MPR: The "N-word"



The 'n-word'
by Brandt Williams, Minnesota Public Radio
August 8, 2004


Some scholars say 'nigger' is a deliberate mispronounciation of 'negro.' (The University of Virginia Library Digital Media Lab)

"It is probably the ugliest racial slur ever created. It is a word known primarily as a means to denigrate African Americans. The word packs such power to represent overt racial hatred, most people - regardless of race - will not even utter it. This spring, Rich Stanek who was Minnesota's Public Safety Commissioner at the time, admitted he used the word more than 12 years ago in a court deposition. He says he didn't use the word against anybody; he merely spoke it. But the furor over his admission led to his resignation. One word uttered 12 years ago. How can one word have such power?

St. Paul, Minn. — There's something you should know - I'm black. I don't ever remember ever being called nigger, at least not in a hostile way. One time some white guys yelled, 'go back to Africa' at me from a passing car. Another time a group of white men in a bar accused me of stealing a wallet; one of them called me 'Jackson.' But they didn't use the word, 'nigger'.

So, what's it like to be called, 'nigger'?

I decided to talk to someone with a little more life experience.

My dad's name is Carl Williams. We share the same middle name, Louis. He's 63 and spent his early childhood in Oklahoma. When he was a teenager the family moved to Flint, Michigan. After living in Minnesota for nearly 20 years, he and my mom moved to Colorado.

Dad couldn't think of a story right off the bat, so I agreed to call him back in a few hours. No more than 10 seconds later he called me back with a story that surprised me.

Everybody seems to have a 'nigger story'.
- Dr. Keith Mayes, University of Minnesota

It turns out, somebody had called me 'nigger'.

When my older brother and I were probably seven and 10 years old, we got into a sandbox altercation with a couple white kids our age. The father of those kids yelled at us and threatened us. My dad confronted him.

"Immediately I was totally, totally upset," says my dad. "Because I knew that his intent was to try and demean my boys and to really, to undercut their manhood and their sense of self. So I immediately took them both by the hands and went back to the man's house, knocked on his door and as soon as he came to the door, I remember letting him know that in no uncertain terms - with every bit of force and potential violence that I had in me -- that if that ever happened to my boys again, there would be no restraint and I would, frankly kick his butt."

"Everybody seems to have a 'nigger story'," says Dr. Keith Mayes.

Mayes is a professor in the African-American studies at the University of Minnesota. Mayes is in his mid-30s. He remembers being called nigger by a white kid when he was 12.

Richard Pryor

"It felt funny and it's stayed with me all these years," says Mayes. "I wasn't furious but I was mad; confused."

Mayes was probably confused because up until that time he'd only heard the word used by other black people - like his friends and in the hip hop music they listened to.

Rappers convinced a generation of young African Americans that 'nigger' was cool. Or at least a version of it. Take the 'er' off the end of the word and replace it with an 'a', and 'nigga' becomes a term of endearment.

Before them, in the 1970's, comedians like Richard Pryor showed us that 'nigger' was funny.

Alex Jackson

"I grew up, comedy-wise listening to Richard Pryor," says Alex Jackson. "And I probably started using (nigger) then because it was hip."

Jackson is a stand-up comedian and a deputy chief in the Minneapolis Fire Department. He's 46 and has been a professional comedian and firefighter for more than 20 years. He grew up knowing the negative power of nigger. But from Richard Pryor he learned the word could be funny. Like a lot of other African Americans his age, he began to change his mind when Pryor did.

In Pryor's concert movie "Live on the Sunset Strip," the comedian talks about an epiphany he experienced while he traveled to Africa. Pryor said he looked at the people there and didn't see any niggers so he vowed never to use the word again.

"That really affected me," says Jackson. "You'll never hear me call another brother that."

Robin Lakoff

In researching this story, I looked for the origins of 'nigger.' Some scholars say 'nigger' was derived from the Latin word for the color black which is spelled 'n-i-g-e-r.' Then I spoke with Professor Robin Lakoff. She's a sociolinguistics professor at the University of California's-Berkeley Campus.

She believes the word 'nigger' is a deliberate mispronounciation of the word 'negro.' That, she says, is why the word has so much negative power.

"There's something about deliberately, knowingly mis-pronouncing someone's name," says Lakoff. "That conveys, 'I don't even care what your name is, you have so little power you matter to me so little.' So it wasn't just the phonetics of the word, it was all that it conveyed about the power of one person to not even care about the other person."

During our conversation, Lakoff and I talked about how African slaves were robbed of the power of self-identity; how African Americans have been trying recapture that ever since.

