Morons in space.

Finally, when someone says 'that is radioactive'?
Does it mean that the object is the source of the radiation?
Or does it means that the object/area emits/contains a lot of radiation?

Think hard?
The question is rhetorical because the answer is obvious.
The latter - again, WELL DUH!!!

And I am wasting no more time on you two until you both apologize to reletor for making fun of him for being 100% accurate.

Concart already copped out.

Let's see if Hawkeye10 does (I have higher hopes in him - let's see if I am wrong).

No, it is not rhetorical. The correct answer is the former. Period, end of story. For an object to be radioactive it must be in an unstable state. That is a fact. It's called science. You are imprecise and sloppy. That's your problem, not mine.
No, it is not rhetorical. The correct answer is the former. Period, end of story. For an object to be radioactive it must be in an unstable state. That is a fact. It's called science. You are imprecise and sloppy. That's your problem, not mine.

To summarize...

several people (Concart especially. And Hawkeye10 as well.) tore the SHIT out of reletor for typing the following about the Moon:
'Because it's radioactive as hell'.

And lookie?
It IS 'radioactive as Hell' on the Moon.

Yet these two decided to rake the guy over the coals for saying something that was 100% TRUTHFUL.

I think this thread tells us all we need to know about these two.
Especially Concart - who refuses to even consider apologizing for his erroneous remarks/trolling.
And then he tries some INCREDIBLY lame 'well, the Moon itself is not the source of the radiation' excuse.
:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: we know (those whom did not know already).

That Concart is a troll.
He takes NO responsibility when he gets it wrong.
And is clearly only here to stir up shit.
And insult people he dislikes.
Whether that insult is true or not.

This is what his life has come down to.
Trolling on chat forums.
What a legacy!!!

Have a nice day, all.
To summarize...

several people (Concart especially. And Hawkeye10 as well.) tore the SHIT out of reletor for typing the following about the Moon:
'Because it's radioactive as hell'.
Proving you know as much about the Moon as you do drones. LOL

The problem isn't the Moon, dumbass, it's mainly solar radiation along with cosmic rays. Read your own link.
To summarize...

several people (Concart especially. And Hawkeye10 as well.) tore the SHIT out of reletor for typing the following about the Moon:
'Because it's radioactive as hell'.

And lookie?
It IS 'radioactive as Hell' on the Moon.

Yet these two decided to rake the guy over the coals for saying something that was 100% TRUTHFUL.

I think this thread tells us all we need to know about these two.
Especially Concart - who refuses to even consider apologizing for his erroneous remarks/trolling.
And then he tries some INCREDIBLY lame 'well, the Moon itself is not the source of the radiation' excuse.
:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: we know (those whom did not know already).

That Concart is a troll.
He takes NO responsibility when he gets it wrong.
And is clearly only here to stir up shit.
And insult people he dislikes.
Whether that insult is true or not.

This is what his life has come down to.
Trolling on chat forums.
What a legacy!!!

Have a nice day, all.

So… Christmas card this year?
You have probably heard about the rocket they want to send to the moon. It is apparently a test run to do such a mission with humans. To land on the moon. From what I hear, they would like to set up a permanent base there. For what. There isn't anything on the moon that's worth having. Because it's radioactive as hell. Also, obviously from having evolved on Earth, neither humans or any other Earth creature will thrive in the moons low gravity.

Even worse, they say that they want to use the moon as a stepping stone to Mars. They also want to set up a permanent base there. In that regard, they're being Elon Musk stupid. No creature that evolved on Earth will thrive in Mars low gravity either. And again, there isn't anything on Mars worth having. I can see having bases on both the moon and Mars for people to temporarily stay at to do research. Just as they do in the space station. But to attempt to live there long term is about the most moronic thing I've ever heard. The very worst place on Earth is FAR better than anyplace else in the solar system. And the very worst place on earth is FAR easier and cheaper to get to. Not only that, there is air to breathe!

There was no reason to round the Cape of Good Hope, we were fine where we were.
Well, that's nice of you to let them off a bit.

But it pisses me off when people start making fun of someone when they have no fucking idea what they are talking about.

Like I typed - it's fucking common knowledge that the farther you get from he Earth's surface - the more radioactive it is.
Why would the Moon NOT be much more radioactive with no atmosphere to protect it?

As for the astronauts?
I doubt they honestly did not realize that it was radioactive on the Moon.
They probably just said that to make space travel seem 'nicer' to the ignorant masses.

