Most Admired Country on the Planet


Will work for Scooby snacks
I'd say Canada. Although, I haven't seen an international poll.

I think their viewed as a peaceful nation, a nation based on the rule of law, and a nation with a relatively progressive social conscience. Both domestically, and in foreign affairs.

Outside of Canadian special forces fighting in afghanistan, I don't think canada has ever been involved in offensive military action since world war two. I'm not aware of them supporting military coups in other countries, or actively supporting and financing some civil war somewhere.

I think they are always one of the top nations to send peacekeeping troops, to global hotspots.

And if recollection serves me, the prominent military memorial in Ottawa is dedciated to fallen Canadian peacekeeping troops - not to some war, or battle from somewhere.

Plus, those canuck mofo's make some damn good beer. :clink:
I'd probably say Switzerland might be tops on that list. The US goes up and down, but is never near the top because of our ability to force changes just by our strength, even when we aren't attempting to be hard-handed.
I'd probably say Switzerland might be tops on that list. The US goes up and down, but is never near the top because of our ability to force changes just by our strength, even when we aren't attempting to be hard-handed.

Except for their Nazi collaboration. That's a black eye on them. Didn't they keep Hitler's money in their banks? Or, maybe I'm wrong
Except for their Nazi collaboration. That's a black eye on them. Didn't they keep Hitler's money in their banks? Or, maybe I'm wrong
They did, but their neutrality pretty much required it. It is one of the things that I think they are admired for that "neutrality".
We have no respect for other nations soverenity.
We are the big bad dog who goes wherever we want.
In theory those subs are not supposed to have nukes if in NZ waters.
And it doesn't matter who is President either. We had to remove the little badges that showed radiation saturation when we went into NZ ports, and Clinton was President. Hence, again, my assertion that we are often heavy-handed even when we aren't purposefully so.
And it doesn't matter who is President either. We had to remove the little badges that showed radiation saturation when we went into NZ ports, and Clinton was President. Hence, again, my assertion that we are often heavy-handed even when we aren't purposefully so.

You were in the military under Clinton?
And it doesn't matter who is President either. We had to remove the little badges that showed radiation saturation when we went into NZ ports, and Clinton was President. Hence, again, my assertion that we are often heavy-handed even when we aren't purposefully so.

correct, the former USSR was not totally wrong about us.
Did the guys you served with refuse to salute him, or say they refused to consider him the commander in chief?
Often they were disgusted. Many of them refused to re-up because of him. They would have saluted him if they saw him, just as they would any officer that they didn't personally respect.
Often they were disgusted. Many of them refused to re-up because of him. They would have saluted him if they saw him, just as they would any officer that they didn't personally respect.

Now, was this attitude there all along, because he did not serve in Vietnam, and they considered him a draft-dodger, or was this because he cheated on his wife, which I know you can get kicked out of the military for?
It really depends what you're admiring.

For standard of living etc it's the same old suspects - Scandinavia, Canada and NZ.

Music - UK obviously, US an honourable second.

Hats - Close call between UK and US but both edged out by Morocco for the fez, a work of genius.

Drinking - Ireland, naturally.

Beaches - Australia

News Anchors/reporters with ridiculous names - USA all the way

Miscellaneous others:
Mexico's green beetle taxis are skill. Brazil for football. Iraq or Syria for moustaches. Iceland for the birds (don't take no notice of that Bjork sort).
Now, was this attitude there all along, because he did not serve in Vietnam, and they considered him a draft-dodger, or was this because he cheated on his wife, which I know you can get kicked out of the military for?
Well, I wasn't in during Monica. It was his letters and his general support for the military.

However, those of us in the Intel community would be particularly disgusted by the cheating on the wife thing. We'd not only get kicked out, but we woudl lose our clearances immediately and could actually go to prison for such activity.
Well, I wasn't in during Monica. It was his letters and his general support for the military.

However, those of us in the Intel community would be particularly disgusted by the cheating on the wife thing. We'd not only get kicked out, but we woudl lose our clearances immediately and could actually go to prison for such activity.


It was because he was a democrat.
Cause he was a demoncrat I think.
Armed forces radio carries Rush.

Oh, absotively.

They felt that way before the cheating? It was because they were told to hate him, because he was a "coward".

They saluted the coward W fast enough. Because they were told he was a tough guy.

Damo is going to start screaming any second, but there is no changing it, I knew it. I knew it.