"Moses" dead

I felt bad when I read it on my front page this morning. I felt bad because I chuckled when I read it. That made me feel bad for laughing at a mans death.

He had a very long very happy life. He was a very lucky man. He was a mediocre actor and a not so nice person from all I could tell. He was very lucky.
Really Desh....mediocre eh'

I felt bad when I read it on my front page this morning. I felt bad because I chuckled when I read it. That made me feel bad for laughing at a mans death.

He had a very long very happy life. He was a very lucky man. He was a mediocre actor and a not so nice person from all I could tell. He was very lucky.

and by the way you just dished a man who walked beside and supported MLK back in the sixtees...your hackery is so telling!
Yes he was a mediocre actor.

I did not say he was a horrible person just not so nice a person.

Im sure he did do some good things in his life.

He was a very lucky man.
Whatever Desh.............

Yes he was a mediocre actor.

I did not say he was a horrible person just not so nice a person.

Im sure he did do some good things in his life.

He was a very lucky man.

you are so qualified to give a impression of ones ability to act...and what movies have you been in and what awards do you have???? You are nothing but a political hack...you go goo goo over BAC's BS...then attack a real person who did real deeds...go back to sleep desh!
BB your approval means nothing to anyone with a lick of sense.

You have so little of my respect that Heston had more of it.

BAC it 1000's time the human being that you are as is nearly every poster on this board.

BB your approval means nothing to anyone with a lick of sense.

You have so little of my respect that Heston had more of it.

BAC it 1000's time the human being that you are as is nearly every poster on this board.

whatever you say Ms...Banned from alot of boards...get a clue already...you are a fraud as is BAC et al...
I was banned form one board and still frequent many boards with no problems.

The board I was banned from is run by a guy just like you.
Really Desh.........?

I was banned form one board and still frequent many boards with no problems.

The board I was banned from is run by a guy just like you.

that could be disputed...however Jim is a fair guy...he even banned me...did I get mad no!...we are still friends...you have none...well except maybe the likes of the frauds who frequent numerous forums with their false outrage!;)

your school yard taunts are fricking boring dude.
BB insults:
"Neener, neener, neener no one likes you except the smart kids who tease me."
Is this desh or what....?


your school yard taunts are fricking boring dude.
BB insults:
"Neener, neener, neener no one likes you except the smart kids who tease me."

I dedicate a amateur spoof from the Grease Movie..."Beauty School Dropout' to desh...she is such a amateur when it comes to debate and politics...sing the song Deshee poo!

Charlton Heston was a douchebag.
He lived a long time.
A lot of douchebags do.
Now he's dead.
May we all live so long, douchebags or no.
I felt bad when I read it on my front page this morning. I felt bad because I chuckled when I read it. That made me feel bad for laughing at a mans death.

He had a very long very happy life. He was a very lucky man. He was a mediocre actor and a not so nice person from all I could tell. He was very lucky.


Charlton Heston was a douchebag.
He lived a long time.
A lot of douchebags do.
Now he's dead.
May we all live so long, douchebags or no.
Exactly what made him a douche bag, or "a not so nice person"? The fact that he (gasp) held to and acted on a differing set of political philosophies than you?

As has been pointed out, he strongly supported civil rights in the 60s. He has also support many other human rights issues through the years.

He was a strong opponent to the war in Viet Nam.

He was a strong proponent of education and after school and summer youth programs. He contributed quite a bit of money as well as time to after school programs for disadvantaged youth.

He was a religious person, and did a lot of cameos for religious films aimed at youth.

And, of course, he made the unpardonable mistake of supporting 2nd Amendment rights and became a leader of the dreaded NRA.

But I guess in some people's world, "if you aren't for us 100% of the time, you're a douche bag."

Are all liberals here as pathetic as these two mindless twits?

Exactly what made him a douche bag, or "a not so nice person"? The fact that he (gasp) held to and acted on a differing set of political philosophies than you?

As has been pointed out, he strongly supported civil rights in the 60s. He has also support many other human rights issues through the years.

He was a strong opponent to the war in Viet Nam.

He was a strong proponent of education and after school and summer youth programs. He contributed quite a bit of money as well as time to after school programs for disadvantaged youth.

He was a religious person, and did a lot of cameos for religious films aimed at youth.

And, of course, he made the unpardonable mistake of supporting 2nd Amendment rights and became a leader of the dreaded NRA.

But I guess in some people's world, "if you aren't for us 100% of the time, you're a douche bag."

Are all liberals here as pathetic as these two mindless twits?

He became quite conservative in his later years...opposing affirmative action, crying about "Racism" directed at whites, and supporting the Republican party, including the one who got us into this war. You remember this war right?

But it's sweet that you hark back 40 years to present his then-liberal policies as evidence of his goodness.

Tell ya anything? Or are you too stupid to figure out what you just admitted?
Are we down on Heston because he faught to protect the 2nd Amendment from the despotic forces of fascism? Or is there some other reason. Anyway, Ben Hur, 10 Commandments and that film about the pirate, LaFitte at the Battle of Nawlins were all great films. Granted, he had his share of Soylent Greens and Omega Mans.