Most likely JPP posters to have been 'rona'd

USF911. (Have no idea what 'rona'd' is but figured USF911 needs a shout out) :dunno:

If it's who checked out because of the virus, Evince would spring to mind. (maybe NOT having her on Ignore might prove me wrong)
Legina. Haven't heard from Legina in a while. But, he never leaves his basement, so I think he's probably still around annoying people.
I had to go pick up my granddaughter who had flown out to NoCal, hung out there for a few weeks, then flew back to Texas and hung out there, then got droven to Mississippi where she lives, then got dropped off at a Shopping Mall. When I picked her up, I made her roll down the window just so I wouldn't get the Virus. We split a Seafood Platter for the ride to Mississippi ... and I now wonder if eating out of the same plate with her was a Bad Idea. :thinking:
Talking about 'wishful thinking' ... Earl comes to mind. Earl needs to spend MORE time outside. Outside in Downtown Atlanta.
Wow! Dark Soul! If God was going to take someone, Dark Soul would be the guy. (that guy got me banned ... for like a month. said it was one of his 'greatest achievements') :|
Wow! Dark Soul! If God was going to take someone, Dark Soul would be the guy. (that guy got me banned ... for like a month. said it was one of his 'greatest achievements') :|

You got 7 days for your 3rd. 12b. Quit bitching.
Billy. Billy the Moderator. Very Negative. Billy may have checked out just because. (?)

Because there's no point in coming here. The world is fucked and this place is infested with stupid Boomers.

Also I had it. Sneezed a couple times. Not a big deal.
CFM has a bigger chance of getting AIDS from spreading his ass for "da boyz in da-hood" in Crappin Falls,

His greatest risk would be more associated with getting 'bona'd than from getting 'rona'd. :laugh:
Because there's no point in coming here. The world is fucked and this place is infested with stupid Boomers.

Also I had it. Sneezed a couple times. Not a big deal.

Captain Billy.
This place is Comedy Gold. Think of a Corner Bar or a Coffee Shop.
A Group of diverse people meet, spout their thoughts, opinions, observations, ...
then go into complete Meltdown Mode when someone has a different perspective than they do.

:laugh: You can't buy, borrow, or steal this kind of humor. It's PRICELESS!

And YOU. You're in the Cat's bird seat being a Moderator. How many times has Poster A ran to you and complained about Poster B? You should be jotting all this down. At some point, publish your Memoirs; "The Shit I had to put up with as a Moderator". Dude. This is Money in the Bank.

PS: I think I've caught it a few times too. A sore throat. No fever, slight cough, no headache. I think it affects the 65 and over crowd, the 18 and under crowd seem pretty bullet-proof.