This isnt about a movie,...not creepy either. But scary in the worst way. The dark shadows thing made me think of it because it would happen when I was a little kid. . My poor mother, God. My oldest brother was in Vietnam at the time. Back in those days they would send an officer, sometimes just from the local recruiting office, and they would bring a pastor or priest with them to break the news to the family if their son was KIA. In those days they always drove "Olive drab" like a flat darker green car. My dad as you know was in business. But sometimes, a lot of times actually,...a customer would just show up at our house wanting to talk to my dad about doing business. Thing is,.... in those days that flat dark green was a very popular color. You can just about imagine the way her poor heart sunk every time that color car pulled in our drive way. As a parent myself, I cant even imagine..........