Most likely JPP posters to have been 'rona'd

I'm glad to hear you are doing well. As you are embracing Life, those of us left behind miss the LifeBlood you infuse into the Forum.
(people like RB are venturing out of their 'SpiderHoles' at night, attacking The Innocents ... telling us all "REPENT OR DIE!" )

Wrong again Jackoff. I couldn't care less if you repent. I couldn't care less if you die.
I wish every single Boomer would just drop dead. And then have the Sun explode.

When the Amazonerds arrived, and started bombarding you with 'Reports' about fellow Posters, YOU were the ONE that put your foot down, telling them "The next one of you Fuckwads that Reports somebody is going to be banned" (or something to that effect) thus SAVING JPP from the destruction that befell the Amazon Forum. YOU were the Lone Sentinel, the Guardian along the Watchtower, the Thin Line that separates Civilization from Chaos. The Forum stood in AWE of your Solomon-like decision to administer Justice to these Overgrown Grade School Children. The ones that had just DESTROYED the Amazon Forum and were about to destroy the JPP Forum.

If nothing else, please remember the Great Debt the Forum OWES you.
One goes and all their socks are gone too.

Ever notice how reagansghost vanished about the same time as evince?
One goes and all their socks are gone too.

Ever notice how reagansghost vanished about the same time as evince?

It makes since on this forum that if one notorious poster suddenly disappears, one or more others might too. I was surprised that CFM didn't have 1 or 2 follow his 5 month disappearance.

Someone please update me with facts, not rhetoric about Evince. She(?) was gone just before I arrived but I think I've seen her name on other forums. The one I'm thinking of is a religious nutjob.
It makes since on this forum that if one notorious poster suddenly disappears, one or more others might too. I was surprised that CFM didn't have 1 or 2 follow his 5 month disappearance.

Someone please update me with facts, not rhetoric about Evince. She(?) was gone just before I arrived but I think I've seen her name on other forums. The one I'm thinking of is a religious nutjob.

No, Evince wasn't a religious whacktoid at all. You can just search her name and see her posts. From what I've heard she stopped posting at all her usual haunts at the same time. I wish her well and hope she's okay.
No, Evince wasn't a religious whacktoid at all. You can just search her name and see her posts. From what I've heard she stopped posting at all her usual haunts at the same time. I wish her well and hope she's okay.

That would suspicious and ominous.
Oh dont get excited.....I have not been here long enough to name names.

You can name MY name, I'm OK with that. I believe I actually may have HAD the Wu Flu, and gotten over it. I was pretty sick last week for several days, with some of the Covid symptoms. But my body seemed to work through it and I feel reasonably well now. Since developing diabetes a little over 5 months ago, it's hard for me tell whether I'm sick or just experiencing effects from having diabetes. So you CAN name my name, AND call me Shirley, if you'd like.
Hello ThatOwlWoman,

No, Evince wasn't a religious whacktoid at all. You can just search her name and see her posts. From what I've heard she stopped posting at all her usual haunts at the same time. I wish her well and hope she's okay.

I tried to get evince to chill out - wasn't happening.

She is/was so knowledgeable that she didn't have to stoop to the name-calling to make an excellent case. I think she poisoned her case with all the gutter talk.
You can name MY name, I'm OK with that. I believe I actually may have HAD the Wu Flu, and gotten over it. I was pretty sick last week for several days, with some of the Covid symptoms. But my body seemed to work through it and I feel reasonably well now. Since developing diabetes a little over 5 months ago, it's hard for me tell whether I'm sick or just experiencing effects from having diabetes. So you CAN name my name, AND call me Shirley, if you'd like.


Is everything good in your world?
Hello ThatOwlWoman,

I tried to get evince to chill out - wasn't happening.

She is/was so knowledgeable that she didn't have to stoop to the name-calling to make an excellent case. I think she poisoned her case with all the gutter talk.

I can see that why some people may dislike her but why do so many people ban her from threads?...including this one. She's been MIA since Feb(?) and thread starters are still banning her? WTFO?
You can name MY name, I'm OK with that. I believe I actually may have HAD the Wu Flu, and gotten over it. I was pretty sick last week for several days, with some of the Covid symptoms. But my body seemed to work through it and I feel reasonably well now. Since developing diabetes a little over 5 months ago, it's hard for me tell whether I'm sick or just experiencing effects from having diabetes. So you CAN name my name, AND call me Shirley, if you'd like.

Post #9.