Yeah, I have become pretty used to many people being jerks. So it doesn't phase me much. But if they get too bad, it's off to ignore land for them. But getting back to the radiation in space, it'a a pretty big obstacle to overcome. And for sure nothing to be taken lightly. But an even bigger problem is the low gravity on the noon and mars. Living there permanently wouldn't be good. Even here in Earth in our gravity people often feel the need to exercise to keep healthy. When you're always in low gravity, I doubt if any amount of exercise will help.

There is yet another problem. I have heard that living in a confined space for a long time can drive you crazy. I have heard this point brought up concerning those who have even nice luxury survival shelters underground. Because after spending long enough in a place with limited places to go and things to do, they might eventually find themselves wishing that they had died instead. And Elon Musk wants to set up a permanent base on Mars? I don't think he has put much thought into it.
Concart seems to hate everyone who is not a lefty and/or thinks the sun shines out of his ass.

He has so far bragged about how a) powerful he is.
b) how rich he is.
c) and how 'incredibly hot' his wife is.

I figured his douchbaggery must have been pretty extensive.
No, I don't. The moon is bombarded by radiation, but it is NOT radioactive. That radiation comes from the sun. Suggesting otherwise is galactically stupid.

The sun spews out radioactive particles of all sorts. When they hit the moon, they stick. And if they are high speed sub atomic particles, anything solid they hit will cause radiation by itself. If it wasn't for our magnetic field, life on Earth probably wouldn't be possible. So, for increasing your intelligence in this regard, I wonder what your next insult is going to be.
That is the most pathetic cop out I have seen on here in a LONG TIME.
The surface of the Moon is 200 times more radioactive than on Earth.
What fucking difference does it make if the radiation is from the Sun or from the Moon itself?

Reletor's point was that it is VERY radioactive on the Moon.
And it is.
He NEVER specified what was the source of the radiation.


You were caught yelling at reletor over something that you are 100% wrong on.
And you simply do not have the guts to admit it.
So you made up this lame shit.

You have no honor.

You are nothing but a common troll.

We are done here.

I wonder what con-cart would make of this website.,times as radioactive as the surface of Earth.
BTW, I generally agree with you.

This SLS launch to the Moon seems a COMPLETE waste of taxpayer money.

We have been there.
What the fuck is the point in going back?

If this was privately funded - I would be all for it.
Though I still would not understand it.
But it's their money.

But forking over billions to go back to the Moon?
With every American footing the bill?
Whilst America is $30 trillion in debt?
And running trillion+ dollar deficits?

Maybe this reply would be best suited for the conspiracy theory section. But I have no doubt that the U.S. is at least secretly experimenting with certain types of extraterrestrial spacecraft propulsion. Does that mean that I think Bob Lazar was telling the truth? Not especially. But I can't completely discount what he says either. Also, I watched a couple interesting documentaries. One was "Unacknowledged." The other was a sort of follow up documentary called, "Close encounters of the fifth kind." I can't remember in which one it was, but they showed what they claimed to be a bit of film from Nazi Germany showing a Nazi flying saucer flying over the ground. Is it real? I wouldn't say it is impossible.

The thing is that the U.S. probably has access to such technology. It probably isn't nearly as advanced as what the extraterrestrials themselves use. But it is more than enough to make getting around with rockets a complete waste of time and money.
There was no reason to round the Cape of Good Hope, we were fine where we were.

Space travel and sailing around the Earth are two completely different things. Also, they did have good reason to sail around the cape of good hope. To get to India and other places where spices could be found. Spices that would fetch a very good price in Europe.
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Space travel and sailing around the Earth ate two completely different things. Also, they did have good reason to sail around the cape of good hope. To get to India and other places where spices could be found. Spices that would fetch a very good price in Europe.

If you weren't such a dumbass, you'd be dangerous, limey.

Space has resources; specifically asteroid mining. Some medicines can only be made in a near zero g environment. There's a lot of money to be made in space. Of course, all dumbasses prefer to stay home, work at a factory and jerk off.
If you weren't such a dumbass, you'd be dangerous, limey.

Space has resources; specifically asteroid mining. Some medicines can only be made in a near zero g environment. There's a lot of money to be made in space. Of course, all dumbasses prefer to stay home, work at a factory and jerk off.

Well 'duh' there are things that can only be made in space.
But that does not mean it is economical to do so.

And 'hello'?
There is very little 'stuff' on the Moon that is remotely worth going to get.
And anything made in zero gravity can be made in orbit.
You do not need to go to the fucking moon to do it.

