OMG.. That cost to do that is about $5.
Nope. Much more than $5.
Did you forget your claim that I didn't include the cost of all that maintenance?
You're not including the cost of all maintenance.
It seems the cost of maintenance is less than the cost of making an investment over 20 years.
You think it's funny that you are reducing the lifespan of your solar panels?
The lifespan is reduced because I didn't look at the wiring today?
No. It's reduced because you don't look at the wiring at all. It's also reduced because you're using hard water and detergent on the panels.
How big of an idiot are you?
Your issue, not mine.
You just pointed out that maintenance is cleaning and looking at the system for problems.
... which is preventative work.
YALSA. ( more "proof", right?

ROFLMAO. Uh uh.. I didn't put a single nail into my roof this year and I didn't check the shingle belt and replace that.
I'm already well aware that you don't maintain your roof, just as you don't maintain your solar panels.
You claimed I didn't include the cost of maintaining my panels.
You didn't.
Now you have provided a maintenance plan that has ZERO cost.
YABPA (Yet Another Bogus Position Assignment).
No maintenance plan was provided... only a few examples of maintenance items. It was not an all inclusive list. You are fully aware of this, yet wish to be dishonest anyway.
I made an interest free payment up front
That you did. You paid for your electricity usage up front, assuming that you didn't borrow any money and that 100% of the electricity that you use is generated from your solar panels.
and end up not having to pay $35,000 for the next 25 years.
Now you're changing numbers again (increasing the lifespan of your solar panels even though you don't properly maintain them).
That means I have $35,000 to do other stuff with.
No you don't. You really SUCK at finances... and at logic.
By purchasing solar panels I cna now use that day's labor to go drink a beer, go to a ballgame, spend time at the lake cabin.
You have no "that day's labor". You already spent it on the solar panels.
Yup. You "got me good".
I already showed you they aren't safe investments since they require a one time payment that may be at the high point of the market
I listed more examples than just the stock market. They are all relatively safe investments.
and then require regular withdrawals to pay for electricity.
There is no such requirement. Electricity can be paid for with one's wages, as it only costs LESS THAN a day's worth of wages per month.
Obviously you have never owned land you want to rent out.
Obviously you have no idea what you are talking about.
Care to tell us how I am to make money off a plot of land I pay $22,000 for?
I've already told you one way... There are many others. Obviously you've never lived in the country... or started your own business.
It isn't enough money to buy a lot in most places in WI.
Never said anything about buying a lot. Irrelevant.
It would only buy me 4 acres of farmland. It would not buy even 10 acres of hunting land.
In order to get monthly payments for my land,
That's only one of numerous ways to make money off of that land.
the land has to be useful in some way.
Right, and either it is useful from the start or else you have to make it useful.
What way can I rent it out since you are so knowledgeable?
Obviously you've never lived in the country before... There's also no need to rent it out, although that's one way to make money off of it.
Give me a name of someone willing to rent just 4 acres of land
A nearby small farmer.
and for what purpose would they rent it if not for farming or hunting.
Hay for their cattle.
Aren't you cute with the way you can't provide any support for any of your claims?
Of course, if you ignore all of the support that I've provided, then I've "provided no support"... sort of like how if you ignore all evidence of election fraud, then there's "no evidence of fraud".
Does your cat love you when you are that cute?
Yes, the two stray cats that I have love me.