Most Admired Country on the Planet

No, it isn't. That those who join are majority of one party isn't because the military does any programming. It isn't fostered on them by the military, they foster the suggestion that no matter who is at the helm you follow them.

If Ds want the military to be mostly D they should join.

We can argue all day about the root causes of why the military is mostly made up of one party. There is not just one cause to begin with.

The fact is, it is dangerous, it is not democratic, and it's time to bring back the draft. That would end that right there, and also, when suzie and johnny middle class are going to be sent to Iraq, then, there is no Iraq. It's real simple.

Solves a whole host of problems.
Nobody was ever forced to listen to Armed Forces Radio. And while "in the field" there is no access to it. Only at supporting bases, centralized areas do you get this. The idea that there is some programming going on is simply preposterous. While they could do that in Boot Camp, if there was some actual control, there was absolutely no evidence of this.

You are simply spouting off about something you will never understand because you were never there.

I never said anyone was forced to listen to Rush. And don't give me that "I wasn't there" crap. I know what I've seen. I see rightwing ex-miliary men on Television, calling Democratic Iraq war veterans "traitors" "backstabbers" and "anti-american"

There is a deep-seated, anti-liberal and anti-democratic bias in the officer and NCO corps. Maybe the enlisted men don't care that much. But the NCOs and Officers set the standard for the army. Now, are they going to do their duty and follow the orders of a Democratic president? Yes. That's not the point.

The point Darla is making, is of the institutionalized hatred of anything and everything liberal
You can tell by the amount of Generals critical of the President after they retire that the Generals are not "in on it".

Hey, you have to be literally insane not to be critical of this president at this point.

Just because they are critical of bush, doesn't make them democrats, and it doesn't make them less disdainful of democrats, that, we have no way of judging. I'm not saying they are, but criticizing the incompetent lunatic is no evidence that they aren't.
We can argue all day about the root causes of why the military is mostly made up of one party. There is not just one cause to begin with.

The fact is, it is dangerous, it is not democratic, and it's time to bring back the draft. That would end that right there, and also, when suzie and johnny middle class are going to be sent to Iraq, then, there is no Iraq. It's real simple.

Solves a whole host of problems.
I like the idea of mandatory service for all over 18. I will tell you I did far better in college because of the time I spent in the military. I was more serious than I otherwise would have been and instead of being mostly drunk and disorderly I was studious.
No, it isn't. That those who join are majority of one party isn't because the military does any programming. It isn't fostered on them by the military, they foster the suggestion that no matter who is at the helm you follow them.

If Ds want the military to be mostly D they should join.

I was always under the assumption that the military is currently mostly R because the people enlisting are those that are willing to follow the R cause to fight in Iraq. A couple of my buddies though joined because they had nothing better to do. I often hear them complaining about Bush.
I never said anyone was forced to listen to Rush. And don't give me that "I wasn't there" crap. I know what I've seen. I see rightwing ex-miliary men on Television, calling Democratic Iraq war veterans "traitors" "backstabbers" and "anti-american"

There is a deep-seated, anti-liberal and anti-democratic bias in the officer and NCO corps. Maybe the enlisted men don't care that much. But the NCOs and Officers set the standard for the army. Now, are they going to do their duty and follow the orders of a Democratic president? Yes. That's not the point.

The point Darla is making, is of the institutionalized hatred of anything and everything liberal

Yes, they will follow the orders of a Democratic president, but given what you describe, are they more likely to follow the orders of a democratic president who orders them to open fire on civilians picketing an abortion clinic, or less likely? And, are they more likely to follow the orders of a republican president to open fire on civilians protesting a republican war, or less likely?

See, Damo is denying the danger here, but it's here, and it's real, and we are ONE terrorist attack away from seeing it live on tv.
I like the idea of mandatory service for all over 18. I will tell you I did far better in college because of the time I spent in the military. I was more serious than I otherwise would have been and instead of being mostly drunk and disorderly I was studious.

You personalize everything Damo.

Nothing I said on this thread was about you. If everyone in the military was a conservative the way you are, then I wouldn't have to worry woudl I? But just because you are the way you are, does not equal everyone is, and that is your constant projecting going on again.
I never said anyone was forced to listen to Rush. And don't give me that "I wasn't there" crap. I know what I've seen. I see rightwing ex-miliary men on Television, calling Democratic Iraq war veterans "traitors" "backstabbers" and "anti-american"

There is a deep-seated, anti-liberal and anti-democratic bias in the officer and NCO corps. Maybe the enlisted men don't care that much. But the NCOs and Officers set the standard for the army. Now, are they going to do their duty and follow the orders of a Democratic president? Yes. That's not the point.

The point Darla is making, is of the institutionalized hatred of anything and everything liberal
There isn't. I never had any officer ever suggest that Clinton was bad, never once had an officer even speak of their political conviction.