Warren Edwards

Indeed, we've been known by many names: colored, Afro-American, black, Negro, African-Americans. Lakoff says when young black people call each other 'nigga', instead of 'nigger,' they're merely writing a new chapter in the African American re-naming tradition.

But I had neglected to ask the professor an important question: Is she African-American? She is not.

"If I were, it change the entire complexion of the discourse," says Lakoff. "If I were African-American I could use the word with no fear. But since I'm not, I'm very careful about it."

That's the other peculiar thing about 'nigger.' It can make white people very nervous.

Lakoff is a tenured college professor. She makes a living talking about words. Lakoff speaks the word when she lectures about hate speech. But she does so with caution. Her advice to white people is: just don't use it. Lakoff says sometimes the most well-intentioned use of the word can cause problems.

Most white people will probably acknowledge that the usage of 'nigger' is best left to African-Americans. Black people have essentially become caretakers of the word and have created rules about when and where its use is appropriate.

At Eddie's Barbershop on 4th Ave. South in Minneapolis, owner Eddie Withers is trimming customer Teddy Simmons sideburns and moustache. Both men are black and in their 50s and 60s.

I asked Withers if anyone had ever called him a 'nigger.'

"All the time. But when my brothers, when they say it; when a brother calls me that, then I don't look at as derogatory. If a white guy comes in and calls me that, he's out of line. I don't use that word myself," Withers says.

Teddy Simmons has a second perspective.

"You know why at times they don't realize how the word offends Afro American people? Simple reason. They don't say the word pretty as we do!" says Simmons. "They got to hear that 'r'. That 'r' is what makes us go irate. Instant irate. 'You no-good nigger!' And I say, whoa man! And he turn around and say, well y'all use it. And I say y'all don't say it as pretty as we. That's why. We gotta hear that 'r'. When you hear us call each other 'nigga', you don't hear the 'r'."

For many African Americans it doesn't matter how the word is pronounced or who says it. It is never, ever appropriate.

"You know, I don't even feel comfortable using the word because it causes me pain," says Warren Edwards.

Warren Edwards is a tall, cleanly-dressed, dark-skinned black man with a shaved bald head. He leads an activist group called, 100 Men Take A Stand, in Minneapolis. He doesn't think the nigger is ever appropriate for anyone to use - not even among the young black men he mentors and interacts with everyday. In fact it took him a while during the interview to even say it.

When he finally syas the word, he spits it out. He has a look on his face like he's changing a dirty diaper.

"I had an uncle - it happened in Savannah, Georgia in the 1930s - who was dismembered because he confronted a Caucasian man about calling him a nigger and they murdered my uncle," says Warren. "And I'll never forget it. So I lost loved ones who stood up against being called that word."

A man fought and died over a word.

But it goes deeper than that. 'Nigger' was a tool to keep black people in their place in the Jim Crow south.

"Racism and the word nigger -- It was given to us by southerners, by people we love," says Jon Odell. "Not by people we hated. Not the mean, stereotypical sheriffs. The race-baiting governors. It was mothers and fathers. I heard it used in church."

Jon Odell was born in Laurel, Mississippi in 1951. He now lives in north Minneapolis. Jon has written a novel based on his experiences in the south, called "The View from Delphi". He has an uneasy relationship with the word nigger. Jon doesn't like the word. It reminds him of the ugly side of his childhood home.

He admits that the word nigger affords him and other white people a kind of power. When he moved to Minnesota to work as an executive at a Fortune 500 company in 1980, he found that the word gave him an advantage up north as well.

"They knew who I was. They hired me from Mississippi," says Odell. "I was kind of a star-stud. I was a young white guy who was good at public speaking. And that was very valued at this company of salespeople. And I got a lot of promotions. And one of the ways I got attention - I told 'nigger jokes' to liberals. People who gave to the NAACP."

And they laughed at his jokes. Of course, Jon Odell didn't bring the word nigger with him when he came here. It was already here. Black Minnesotans are no stranger to the word.

Before she died last year, Minnesota native Bernadette Anderson shared her memories of northern racism for an American Radio Works documentary called Up South. Anderson, like many of the black elders interviewed for the story could vividly remember scenes that might make some think they were describing the Jim Crow South. She remembered one night in Fergus Falls several decades ago, eating dinner with her husband.

"I sat in the restaurant with my husband (and) this little boy was sitting there with his mother," says Anderson. "He said 'Mommy, mommy look at the niggers!' And his momma corrected -- I'm raising up -- my husband's sayin' 'sit down.' -- I said 'no, did you hear what he just called us?' She said 'no, no those aren't niggers honey, you don't say that. That's not nice. Those are darkies. Smile at the darkies and they'll smile at you.' I'll never forget that! It drove me nuts!"

