Most Admired Country on the Planet

He never said that. I read the whole letter, too bad the guys in the military didn't, maybe they would have learned something.
There is limited access to news on a submarine, you get very little chance of reading an entire letter when correspondence is limited to 50 words to 5 people.

Look. I am just reporting here. It didn't matter to me, my job was the same regardless.
There is limited access to news on a submarine, you get very little chance of reading an entire letter when correspondence is limited to 50 words to 5 people.

Look. I am just reporting here. It didn't matter to me, my job was the same regardless.

It matters to me. What the Republican poopaganda machine has done to Democratic Americans is sickening.

But, worse, it is dangerous. Anytime you turn the military into the tool of only one party, make it representative of only one party, brainwash it that only one party is even American to begin with, that only one party is worth of being your commander in chief, you put Democracy at risk.

It is treasonous what these people have done.
It matters to me. What the Republican poopaganda machine has done to Democratic Americans is sickening.

But, worse, it is dangerous. Anytime you turn the military into the tool of only one party, make it representative of only one party, brainwash it that only one party is even American to begin with, that only one party is worth of being your commander in chief, you put Democracy at risk.

It is treasonous what these people have done.
The military are simply not enough to change a vote. Not even close, and believe me, when Clinton sent them somewhere they went and did the job they were meant to do.
It matters to me. What the Republican poopaganda machine has done to Democratic Americans is sickening.

But, worse, it is dangerous. Anytime you turn the military into the tool of only one party, make it representative of only one party, brainwash it that only one party is even American to begin with, that only one party is worth of being your commander in chief, you put Democracy at risk.

It is treasonous what these people have done.

A great big AMEN for Darla.
That still does not address the issue of the military being biased to one party.
This is a volunteer army, I've said it before, I will say it again. Most who join are predisposed to that party before they join. It has nothing to do with boot camp that they continue in that opinion afterward. In fact, there was nothing in my training in boot camp or afterward other than, "Obey Orders!"
Did the guys you served with refuse to salute him, or say they refused to consider him the commander in chief?

My 'bro was an officer in the Air Force throughout Clinton's first term, and in fact my 'bro voted for clinton. I don't see any reason why, in the early to mid 1990s, there was a valid reason to "hate" clinton. Other than some lies propagated by rightwing talk radio.
My 'bro was an officer in the Air Force throughout Clinton's first term, and in fact my 'bro voted for clinton. I don't see any reason why, in the early to mid 1990s, there was a valid reason to "hate" clinton. Other than some lies propagated by rightwing talk radio.

Rush pretty much single handedly turned the military against Democrats.
That still does not address the issue of the military being biased to one party.

Do you have any examples of the military not following Clinton's orders because they did not like him because he's a Democrat?

You're just pulling sh*t out of your *ss.

Maybe recruiting agencies should check potential soldiers political registration so that we have an equal number of Democrats, Republicans and Independents?
Once again you assume those in the military are just sheep without a mind.
Umm the Army does not actually encourage origional and independent thought.
Among the lower ranks anyway.
some of the tech support types must be different though.
Umm the Army does not actually encourage origional and independent thought.
Among the lower ranks anyway.
some of the tech support types must be different though.
They never once told me who to vote for either. This is retarded speculation. I never even heard of Rush Limbaugh until I was out of the military. You do not get Rush piped into submarines, and it certainly wasn't played in the NSA where I worked when I wasn't temp assigned to a sub.
The Army gets it in the field really well more than once a day I think.
Seems like cruel and unusual punishment to me.
check the schedule on armed forces radio.
Umm the Army does not actually encourage origional and independent thought.
Among the lower ranks anyway.
some of the tech support types must be different though.

You said it was because of Rush Limbaugh. Do they make you listen to three hours of Rush a day in basic training?