Yes, I have seen people that suggest that they are "traitors" for protesting the war, but I don't believe it has anything to do with their experience in the military. I believe that they thought that way before they joined. The vast majority join to ensure you the right to protest the war.
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You personalize everything Damo.

Nothing I said on this thread was about you. If everyone in the military was a conservative the way you are, then I wouldn't have to worry woudl I? But just because you are the way you are, does not equal everyone is, and that is your constant projecting going on again.
All I have been saying is that there was no part of my military training that even suggested any political party at all. That the military itself as an entity does not promote one party over the other.
There isn't. I never had any officer ever suggest that Clinton was bad, never once had an officer even speak of their political conviction.

Yes, I have seen people that suggest that they are "traitors" for protesting the war, but I don't believe it has anything to do with their experience in the military. I believe that they thought that way before they joined. The vast majority join to give you the right to protest the war.

I never had any officer ever suggest that Clinton was bad,

I have. Maybe not while they're on duty. But, I knew plenty of my brother's Air Force Officer peers and friends. And in their off duty time, there was plenty of Clinton hatred.
I never had any officer ever suggest that Clinton was bad,

I have. Maybe not while they're on duty. But, I knew plenty of my brother's Air Force Officer peers and friends. And in their off duty time, there was plenty of Clinton hatred.
Ahhh. So when they were off-duty and speaking of their own opinion and not that of the military they actually spoke against a perceived political opponent? Well, I have supervisors here that I wouldn't tell I was a conservative for fear of reprisal. That must mean they are programming me to be a liberal.
I like the idea of mandatory service for all over 18. I will tell you I did far better in college because of the time I spent in the military. I was more serious than I otherwise would have been and instead of being mostly drunk and disorderly I was studious.

The military made my brother suicidal and was no longer himself. He excelled through the service too, getting promoted very quickly. I was about to sign up myself right up until the point he started threatening to hang himself. They pretty much put him on lockdown for three to four weeks, and assigned a man we will call 'Hose' to watch him and keep communication with us so that we know what is going on. Now he misses the Corps, but has decided to get married and have a beautiful baby girl, and stay a civilian. He's very quiet now, and not near as outgoing as he used to be. I notice some good changes in him too, but when I lived with him after his service, it was very hard to get along with him.
The military made my brother suicidal and was no longer himself. He excelled through the service too, getting promoted very quickly. I was about to sign up myself right up until the point he started threatening to hang himself. They pretty much put him on lockdown for three to four weeks, and assigned a man we will call 'Hose' to watch him and keep communication with us so that we know what is going on. Now he misses the Corps, but has decided to get married and have a beautiful baby girl, and stay a civilian. He's very quiet now, and not near as outgoing as he used to be. I notice some good changes in him too, but when I lived with him after his service, it was very hard to get along with him.

Was he serving in a combat zone?

That's really terrible either way. I see what you are saying, that there would be casualities of mandatory service.
The military made my brother suicidal and was no longer himself. He excelled through the service too, getting promoted very quickly. I was about to sign up myself right up until the point he started threatening to hang himself. They pretty much put him on lockdown for three to four weeks, and assigned a man we will call 'Hose' to watch him and keep communication with us so that we know what is going on. Now he misses the Corps, but has decided to get married and have a beautiful baby girl, and stay a civilian. He's very quiet now, and not near as outgoing as he used to be. I notice some good changes in him too, but when I lived with him after his service, it was very hard to get along with him.
Mandatory service wouldn't all be military, at least I would assume it wouldn't be. We don't have the infrastructure to support that many.

I don't think it was the service that made him suicidal though. There was something in there, man. Luckily he was in the military where they actually watch for that and have 100% psychological coverage in their medical programs.
Mandatory service wouldn't all be military, at least I would assume it wouldn't be. We don't have the infrastructure to support that many.

I don't think it was the service that made him suicidal though. There was something in there, man. Luckily he was in the military where they actually watch for that and have 100% psychological coverage in their medical programs.

That's true, the first paragraph I mean. You snuck that second one in there while I was responding, and I'm not sure about that, I'd have to know more about his circumstances.
The military made my brother suicidal and was no longer himself. He excelled through the service too, getting promoted very quickly. I was about to sign up myself right up until the point he started threatening to hang himself. They pretty much put him on lockdown for three to four weeks, and assigned a man we will call 'Hose' to watch him and keep communication with us so that we know what is going on. Now he misses the Corps, but has decided to get married and have a beautiful baby girl, and stay a civilian. He's very quiet now, and not near as outgoing as he used to be. I notice some good changes in him too, but when I lived with him after his service, it was very hard to get along with him.

sorry to hear that Dave it pretty much ruined me for many years after getting out too.
It is not for everyone.