Care to tell us why the water to clean my panels costs more than $5?Nope. Much more than $5.
I keep asking you to tell us what maintenance has this cost you keep claiming exists and you have not been able to tell us anything that has a cost.You're not including the cost of all maintenance.
With auto maintenance, there is a cost to change the oil, a cost to replace brake pads, a cost to flush the radiator. Solar panels have nothing that needs to be regularly replaced or changed. All you can say is that the panels and wiring need to be checked. That costs nothing.
More of your stupidity. I am reducing the life of my panels by not washing them but I am also reducing the life of my panels by washing them. Do you reduce the life of your windows by washing them? Do you really want people to see how absolutely stupid you are. You are making sure they will be able to see it. Solar panels have a tempered glass panel on top of them. Do you know what tempered glass is? Do you really think that washing tempered glass reduces it's life?You think it's funny that you are reducing the lifespan of your solar panels?
No. It's reduced because you don't look at the wiring at all. It's also reduced because you're using hard water and detergent on the panels.
I think it's funny that you can't back up your idiocy with any actual facts. You make statements that only Into the Night would make.
Of course you didn't provide a maintenance plan because to do so would reveal you don't know what you are talking about. Checking to see if squirrels have eaten into the wires doesn't cost me anything. You claimed I wasn't including COSTS of maintenance in my numbers. I asked you for a list of cost I didn't include and you can't provide what it could possible be. All you can do is whine and run away from answering. Your silly RQAA shows you are stupid and can't support your position.Your issue, not mine.
... which is preventative work.
YALSA. ( more "proof", right? )
I'm already well aware that you don't maintain your roof, just as you don't maintain your solar panels.
You didn't.
YABPA (Yet Another Bogus Position Assignment).
No maintenance plan was provided... only a few examples of maintenance items. It was not an all inclusive list. You are fully aware of this, yet wish to be dishonest anyway.
No. I didn't. My panels have always had a lifespan that says they will produce 90% of their initial rating at 25 years. The 20 year number was from T.A. Gardner who said panels can't pay for themselves in 20 years. I showed they can pay for themselves in 20 years. The years from 20 to 25 are free to me since the panels were paid for after 16 years.That you did. You paid for your electricity usage up front, assuming that you didn't borrow any money and that 100% of the electricity that you use is generated from your solar panels.
Now you're changing numbers again (increasing the lifespan of your solar panels even though you don't properly maintain them).
Says the Into the Night clone that can't provide any math or numbers. I will bet you have never had to buy equipment and figure out if it will pay for itself. You clearly didn't grow up on a farm and you clearly have never had to run a business. Do you live off your daddy's money or in your mommy's basement?No you don't. You really SUCK at finances... and at logic.
You have no "that day's labor". You already spent it on the solar panels.
Bad logic - You haven't include all the costs but I can't tell you what costs you didn't include. (It seems you are the one with bad logic.)
Provide your evidence that land and gold are safe investments. A safe investment can never go down in value. A volatile investment can go down. Land also comes with the cost of yearly property tax which you failed to include in your calculation of future value. (Hmmm - It seems you are the one that is failing to include costs.)I listed more examples than just the stock market. They are all relatively safe investments.
Yeah, you keep proving you are an idiot, over and over and over.
You should look into a mirror and repeat that at least 3 times every morning.Obviously you have no idea what you are talking about.