Most Admired Country on the Planet

Was he serving in a combat zone?

That's really terrible either way. I see what you are saying, that there would be casualities of mandatory service.

He had been stationed in Greece, S Korea, and Spain. He hadn't served in any kind of combat but I think that it might have actually helped him if he was. He was very bright and like I said, excelled very much in the Corps. I think he needed a way to let all his training and aggression out. Believe me, there were times he let them out on me and it wasn't pretty.
That's true, the first paragraph I mean. You snuck that second one in there while I was responding, and I'm not sure about that, I'd have to know more about his circumstances.
Yah, that is why I said, "I don't think..." I can't be sure. I didn't see much in the service that would make you suicidal any more than I would say that this place would make you suicidal though.
Mandatory service wouldn't all be military, at least I would assume it wouldn't be. We don't have the infrastructure to support that many.

I don't think it was the service that made him suicidal though. There was something in there, man. Luckily he was in the military where they actually watch for that and have 100% psychological coverage in their medical programs.

Not sure what it was, but I think he had penned up aggression and, to top it off, the base whore he was dating just made things worse. It very well could have been just personal relationships being screwed up because his service prevented him from maintaining them. Who knows, but he doesn't ever talk to me about it. Luckily, we are like best friends now, and I won't bring that point of his life up to him.
Yah, that is why I said, "I don't think..." I can't be sure. I didn't see much in the service that would make you suicidal any more than I would say that this place would make you suicidal though.

Never were in combat Damo ? I am not going to go into it, but you are WRONG!
OHH so Wrong.
I really can't believe you said that.
I was talking about non-combat. I assumed, rightly as it turns out, that he had not seen combat.

Would you go look at the child molestation thread? I am really freaked and I would like to see some MEN'S opinions on this, where are they all of a sudden, is there a panty raid?

And water is starting to creep me out, honest.
Would you go look at the child molestation thread? I am really freaked and I would like to see some MEN'S opinions on this, where are they all of a sudden, is there a panty raid?

And water is starting to creep me out, honest.
Already been there.
I just know, as a free* country it should not force anybody into any kind of service unless it is absolutely necessary. You never know what might be going on in a person's life that you can just pull them away from it. If you start to implement ways to get around that kind of service, then people will do what they have to do to avoid it. Have a kid, cut off the tip of their finger... there will be people that go to those lengths.
cypress your a pussy and a spineless jellyfish
American sports
American business
American woman end of story
10x as many canadians come to america as americans going to canada.
You must have gotten your ass kicked on a regular basis in school to wind up such a whimp.
Ever watch Full Metal Jacket ?

some are pushed over the edge or the military life hits a specific trigger.

You have no chance to avoid some situations in the military that can casue you problems. In the outside world you might be able to avoid those things.
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Just being disingenuous damo.
full of bs or not some crack.
Rubbish. Disingenuous is just assuming the movie is what happened to them and suggesting it is so regardless of the experience of those in the military at that time. Remember, I am a member of the American Legion, it isn't like I have no access to people that were in.
You want so desperately to hate the military that you accuse them here of something that isn't happening.

Which was attributed to both Clintons while in office.

I've only read through 3 pages of this and had to stop. The elitism of the left, the contempt they hold for the military from the top down is truly unreasoned.

For the most part I find the posters here, especially to the left unusually intelligent, though partisan. With this thread, :beam:
My contempt for the military is based on experience.
I do not hold the troops in comptempt though unless they deserve it for some reason other than being in the military.
I will defend my country but will never support actions like Nam and Iraq.
Although I will and do support the troops in Iraq. Heck they are just doing what they are ordered to do.
I currently participate in a disabled vets support group.
My contempt for the military is based on experience.
I do not hold the troops in comptempt though unless they deserve it for some reason other than being in the military.
I will defend my country but will never support actions like Nam and Iraq.
Although I will and do support the troops in Iraq. Heck they are just doing what they are ordered to do.
I currently participate in a disabled vets support group.

So if you don't agree with the policies, the 'troops' are somehow inferior? Retarded? What?