But what if black people just decided to stop getting mad about the word 'nigger'? I asked comedian and firefighter Alex Jackson what would happen if African-Americans one day look at white people who use the word and say, 'sticks and stones.'

"Sure. After we get through talking about their momma," laughs Jackson. "You gotta do something. But actually, I've found sometimes -- it's true -- sometimes I've had white people get more upset when you don't respond than when you do."

But Jackson is not optimistic that African-Americans will begin turning the other cheek on the slur anytime soon.

The pain and awful memories evoked by the word nigger may just never go away.

And there's one other lesson: As in the case with Rich Stanek - the word 'nigger' can wreak havoc in the lives of some white people as well."

So, as you act out your provision of "white privilege", thinking that you're authorized to say and do anything, simply because you're "white", know that "As a man speaks, so he is". God has a funny way of teaching folks a lesson. You'll invariably say "it" at the wrong time, in the wrong place, and to the wrong person, and you'll "pay". It's a law of the universe: What you put out, you receive...what you reap, you sow.
So, laugh it up. Make jokes. Cajole. Guffaw...if you say it often enough, it will whiten your teeth. I ain't one, and I don't know any.-poet
The word is disgusting, that much is true. When I was a child, my Mom would wash my mouth out with soap for saying it, just like other profanities.

But I have a real problem with the gusto with which people attack white people for using the word, but seem to give black people a pass on using it.

If the word is so disgusting, then no one should be using it. I'm fine with giving the rednecks and klan-assholes hell about it. But how about we give the rappers and gangbangers equal amounts of hell about it?
The word is disgusting, that much is true. When I was a child, my Mom would wash my mouth out with soap for saying it, just like other profanities.

But I have a real problem with the gusto with which people attack white people for using the word, but seem to give black people a pass on using it.

If the word is so disgusting, then no one should be using it. I'm fine with giving the rednecks and klan-assholes hell about it. But how about we give the rappers and gangbangers equal amounts of hell about it?

Excuse me? What black people? Gangster rappers? Uneducated "hood rats"? No one in my circles use the word. I condemn anyone that uses people et al. What makes you think that most black people aren't appalled by its' use? Seems like the only ones using it, are the refuse of society, on both or all sides.
This from an online etymology dictionary:

1786, earlier neger (1568, Scottish and northern England dialect), from Fr.nègre, from Sp. negro (see Negro). From the earliest usage it was "the term that carries with it all the obloquy and contempt and rejection which whites have inflicted on blacks" [cited in Gowers, 1965, probably Harold R. Isaacs]. But as black inferiority was at one time a near universal assumption in English-speaking lands, the word in some cases could be used without deliberate insult. More sympathetic writers late 18c. and early 19c. seem to have used black (n.) and, after the American Civil War, colored person.

Also applied by English settlers to dark-skinned native peoples in India, Australia, Polynesia. The reclamation of the word as a neutral or positive term in black culture (not universally regarded as a worthwhile enterprise), often with a suggestion of "soul" or "style," is attested first in the U.S. South, later (1968) in the Northern, urban-based Black Power movement.
"You're a fool nigger, and the worst day's work Pa ever did was to buy you," said Scarlett slowly. ... There, she thought, I've said "nigger: and Mother wouldn't like that at all. [Margaret Mitchell, "Gone With the Wind," 1936]
Used in combinations (e.g. nigger-brown) since 1840s for various dark brown or black hues or objects; euphemistic substitutions (e.g. Zulu) began to appear in these senses c.1917. Brazil nuts were called nigger toes by 1896. Variant niggah, attested from 1925 (without the -h, from 1969), is found usually in situations where blacks use the word. Nigra (1944), on the other hand, in certain uses reflects a pronunciation of negro meant to suggest nigger, and is thus deemed (according to a 1960 slang dictionary) "even more derog[atory] than 'nigger.' " Slang phrase nigger in the woodpile attested by 1800; "A mode of accounting for the disappearance of fuel; an unsolved mystery" [R.H. Thornton, "American Glossary," 1912]. Nigger heaven "the top gallery in a (segregated) theater" first attested 1878 in reference to Troy, N.Y.
Excuse me? What black people? Gangster rappers? Uneducated "hood rats"? No one in my circles use the word. I condemn anyone that uses people et al. What makes you think that most black people aren't appalled by its' use? Seems like the only ones using it, are the refuse of society, on both or all sides.

I was raised in, live in and often work in the deep south. But for every time I hear that word used by a white person there have been several times it has been used by a black person.

No one in my circle uses it either.

