Most Badass Vehicle Ever Built


Junior Member
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Here's mine.

The Kalinin K-7


This needs no explanation.
Can I post a picture of my wife driving a 98 Honda Civic? Granted a Honda Civic aint much of a bad ass vehicle...until my wife gets behind the wheel, then you sure as hell don't want to be on the road.
Seriously, WTF was wrong with the Russians when they designed that? It's like instead of getting engineers to make a plane they just decided to put a lot of awesome shit from movies together in one form, regardless of it's actual battlefield effectiveness.
Seriously, WTF was wrong with the Russians when they designed that? It's like instead of getting engineers to make a plane they just decided to put a lot of awesome shit from movies together in one form, regardless of it's actual battlefield effectiveness.

It's basically a battleship with wings.
This might just qualify.

[ame=""]YouTube - Thrust SSC - Still The Fastest Land Vehicle (763.035mph avg)[/ame]
You kidding? The F-22 is a piece of shit. That's why they cut the program. It can't even fly in the rain.
The radar absorbing skin is imperfect, but it is still the most capable fighter aircraft in the world, and by a large margin. Democrats nixed it because they hate American military supremacy.
The radar absorbing skin is imperfect, but it is still the most capable fighter aircraft in the world, and by a large margin. Democrats nixed it because they hate American military supremacy.

LOL, we already dom the skies like no one else, and no one is going to even come close to that in a hundred years. The F-22 had very little modern battlefield usefullness. It was built as if we were still fighting the cold war. The JSF is much more versatile, and that's why nearly all of our allies are ordering JSF's instead of F-22's.

Basically, the only reason it ever even went into production was because reps needed to keep it in operation to keep factories open as pork for their constituents.
LOL, we already dom the skies like no one else, and no one is going to even come close to that in a hundred years. The F-22 had very little modern battlefield usefullness. It was built as if we were still fighting the cold war. The JSF is much more versatile, and that's why nearly all of our allies are ordering JSF's instead of F-22's.

Basically, the only reason it ever even went into production was because reps needed to keep it in operation to keep factories open as pork for their constituents.

When the F22 and F35 were tested against Russian Sukhois they were found to seriously wanting in capability.

[nomedia=""]YouTube - The Truth About Useless F-35 & F-22 [ Sukhoi Stealth Killers ] [ PowerRussia"]400 Bad Request[/nomedia]
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Trident submarine.

This vehicle has more destructive capability than any in the history of the world.

No the fastest thing around. But can be almost impossible to locate until they launch their missiles. And then, of course, its too late.

Trident submarine.

This vehicle has more destructive capability than any in the history of the world.

No the fastest thing around. But can be almost impossible to locate until they launch their missiles. And then, of course, its too late.

Isn't that stretching the concept of a vehicle just a tad too far?