Mott, Mott, Mott...what's wrong with you?


Loves Me Some Souls
Saw this just now:

Now you know what I went through in the 80's and 90's as Southern social conservatives co-opted the Republican party to make it something it never was before. The party of Southern Rednecks. Please tell me you didn't see this coming? If you didn't you had blinders on.

Or maybe how I felt when I watched the Democratic Party drift from sensible policies to idiotic identity politics?
Saw this just now:

Or maybe how I felt when I watched the Democratic Party drift from sensible policies to idiotic identity politics?

Moot has his own view of the GOP that has no basis in reality, sans something that happened to him in a small group of his fellow sheep fuckers.
toys are NOT gender specific

their marketing can be

sorry but you are wrong. science has found that even in monkey boy chimps usually are more interested in trucks and balls and mechanical objects while the female monkeys overwhelmingly play with dolls.
Male monkeys prefer boys’ toys

"It’s thought of as a sexual stereotype: boys tend to play with toy cars and diggers, while girls like dolls. But male monkeys, suggests research, are no different.

This could mean that males, whether human or monkey, have a biological predisposition to certain toys, says Kim Wallen, a psychologist at Yerkes National Primate Research Center in Atlanta, Georgia.

Wallen’s team looked at 11 male and 23 female rhesus monkeys. In general the males preferred to play with wheeled toys, such as dumper trucks, over plush dolls, while female monkeys played with both kinds of toys."

how do you like dem apples?
sorry but you are wrong. science has found that even in monkey boy chimps usually are more interested in trucks and balls and mechanical objects while the female monkeys overwhelmingly play with dolls.

We know that's not true.