Now, I just can't wait for your next insult. Coming from somebody so stupid, they're pretty funny.
And what a total fuckwit you are. Though it has been some time, that's what I heard one of the astronauts on the moon said. It may have even been what I heard one of the astronauts on the moon saying while it was going on. As I said, it has been some time. But apparently, the whole thing has been scrubbed from the internet. "Just as your brain has been scrubbed clean by brainwashing) Without a doubt, of all the tests they did on the moon, that would have been the number one most important test they could have done. And without a doubt, they did so. Even "if" my memory of it is foggy, they still must have taken such readings. But as I said, I could find no mention of it on the internet. Probably because the government wanted and still wants to promote travel to the moon. So they didn't want what the astronauts found on the moon in that regard to be known. Now, I just can't wait for your next insult. Coming from somebody so stupid, they're pretty funny.

ROTFLMFAO!!! So, only YOU know that the moon is radioactive, because you have a secret source. Fuck, it's just remarkable what an absolute fucking dumb shit you are.
Jesus people!!!

I fucking hate it when people jump all over someone for something.
Especially when they have not got a fucking clue what they are talking about.

Concart and Hawkeye10 - did you two consider looking up this before you condemn the guy for typing it?
Obviously not.

reletor is right.
The Moon is AT LEAST 200 times more radioactive than Earth.

You two owe him/her an apology.

To be fair, con-cart was a little right. I remember hearing or hearing of one of the astronauts on the moon saying of radiation levels there, "This place is about to melt!" But in looking around on the internet, I couldn't find anything about any of the astronauts on the moon having said that. In fact, I can't find anything about any of the astronauts on the moon having taken readings of the radiation levels there. When surely they must have. Not only is it the most important thing to themselves personally they could have taken readings of, but taking such readings was their whole purpose for going there. Aside from collecting lunar samples or putting up a flag.
ROTFLMFAO!!! So, only YOU know that the moon is radioactive, because you have a secret source. Fuck, it's just remarkable what an absolute fucking dumb shit you are.

You know, you don't have to keep proving to me how much you suck. I get it already!!! Unless you simply don't have anything better to do. But then, that would just make you pathetic.
To be fair, con-cart was a little right. I remember hearing or hearing of one of the astronauts on the moon saying of radiation levels there, "This place is about to melt!" But in looking around on the internet, I couldn't find anything about any of the astronauts on the moon having said that. In fact, I can't find anything about any of the astronauts on the moon having taken readings of the radiation levels there. When surely they must have. Not only is it the most important thing to themselves personally they could have taken readings of, but taking such readings was their whole purpose for going there. Aside from collecting lunar samples or putting up a flag.

Well, that's nice of you to let them off a bit.

But it pisses me off when people start making fun of someone when they have no fucking idea what they are talking about.

Like I typed - it's fucking common knowledge that the farther you get from he Earth's surface - the more radioactive it is.
Why would the Moon NOT be much more radioactive with no atmosphere to protect it?

As for the astronauts?
I doubt they honestly did not realize that it was radioactive on the Moon.
They probably just said that to make space travel seem 'nicer' to the ignorant masses.
You know, you don't have to keep proving to me how much you suck. I get it already!!! Unless you simply don't have anything better to do. But then, that would just make you pathetic.

Concart seems to hate everyone who is not a lefty and/or thinks the sun shines out of his ass.

He has so far bragged about how a) powerful he is.
b) how rich he is.
c) and how 'incredibly hot' his wife is.
Jesus people!!!

I fucking hate it when people jump all over someone for something.
Especially when they have not got a fucking clue what they are talking about.

Concart and Hawkeye10 - did you two consider looking up this before you condemn the guy for typing it?
Obviously not.

reletor is right.
The Moon is AT LEAST 200 times more radioactive than Earth.

You two owe him/her an apology.

Now let's see if you two have enough decency to offer it?

For fuck's sakes people.
It's common knowledge that once you leave the Earth's protective atmosphere, that it is more radioactive in space.
Why the Hell do you think it is more radioactive near the poles (where the atmosphere is thinner)?
Or it is more radioactive to fly in an aircraft than standing on Earth?

No, I don't. The moon is bombarded by radiation, but it is NOT radioactive. That radiation comes from the sun. Suggesting otherwise is galactically stupid.
Concart seems to hate everyone who is not a lefty and/or thinks the sun shines out of his ass.

He has so far bragged about how a) powerful he is.
b) how rich he is.
c) and how 'incredibly hot' his wife is.

I think I told you that jealously will get you nowhere. The moon is not radioactive. That statement is utterly fucking stupid. Period.
No, I don't. The moon is bombarded by radiation, but it is NOT radioactive. That radiation comes from the sun. Suggesting otherwise is galactically stupid.

That is the most pathetic cop out I have seen on here in a LONG TIME.
The surface of the Moon is 200 times more radioactive than on Earth.
What fucking difference does it make if the radiation is from the Sun or from the Moon itself?

Reletor's point was that it is VERY radioactive on the Moon.
And it is.
He NEVER specified what was the source of the radiation.


You were caught yelling at reletor over something that you are 100% wrong on.
And you simply do not have the guts to admit it.
So you made up this lame shit.

You have no honor.

You are nothing but a common troll.

We are done here.
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Finally, when someone says 'that is radioactive'?
Does it mean that the object is the source of the radiation?
Or does it means that the object/area emits/contains a lot of radiation?

Think hard?
The question is rhetorical because the answer is obvious.
The latter - again, WELL DUH!!!

And I am wasting no more time on you two until you both apologize to reletor for making fun of him for being 100% accurate.

Concart already copped out.

Let's see if Hawkeye10 does (I have higher hopes in him - let's see if I am wrong).
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You have probably heard about the rocket they want to send to the moon. It is apparently a test run to do such a mission with humans. To land on the moon. From what I hear, they would like to set up a permanent base there. For what. There isn't anything on the moon that's worth having. Because it's radioactive as hell. Also, obviously from having evolved on Earth, neither humans or any other Earth creature will thrive in the moons low gravity.

Even worse, they say that they want to use the moon as a stepping stone to Mars. They also want to set up a permanent base there. In that regard, they're being Elon Musk stupid. No creature that evolved on Earth will thrive in Mars low gravity either. And again, there isn't anything on Mars worth having. I can see having bases on both the moon and Mars for people to temporarily stay at to do research. Just as they do in the space station. But to attempt to live there long term is about the most moronic thing I've ever heard. The very worst place on Earth is FAR better than anyplace else in the solar system. And the very worst place on earth is FAR easier and cheaper to get to. Not only that, there is air to breathe!

BTW, I generally agree with you.

This SLS launch to the Moon seems a COMPLETE waste of taxpayer money.

We have been there.
What the fuck is the point in going back?

If this was privately funded - I would be all for it.
Though I still would not understand it.
But it's their money.

But forking over billions to go back to the Moon?
With every American footing the bill?
Whilst America is $30 trillion in debt?
And running trillion+ dollar deficits?
That is the most pathetic cop out I have seen on here in a LONG TIME.
The surface of the Moon is 200 times more radioactive than on Earth.
What fucking difference does it make if the radiation is from the Sun or from the Moon itself?

Reletor's point was that it is VERY radioactive on the Moon.
And it is.
He NEVER specified what was the source of the radiation.


You were caught yelling at reletor over something that you are 100% wrong on.
And you simply do not have the guts to admit it.
So you made up this lame shit.

You have no honor.

You are nothing but a common troll.

We are done here.

"The moon is radioactive"

Maybe try reading, eh little fella?

If you 'have not time' for me, why do you keep writing a book every time I post?

I own you.