Movies to look forward to ...

Wow. And you do conventions?
The last time I went to a convention Reagan was president. Okay, the last time I went to an SCA event, Clinton was president. SCA events are somewhat more adult friendly . . . to a peculiar sort of adult, anyway.
The last time I went to a convention Reagan was president. Okay, the last time I went to an SCA event, Clinton was president. SCA events are somewhat more adult friendly . . . to a peculiar sort of adult, anyway.

Hey look, we're all friends here. I'm not one to judge. Whether or not you like dressing up in drag, going to SCA events or even if you voted for Bush twice, I'd still like you Ornot.
Uhhmmm.. no... I think American Idol, Obsession with people like Britanny Spears, Anna Nicole and Reality Television are perfect examples of liberal dominance of the media...

Naw , that is diversionary tactics by the cons to keep us distracted from real issues ;)
Just bread and circuses for the masses.
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"My cousin and I used to have the He-Man and She-Ra castles. We'd play for hours......"By the power of greyskull......" I wonder if they'll do She-Ra and Thunder-Cats"

Can't stop damn funny...
"These days I'd probably only go if an author I was particularly interested in hearing was there."

Orson Scott Card is a pretty good sci fi writer, while I have never attended a convention, I might go if someone like him were present.
I would prefer Andre Norton (dead ? ), or David Webber.
Card is a great writer, but his books move a bit slow for me.
I have read all but the last of the Ender books I think.
"These days I'd probably only go if an author I was particularly interested in hearing was there."

Orson Scott Card is a pretty good sci fi writer, while I have never attended a convention, I might go if someone like him were present.
I'm not a big Card fan, though I know quite a few.
Scorsese's doing T.R., eh? Could be good: I've always loved his work.

Yeah.. and how about Spielberg doing "Lincoln" ...with Liam Neeson in the starring role? Could be real good as well..
Now Im waiting for one these superstar Movie Makers to get real adventurous and do a full fledged epic covering the foot prints of our Founding Fathers ...
Yeah.. and how about Spielberg doing "Lincoln" ...with Liam Neeson in the starring role? Could be real good as well..
Now Im waiting for one these superstar Movie Makers to get real adventurous and do a full fledged epic covering the foot prints of our Founding Fathers ...

He would probably be called a commie liberal history revisionist if he portrayed them and their times accurately.
It would probably be a great show though.
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I actually think I'm going to see it. My cousin and I used to have the He-Man and She-Ra castles. We'd play for hours......"By the power of greyskull......" I wonder if they'll do She-Ra and Thunder-Cats
It's Shyamalan though. He has made progressively worse movies since Sixth Sense. I'd avoid this one like the plague.
"Nope not a hillary"

Oops.... freudian slip.

"Calling a guy a girl around here will get ya whooped

You needin an ass whoopin or sumpthin ?"

1) my bad

2) ya couldn't do it. Your old ass would have a hard enough time getting out of the rocker, your whuppin me would only occur in the land of make believe. :)
It's Shyamalan though. He has made progressively worse movies since Sixth Sense. I'd avoid this one like the plague.

He is still a young Director .. while his follow ups havent measured up to the level of Sixth Sense ... they're not bad.. its a matter of taste ... I happen to like "Unbreakable" and "Signs"...

Nope..I wouldnt avoid it ....