"Moses" dead

He became quite conservative in his later years...opposing affirmative action, crying about "Racism" directed at whites, and supporting the Republican party, including the one who got us into this war. You remember this war right?

But it's sweet that you hark back 40 years to present his then-liberal policies as evidence of his goodness.

Tell ya anything? Or are you too stupid to figure out what you just admitted?
He supported education and after school programs right up to the end, focusing in the last few years primarily on programs to aid under priviledged kids.

His last cameo for a religious movie aimed at youth was made only 3 years ago. He stopped due to health reasons.

Yes, he saw many things from the conservative side of political philosophy in later years. But I guess that makes him a douche bag. Heaven forbid anyone actually disagree with your kind of liberals. But then, there are a lot of people who view things from the conservative side of political philosophy. Am I to assume we are all douche bags?

As far as being a registered republican, yes he was. So are millions of other Americans. In fact, a majority of voters put Bush in office a second time. Are they all douche bags?

I am a registered republican myself. I guess that makes me a douche bag too. People like you in the democratic party are a primary reason I quit the democratic party. I was a staunch dem when I came back from Viet Nam, and continued to be a registered dem until half way through Carter's term in office. Then I was independent for a while, voting both sides of the aisle depending on the candidate. Then when the republicans won control of congress in 1994, I watched the democratic party get taken over by whiny crybabies like yourself. Your bitter hatred and intolerance of opposing views is worse than the republican "You're not a patriot if you don't support the war." bullshit, because it has been going on a lot longer, and is aimed at everything not endorsed by the democratic national party.

Your response does tell me one thing loud and clear. It tells me I was spot on in recognizing you as a mindless twit.
Anyone ever notice the link between alzheimers and conservatism?

That's probably why the conservatives are so opposed to stem cell research, they don't want to see their base be cured.
[ame="http://justplainpolitics.com/showthread.php?t=7760"]Grinds 2008 Picks for People who will Die - Just Plain Politics![/ame]

Make that 2.
Are we down on Heston because he faught to protect the 2nd Amendment from the despotic forces of fascism? Or is there some other reason. Anyway, Ben Hur, 10 Commandments and that film about the pirate, LaFitte at the Battle of Nawlins were all great films. Granted, he had his share of Soylent Greens and Omega Mans.
He was great in "Ben Hur." (I guess that's why he won an Oscar.) He was darn good in 10 Commandments. He made a great John the Baptist in "Greatest Story Ever Told". I also liked him in "El Cid" and "Julius Caesar". Soylent Green was a crappy movie, period. His portrayal of Captain Matthew Garth in the movie "Midway" was lousy.

Never saw "The Buccaneer." Guess I have time now that I'm retired; if I can find it.

Of course, by the standards of today, his style is probably considered overly dramatic. But by the standards of the time, dramatic was the desired style, and Heston pulled it off quite well.

Speaking of overly dramatic, what's with the liberals on this BBS?
"But then, there are a lot of people who view things from the conservative side of political philosophy. Am I to assume we are all douche bags?"


Anyone ever notice the link between alzheimers and conservatism?

That's probably why the conservatives are so opposed to stem cell research, they don't want to see their base be cured.

All the Time WM. I think most of Billo's viewers draw SS.

I think they like him becuase he is about the only one who yells loud enough for them to hear.
Hey get over it dude, I agree with most of what she says.
on the flip side, I agree with little that you say.

In any case sucking her stinky toes is much better than kissing bush's ass.
Hey get over it dude, I agree with most of what she says.
on the flip side, I agree with little that you say.

In any case sucking her stinky toes is much better than kissing bush's ass.

On the flipside I agree with little you say also...but I sure don't follow someone around the board and do childish kudos over and over and over again...get over it toe sucker!
On the flipside I agree with little you say also...but I sure don't follow someone around the board and do childish kudos over and over and over again...get over it toe sucker!

Naah you just follow a toe sucker around to insult them. I tend to insult Bush ass kissers.
Wrong Bison breath..........

Naah you just follow a toe sucker around to insult them. I tend to insult Bush ass kissers.

I only address darla and a couple of others when they drag BB into the thread...darla has a bad habit of including BB in a sacastic and viral snip albeit she states she has me on ignor....she just can't stop herself from being put in proper perspective...you are also taking this road to destruction...is she giving you one on one writing lessons...? Or do you just do it so you can taste her stinky toes?
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Hey the writing lessons would be a good idea, but to tell the truth I am not into a toe fetish thing. But it would still beat kissing Bush's ass.

Check with Damo on that, he is the board fetish expert. He gave up kissing Bush's butt long ago, whether he is into toes or not though ???

Hey the writing lessons would be a good idea, but to tell the truth I am not into a toe fetish thing. But it would still beat kissing Bush's ass.

Check with Damo on that, he is the board fetish expert. He gave up kissing Bush's butt long ago, whether he is into toes or not though ???

us cit...you are the one who drags GW into almost every thread...regardless of content...fyi GW is not running for office...you seem to have a fetish for his name though!