Most Admired Country on the Planet

Funny, we had a guy, maybe Cawacko will remember this, or maybe he only remembers stories about all of the cool black people he knows who are "onto the liberals" , posting on our other board, called Powerful. He was a big time libertarian. He despised bush.

He posted on numerous occasions that he would not let his superiors know his political feelings for fear of retribution.

So, gosh, I guess your personal experience cannot stand in for the experiences of millions of other people in the military and who have been in there. Who would have guessed?
So his one experience and his "fear of retribution" disregards that he never suggested that they "programmed" him into conservatism?
You want so desperately to hate the military that you accuse them here of something that isn't happening.
You want so desperately to hate the military that you accuse them here of something that isn't happening.


I don't hate the military. Stop being stupid.

Do I think they tend to be independent thinkers? Nah. Nor, are they preferred that way, and let's at least be honest about that.

I don't hate the military. Stop being stupid.

Do I think they tend to be independent thinkers? Nah. Nor, are they preferred that way, and let's at least be honest about that.
Actually, other than in certain situations you are taught, at least in the Navy you are, to actually think critically.

You don't hate the military yet you suggest that they are "programming" people to be conservatives and that because of it they are "traitors".

Thanks. I like being called a traitor. I can tell you love the military by the way you call them traitors.
In basic you are trained to do whatever told to do and not question it.
Only in certain situations. When in "A" school you are taught to think critically, well unless you are infantry. You can't fix a radio without critical thought.
Only in certain situations. When in "A" school you are taught to think critically, well unless you are infantry. You can't fix a radio without critical thought.
Yeah but you have to be trained to jump when told first. the navy is different from the Army I was told by my uncle and others.
Actually, other than in certain situations you are taught, at least in the Navy you are, to actually think critically.

You don't hate the military yet you suggest that they are "programming" people to be conservatives and that because of it they are "traitors".

Thanks. I like being called a traitor. I can tell you love the military by the way you call them traitors.

Once again, I said they are training them to believe that if you are NOT a conservative you are not a good American. Two different things.

Secondly, I don't think you, or "the military" as in the troops, are traitors, nor did I call you one.

I believe that the right wing machine, who has fostered this belief , and this atmosphere, like Limbaugh, like G Gordon Liddy, like the Republican Senator who said that he could not guarantee Bill Clinton's, THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNTIED FUCKING STATES, safety in his state, becasue apparently the REPUBLICAN citizens of his state, are sooo patriotic, that they will shoot the president of the united states dead should he set foot in their state, the ones who ran those ads with United States Senators, sir, with their fucking arms around Osmama Bin Laden, the right wing machine, get it? are traitors.
My brother was a Sargent in the Marine Corps. and he is a Democrat. They don't train these young men and women to be political, that's just not in their best interest. They train them to follow orders whomever their commander may be.
Once again, I said they are training them to believe that if you are NOT a conservative you are not a good American. Two different things.

Secondly, I don't think you, or "the military" as in the troops, are traitors, nor did I call you one.

I believe that the right wing machine, who has fostered this belief , and this atmosphere, like Limbaugh, like G Gordon Liddy, like the Republican Senator who said that he could not guarantee Bill Clinton's, THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNTIED FUCKING STATES, safety in his state, becasue apparently the REPUBLICAN citizens of his state, are sooo patriotic, that they will shoot the president of the united states dead should he set foot in their state, the ones who ran those ads with United States Senators, sir, with their fucking arms around Osmama Bin Laden, the right wing machine, get it? are traitors.
The "atmosphere" you speak of is not produced by the military. My point in this thread is that the military never suggests during training anything at all about any political party. Not even once were any of the political parties mentioned anywhere at all.

Those who are democrats when they join remain democrats, unless they change their minds for other reasons.
My brother was a Sargent in the Marine Corps. and he is a Democrat. They don't train these young men and women to be political, that's just not in their best interest. They train them to follow orders whomever their commander may be.

I was trained that no matter who was President I followed their orders. Even if I didn't like the person.
Once again, I said they are training them to believe that if you are NOT a conservative you are not a good American. Two different things.

Secondly, I don't think you, or "the military" as in the troops, are traitors, nor did I call you one.

I believe that the right wing machine, who has fostered this belief , and this atmosphere, like Limbaugh, like G Gordon Liddy, like the Republican Senator who said that he could not guarantee Bill Clinton's, THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNTIED FUCKING STATES, safety in his state, becasue apparently the REPUBLICAN citizens of his state, are sooo patriotic, that they will shoot the president of the united states dead should he set foot in their state, the ones who ran those ads with United States Senators, sir, with their fucking arms around Osmama Bin Laden, the right wing machine, get it? are traitors.
Also, that Senator suggesting that they are "soooo Patriotic" that they would do that was speaking of his citizens, not of the military.
The "atmosphere" you speak of is not produced by the military. My point in this thread is that the military never suggests during training anything at all about any political party. Not even once were any of the political parties mentioned anywhere at all.

I'm not going to claim that Generals are in on it. But the fact is that it exists, and is fostered onto the people in the military, and onto the pool of the people likely to go into the military by all of the things I mentioned, and whether or not you are "forced" to listen to armed services radio, it's not just by chance that it is Limbaugh so often found on there.

A good cure would be mandatory service, bring back the draft. I am more and more for it all of the time, for numerous reasons, and this is one of them.

The way things stand now, regardless of at whose feet the fault lies, is a dangerous road.
I'm not going to claim that Generals are in on it. But the fact is that it exists, and is fostered onto the people in the military, and onto the pool of the people likely to go into the military by all of the things I mentioned, and whether or not you are "forced" to listen to armed services radio, it's not just by chance that it is Limbaugh so often found on there.

A good cure would be mandatory service, bring back the draft. I am more and more for it all of the time, for numerous reasons, and this is one of them.

The way things stand now, regardless of at whose feet the fault lies, is a dangerous road.
No, it isn't. That those who join are majority of one party isn't because the military does any programming. It isn't fostered on them by the military, they foster the suggestion that no matter who is at the helm you follow them.

If Ds want the military to be mostly D they should join.
I'm not going to claim that Generals are in on it. But the fact is that it exists, and is fostered onto the people in the military, and onto the pool of the people likely to go into the military by all of the things I mentioned, and whether or not you are "forced" to listen to armed services radio, it's not just by chance that it is Limbaugh so often found on there.

A good cure would be mandatory service, bring back the draft. I am more and more for it all of the time, for numerous reasons, and this is one of them.

The way things stand now, regardless of at whose feet the fault lies, is a dangerous road.
You can tell by the amount of Generals critical of the President after they retire that the Generals are not "in on it".