Most EVs Cost More to Drive Than Their Gas-Powered Rivals:

I don't think they'll cause a food shortage as much as they definitely will create an energy shortage and price electricity out of reach of poorer people. This is what more wind and solar bring:

‘I have to do what I have to do for my last child. His siblings never went hungry’: This Detroit mother is forced to choose between her energy bill and groceries bills to still bring th e groceries home.

Choosing between energy and food

Energy cap rise means we’ll have to choose between ‘food and electricity’

'One meal a day': Consumers forced to choose between food and paying power bills

Solar and wind cause energy prices to skyrocket. That's a fact everywhere, in every country its been pushed heavily in. The US will be no different. The Greentards are fucking us all with their stupidity.

There is already a world food shortage and they are taking hundreds of thousnds of acres of farm land and using it for solar panels

One doesn't make sarcasm. One uses sarcasm.
Semantics fallacy. You are not making sarcasm.
But that also requires the ability to use one's brain. Something you seem to be lacking.
Inversion fallacy. You aren't making sarcasm.
Funny thing, my roof is solid and doesn't leak. I wonder why that is. Is it because I don't spend $10,000 a year on maintenance like you want us to believe you do.
Pivot fallacy. Word stuffing. I never said any such thing, Poorboy.
How can solar panels on a roof be UNDER a tree unless the tree is ALSO on the roof?
Easy. I guess you have no trees where you are. How unfortunate.
It seems you don't understand some simple things about how trees and roofs work or how solar panels have to be placed so they work.
It is obvious you have no trees. How unfortunate. Fixation. Pivot fallacy.
OMG.. That cost to do that is about $5.
Argument from randU fallacy.
Did you forget your claim that I didn't include the cost of all that maintenance?
It seems the cost of maintenance is less than the cost of making an investment over 20 years.
Argument from randU fallacy.
ROFLMAO. The lifespan is reduced because I didn't look at the wiring today? How big of an idiot are you?

What preventative work? You just pointed out that maintenance is cleaning and looking at the system for problems.

Thanks Into the Night.

ROFLMAO. Uh uh.. I didn't put a single nail into my roof this year and I didn't check the shingle belt and replace that.

You claimed I didn't include the cost of maintaining my panels. Now you have provided a maintenance plan that has ZERO cost.

I made an interest free payment up front and end up not having to pay $35,000 for the next 25 years. That means I have $35,000 to do other stuff with.
By purchasing solar panels I cna now use that day's labor to go drink a beer, go to a ballgame, spend time at the lake cabin.
Thanks, Into the Night.

I already showed you they aren't safe investments since they require a one time payment that may be at the high point of the market and then require regular withdrawals to pay for electricity.

Obviously you have never owned land you want to rent out. Care to tell us how I am to make money off a plot of land I pay $22,000 for? It isn't enough money to buy a lot in most places in WI. It would only buy me 4 acres of farmland. It would not buy even 10 acres of hunting land. In order to get monthly payments for my land, the land has to be useful in some way. What way can I rent it out since you are so knowledgeable?

Give me a name of someone willing to rent just 4 acres of land and for what purpose would they rent it if not for farming or hunting.

Aren't you cute with the way you can't provide any support for any of your claims? Does your cat love you when you are that cute?

Random ranting. No apparent coherency. No argument presented.
Semantics fallacy. You are not making sarcasm.

Inversion fallacy. You aren't making sarcasm.

Pivot fallacy. Word stuffing. I never said any such thing, Poorboy.

Easy. I guess you have no trees where you are. How unfortunate.

It is obvious you have no trees. How unfortunate. Fixation. Pivot fallacy.

Fallacy fallacy.
The fallacy fallacy occurs when Into the Night claims other posters are committing fallacies while not explaining why the alleged fallacy occurs. Into The Night does this to try to appear smarter than he actually is.

I have trees where I live. I also have gravity where I live. I also have sunshine where I live.

Solar panels are placed where they can receive sunshine as much as possible. That means the solar panels are not placed under trees. Tree sap is affected by gravity, It drops straight to the ground. It doesn't move sideways 50 feet.