The entire SLS trip to the Moon is utter nonsense and an utter waste of taxpayers money.
But being you are on the left - which these days stands for the government spending as MUCH AS POSSIBLE - you would probably not care about that.
You have probably heard about the rocket they want to send to the moon. It is apparently a test run to do such a mission with humans. To land on the moon. From what I hear, they would like to set up a permanent base there. For what. There isn't anything on the moon that's worth having. Because it's radioactive as hell. Also, obviously from having evolved on Earth, neither humans or any other Earth creature will thrive in the moons low gravity.

Even worse, they say that they want to use the moon as a stepping stone to Mars. They also want to set up a permanent base there. In that regard, they're being Elon Musk stupid. No creature that evolved on Earth will thrive in Mars low gravity either. And again, there isn't anything on Mars worth having. I can see having bases on both the moon and Mars for people to temporarily stay at to do research. Just as they do in the space station. But to attempt to live there long term is about the most moronic thing I've ever heard. The very worst place on Earth is FAR better than anyplace else in the solar system. And the very worst place on earth is FAR easier and cheaper to get to. Not only that, there is air to breathe!

I cannot believe I am saying this, but you are not completely wrong. The very worst place on the surface of the Earth is far better than anyplace else in the known universe. There is air, and even if there was not air, there is the right gravity here. And all our stuff is here, no need to transport stuff to other planets.

There is a better argument for an unmanned space program. We can explore the universe without spending money on shipping humans around the universe, or risking human lives. I am still for the manned space program, because it inspires us to do great things, but I admit the argument for it is weak.

A few things I disagree with in your post. The Moon is not "radioactive." I think you mean solar radiation is not deflected by the Earth's magnetic field on the Moon. The solar radiation is even deflected in Earth orbit for satellites, but not as far away as the Moon. There is a huge amount of valuable scientific information we can get from the Moon and from Mars. There may well be stuff of economic value we can get with a space program that goes to the Moon and beyond. And we gain economically from the advancements we make in having a space program.
Well 'duh' there are things that can only be made in space.
But that does not mean it is economical to do so.

And 'hello'?
There is very little 'stuff' on the Moon that is remotely worth going to get.
And anything made in zero gravity can be made in orbit.
You do not need to go to the fucking moon to do it.

The entire SLS trip to the Moon is utter nonsense and an utter waste of taxpayers money.
But being you are on the left - which these days stands for the government spending as MUCH AS POSSIBLE - you would probably not care about that.

The Earth needs groundhogs too, McRicket. :thup:

I forgive your lies because I know you are young and ignorant, son. :)

How about they solve the problems here on earth, global warming, draught, hunger, clean water, fires, and health issues. After that they can waste money on a Moon or Mars vacation.
I cannot believe I am saying this, but you are not completely wrong. The very worst place on the surface of the Earth is far better than anyplace else in the known universe. There is air, and even if there was not air, there is the right gravity here. And all our stuff is here, no need to transport stuff to other planets.

There is a better argument for an unmanned space program. We can explore the universe without spending money on shipping humans around the universe, or risking human lives. I am still for the manned space program, because it inspires us to do great things, but I admit the argument for it is weak.

A few things I disagree with in your post. The Moon is not "radioactive." I think you mean solar radiation is not deflected by the Earth's magnetic field on the Moon. The solar radiation is even deflected in Earth orbit for satellites, but not as far away as the Moon. There is a huge amount of valuable scientific information we can get from the Moon and from Mars. There may well be stuff of economic value we can get with a space program that goes to the Moon and beyond. And we gain economically from the advancements we make in having a space program.

No. I am completely right. I said the worst place on Earth is far better than anyplace in the solar system. In speaking of the solar system, I wasn't speaking of the universe in general. There are probably planets elsewhere that are at least equally as good as the Earth. But that brings up another issue. We are not in fact bacteria. Or some sort of spore. Having science and technology, we must hold ourselves to a higher ethical standard. (Unfortunately, not much of that is going on) We have no right to infect the ecological system of some other life bearing planet with our presence. If extraterrestrials did that, humans would have probably never come into existence. Very likely, neither would dinosaurs have. Next, if something is exposed to radiation, it becomes radioactive. There are alpha particles, beta particles and even cosmic rays that teat atoms apart that hit the moon. Atoms that have been smashed by cosmic rays become radioactive.

Next, I spoke to somebody else about the probability that humans are capable of using a sort of extraterrestrial space drive. But it is above top secret. One person who used to be the head of the Lockheed Skunk Works said once that we now have the technology to take ET home. I don't doubt it. So where does that put our primitive space program? An expensive distraction from far more important issues.
How about they solve the problems here on earth, global warming, draught, hunger, clean water, fires, and health issues. After that they can waste money on a Moon or Mars vacation.

A distraction with a space program is FAR cheaper.