Morons in space.

No. I am completely right. I said the worst place on Earth is far better than anyplace in the solar system. In speaking of the solar system, I wasn't speaking of the universe in general. There are probably planets elsewhere that are at least equally as good as the Earth. But that brings up another issue. We are not in fact bacteria. Or some sort of spore. Having science and technology, we must hold ourselves to a higher ethical standard. (Unfortunately, not much of that is going on) We have no right to infect the ecological system of some other life bearing planet with our presence. If extraterrestrials did that, humans would have probably never come into existence. Very likely, neither would dinosaurs have. Next, if something is exposed to radiation, it becomes radioactive. There are alpha particles, beta particles and even cosmic rays that teat atoms apart that hit the moon. Atoms that have been smashed by cosmic rays become radioactive.

Next, I spoke to somebody else about the probability that humans are capable of using a sort of extraterrestrial space drive. But it is above top secret. One person who used to be the head of the Lockheed Skunk Works said once that we now have the technology to take ET home. I don't doubt it. So where does that put our primitive space program? An expensive distraction from far more important issues.

Civilization is deep into regression, this is a Dark Age, we cant even live together on Earth were the living is easy....there is zero chance that we can live together in space or on some desolate rock with no atmosphere fit for humans....we are not up to that.

The British beat us to it...
Civilization is deep into regression, this is a Dark Age, we cant even live together on Earth were the living is easy....there is zero chance that we can live together in space or on some desolate rock with no atmosphere fit for humans....we are not up to that.

We could live together a hell of a lot easier if we were all the same species of human. But apart from Japan or China, there isn't a lot of that kind of society that exists any more. Next, as I said before, the lack of an atmosphere isn't the worst of it. The worst of it would being expected to live in a low gravity that isn't good for us. I would have to look it up again to be sure, but I'm pretty sure that not even plants grow well in a low gravity.
We could live together a hell of a lot easier if we were all the same species of human. But apart from Japan or China, there isn't a lot of that kind of society that exists any more. Next, as I said before, the lack of an atmosphere isn't the worst of it. The worst of it would being expected to live in a low gravity that isn't good for us. I would have to look it up again to be sure, but I'm pretty sure that not even plants grow well in a low gravity.

We are all the same species, dumbass...although I'm willing to consider monarchist losers like you a retarded form humanity.