Because of these simple facts, my trees don't drop sap on my solar panels. My solar panels are also on my roof. The closest tree to my roof only extends about 10' above my solar panels and is about 30' from the closest solar panel. This allows all my solar panels to still get sunshine on the longest day of the year and not be shaded. The chances of my solar panels getting sap on them are pretty close to zero.

Only an idiot like you would put solar panels under a tree. No one else would put their solar panels in a shaded area.
Inversion fallacy. You are projecting again. You are describing yourself.

Fallacy fallacy.
The fallacy fallacy occurs when Into the Night claims other posters are committing fallacies while not explaining why the alleged fallacy occurs. Into the Night does this to try to appear smarter than he actually is.

It's easy to tell when Into the Night has run out of arguments because he resorts to calling every argument a fallacy.
Argument from randU fallacy.

Argument from randU fallacy.

Random ranting. No apparent coherency. No argument presented.

Fallacy fallacy.
The fallacy fallacy occurs when Into the Night claims other posters are committing fallacies while not explaining why the alleged fallacy occurs. Into the Night does this to try to appear smarter than he actually is.

It's easy to tell when Into the Night has run out of arguments because he resorts to calling every argument a fallacy.
Fallacy fallacy.
The fallacy fallacy occurs when Into the Night claims other posters are committing fallacies while not explaining why the alleged fallacy occurs. Into The Night does this to try to appear smarter than he actually is.

I have trees where I live. I also have gravity where I live. I also have sunshine where I live.

Solar panels are placed where they can receive sunshine as much as possible. That means the solar panels are not placed under trees. Tree sap is affected by gravity, It drops straight to the ground. It doesn't move sideways 50 feet.

Because of these simple facts, my trees don't drop sap on my solar panels. My solar panels are also on my roof. The closest tree to my roof only extends about 10' above my solar panels and is about 30' from the closest solar panel. This allows all my solar panels to still get sunshine on the longest day of the year and not be shaded. The chances of my solar panels getting sap on them are pretty close to zero.

Only an idiot like you would put solar panels under a tree. No one else would put their solar panels in a shaded area.

When you buy solar panels, the first thing they check are the trees before they install them. Rightys think solar people are wandering in the dark.

Is it cheaper to refuel your EV battery or gas tank? We did the math in all 50 states.

I asked researchers at the nonpartisan Energy Innovation, a policy think tank aimed at decarbonizing the energy sector, to help me nail down the true cost of refueling in all 50 states by drawing on data sets from federal agencies, AAA and others. You can dive into their helpful tool here.
The average EV sells for $4,600 more than the median gasoline car, but by most calculations, I’ll save money over the long run. It costs less to refuel and maintain the vehicle — hundreds of dollars less per year, by some estimates. That’s before government incentives, and any consideration of never visiting a gas station again.
The bottom line? In all 50 states, it’s cheaper for the everyday American to fill up with electrons — and much cheaper in some regions such as the Pacific Northwest, with low electricity rates and high gas prices.
Savings per vehicle type and state per fill up for comparable miles.
Washington $80 $49 $59
Oregon $71 $43 $53
Nevada $57 $35 $44
Idaho $57 $35 $43
Utah $55 $34 $42
California $53 $33 $43
Arizona $50 $31 $39
Montana $50 $31 $38
Wyoming $48 $30 $37
Illinois $47 $29 $37
When you buy solar panels, the first thing they check are the trees before they install them. Rightys think solar people are wandering in the dark.

Yea, sure... The company selling you home solar wants a sale. They don't give a shit about trees shading the installation. They don't care if the panels don't face south or if they're angled for best energy capture. All they care about is getting your cash.
OMG.. That cost to do that is about $5.
Nope. Much more than $5.

Did you forget your claim that I didn't include the cost of all that maintenance?
You're not including the cost of all maintenance.

It seems the cost of maintenance is less than the cost of making an investment over 20 years.

You think it's funny that you are reducing the lifespan of your solar panels?

The lifespan is reduced because I didn't look at the wiring today?
No. It's reduced because you don't look at the wiring at all. It's also reduced because you're using hard water and detergent on the panels.

How big of an idiot are you?
Your issue, not mine.

What preventative work?

You just pointed out that maintenance is cleaning and looking at the system for problems.
... which is preventative work.

