Most likely JPP posters to have been 'rona'd

Now THAT'S a lucky dog!:cool:

Spoiled fucking rotten....which I said I would never do....I have spent my life mocking people who spoil their dogs.

Reminds me of how I spent a good 30 years making fun of people who make fresh pasta.....I was like why the fuck would I do that....till I did it once because the woman wanted it.
Hmmmm ... I could mention Grajonka ... but that would just be wishful thinking.

Thailand is probably the safest place in the world right now, along with Vietnam, Taiwan and South Korea. Even though I think you're a mega dickhead at times I don't wish you dead, well not before now anyway.
I had a very very rare cooking failure tonight, but otherwise all is well.

The hound now gets swimming pool time at daycare....

Newflie's are water dogs...he loves it!
What a great doggy daycare....We've got two puppers who are part Newflie....along with St. Bernard, standard poodle and blue heeler....great dogs...Big dogs;)
What a great doggy daycare....We've got two puppers who are part Newflie....along with St. Bernard, standard poodle and blue heeler....great dogs...Big dogs;)

Do you get the drool!

I just cleaned the walls two days ago.....its like having kids....the walls need constant cleaning!
Do you get the drool!

I just cleaned the walls two days ago.....its like having kids....the walls need constant cleaning!
Of course....more from one brother than the other, though;)
Sticky fingerprints from the kids, drool from the pups....maybe we could invent splashguards for the walls;)
An odd thread but online I think you are safe from the virus. Hope all are well? So far I've know only a few who have had the virus, thankfully they survived but oddly a few with various longer term effects. Some none at all. It is a gambler's disease, but gamble alone - wear a mask, social distance.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

I can see that why some people may dislike her but why do so many people ban her from threads?...including this one. She's been MIA since Feb(?) and thread starters are still banning her? WTFO?

We are creatures of habit.

Also, I don't know how much of her post history you may have brushed up on but she was a) extremely nasty, and b) freaking relentless.

Nobody could get the last word with her. She would just keep pouring it on. I don't think anyone could top her daily post count. She was a burn-out just waiting to happen, really.
Hello midcan5,

An odd thread but online I think you are safe from the virus. Hope all are well? So far I've know only a few who have had the virus, thankfully they survived but oddly a few with various longer term effects. Some none at all. It is a gambler's disease, but gamble alone - wear a mask, social distance.

Yes, there is a strong obsession around here to become fixated on other posters instead of politics.

As if politics doesn't give people enough to talk about...
I tried to get evince to chill out - wasn't happening.

She is/was so knowledgeable that she didn't have to stoop to the name-calling to make an excellent case. I think she poisoned her case with all the gutter talk.

Her style is not my style but I miss her nevertheless.