Thanks Into the Night.
YALSA. ( more "proof", right? :laugh: )

ROFLMAO. Uh uh.. I didn't put a single nail into my roof this year and I didn't check the shingle belt and replace that.
I'm already well aware that you don't maintain your roof, just as you don't maintain your solar panels.

You claimed I didn't include the cost of maintaining my panels.
You didn't.

Now you have provided a maintenance plan that has ZERO cost.
YABPA (Yet Another Bogus Position Assignment).

No maintenance plan was provided... only a few examples of maintenance items. It was not an all inclusive list. You are fully aware of this, yet wish to be dishonest anyway.

I made an interest free payment up front
That you did. You paid for your electricity usage up front, assuming that you didn't borrow any money and that 100% of the electricity that you use is generated from your solar panels.

and end up not having to pay $35,000 for the next 25 years.
Now you're changing numbers again (increasing the lifespan of your solar panels even though you don't properly maintain them).

That means I have $35,000 to do other stuff with.
No you don't. You really SUCK at finances... and at logic.

By purchasing solar panels I cna now use that day's labor to go drink a beer, go to a ballgame, spend time at the lake cabin.
You have no "that day's labor". You already spent it on the solar panels.

Thanks, Into the Night.
Yup. You "got me good". :laugh:

I already showed you they aren't safe investments since they require a one time payment that may be at the high point of the market
I listed more examples than just the stock market. They are all relatively safe investments.

and then require regular withdrawals to pay for electricity.
There is no such requirement. Electricity can be paid for with one's wages, as it only costs LESS THAN a day's worth of wages per month.

Obviously you have never owned land you want to rent out.
Obviously you have no idea what you are talking about.

Care to tell us how I am to make money off a plot of land I pay $22,000 for?
I've already told you one way... There are many others. Obviously you've never lived in the country... or started your own business.

It isn't enough money to buy a lot in most places in WI.
Never said anything about buying a lot. Irrelevant.

It would only buy me 4 acres of farmland. It would not buy even 10 acres of hunting land.

In order to get monthly payments for my land,
That's only one of numerous ways to make money off of that land.

the land has to be useful in some way.
Right, and either it is useful from the start or else you have to make it useful.

What way can I rent it out since you are so knowledgeable?
Obviously you've never lived in the country before... There's also no need to rent it out, although that's one way to make money off of it.

Give me a name of someone willing to rent just 4 acres of land
A nearby small farmer.

and for what purpose would they rent it if not for farming or hunting.
Hay for their cattle.

Aren't you cute with the way you can't provide any support for any of your claims?
Of course, if you ignore all of the support that I've provided, then I've "provided no support"... sort of like how if you ignore all evidence of election fraud, then there's "no evidence of fraud".

Does your cat love you when you are that cute?
Yes, the two stray cats that I have love me.
Yea, sure... The company selling you home solar wants a sale. They don't give a shit about trees shading the installation. They don't care if the panels don't face south or if they're angled for best energy capture. All they care about is getting your cash.

Since the solar company has to guarantee the amount of electricity that will be produced by the panels they do give a shit about location.
A nearby small farmer.

Hay for their cattle.

Of course, if you ignore all of the support that I've provided, then I've "provided no support"... sort of like how if you ignore all evidence of election fraud, then there's "no evidence of fraud".

Yes, the two stray cats that I have love me.
Raising hay for cattle is farming, you moron. How do you think alfalfa gets planted? How do you think the hay gets baled? But then you didn't seem to realize that you can't have alfalfa in the same field for 20 years and expect a decent yield. You have to rotate crops.

But then, what farmer is going to rent enough land to feed 4-8 cows per year? It's a waste of their time when no herd is that small. The time needed to drive equipment to such a small field isn't worth it. Why rent a 4 acre field when you can rent a 30 or 40 acre one. (Or rent 500 acres at a time.) A "small" farmer might have 20-30 cows. Most dairy farms in WI are much larger than that. 100 cows or more is not uncommon.

As to my never living in the country, I probably baled more hay by the time I was 14 than you have seen in your lifetime. No farmer I know of and I have known many over the years is going to rent a 4 acre field. It would be stupid for them to do that and farmers aren't nearly as stupid as you are.