If you agree that no one should use it, then we agree.
Poet is obviously a little out of touch with the culture among a significant portion of black youth...or black adults, for that matter. Hell, just the other day I overheard a black woman referring to her boyfriend as "ma nigga." It is also obvious that Poet is a bigot himself.

I guarantee a greater number of black people use the 'n' word.
The only time I've used it was quoting Democrats. *shrug*

That's right...when you used n______ , you were calling me a "nobleman". A Democrat, who used it "sparingly", and later apologized for it. But since that's the only thing you have to cling to, I guess it'll never be put to rest, as irrelevant as it is. Everyone knows Republicans say it behind closed doors , all the time.
That's right...when you used n______ , you were calling me a "nobleman". A Democrat, who used it "sparingly", and later apologized for it. But since that's the only thing you have to cling to, I guess it'll never be put to rest, as irrelevant as it is. Everyone knows Republicans say it behind closed doors , all the time.

You are mistaken; I called you a "nincompoop". The word "noble" doesn't come to mind at all when considering a description of you.

Since the "N-word" is the "probably the ugliest racial slur ever created", isn't accusing an individual without basis, or worse, a group without basis, of using the word as a slur equally as ugly? Or perhaps even uglier? :)
Poet is obviously a little out of touch with the culture among a significant portion of black youth...or black adults, for that matter. Hell, just the other day I overheard a black woman referring to her boyfriend as "ma nigga." It is also obvious that Poet is a bigot himself.

I guarantee a greater number of black people use the 'n' word.

He is, however, right in line with Bill Cosby who also believes that the word is demeaning regardless of who uses it. I personally believe it demeans the user more than the "target", even when spoken with intent and direct hatred.

I would not use the word. I don't like it at all.
He is, however, right in line with Bill Cosby who also believes that the word is demeaning regardless of who uses it. I personally believe it demeans the user more than the "target", even when spoken with intent and direct hatred.

I would not use the word. I don't like it at all.

People shoud have listened to Lenny Bruce and just maybe the country would't be in the shape it was, where idiots like Poet wouldn't be trying to start a bandwagon.
Originally Posted by Zeus: King of the Gods
Poet is obviously a little out of touch with the culture among a significant portion of black youth...or black adults, for that matter. Hell, just the other day I overheard a black woman referring to her boyfriend as "ma nigga." It is also obvious that Poet is a bigot himself.

I guarantee a greater number of black people use the 'n' word.

I hardly feel you, ol' Lightning Bolt, are in any position or sphere of influence to assess whether or not I'm in or out of touch with anything, let alone black culture or people.
Of course, in certain segments of society, such as impoverished areas or trailer parks, class or the lack thereof, may dictate what is heard in conversation.
You can't guarantee anything. I seldom hear the word, except on political debate forums populated by white racists. And do, pray tell, explain how I am a bigot.
He is, however, right in line with Bill Cosby who also believes that the word is demeaning regardless of who uses it. I personally believe it demeans the user more than the "target", even when spoken with intent and direct hatred.

I would not use the word. I don't like it at all.

However, you won't ban its' use, here. Hypocrite.
However, you won't ban its' use, here. Hypocrite.

Damo is certainly not being hypocritical. The fact that he does not like the word does not warrant banning its use. He does not ban words here. He believes in free speech and leaves this place to run that way.

If it offends you then that is a shame. But there is no reason to open the can of worms you do when you start banning words.
Damo is certainly not being hypocritical. The fact that he does not like the word does not warrant banning its use. He does not ban words here. He believes in free speech and leaves this place to run that way.

If it offends you then that is a shame. But there is no reason to open the can of worms you do when you start banning words.

I love it when "white privilege" kicks in, and various and sundry persons feel the need to lecture me on a host of topics, including this one. Did you think that I needed clarification from you? I was expressing my opinion, which needs no caveats. I understand, perfectly, what is going on. Please resist your natural inclination to correct black if they couldn't make it without you. And if you overstep your boundaries with me, again, you'll be added to my ignore list, along with the other refuse.
I love it when "white privilege" kicks in, and various and sundry persons feel the need to lecture me on a host of topics, including this one. Did you think that I needed clarification from you? I was expressing my opinion, which needs no caveats. I understand, perfectly, what is going on. Please resist your natural inclination to correct black if they couldn't make it without you. And if you overstep your boundaries with me, again, you'll be added to my ignore list, along with the other refuse.

This has absolutely nothing to do with race. It has to do with banning words.

If we ban "nigger", do we also ban the use of the word "cunt"? Women find that equally offensive? How about "mick"? Should we ban that because we don't want to offend irish-americans? How about "whitey"? Or maybe "white trash"? Or perhaps "wetback" or "beaner"?

The point is there are plenty of offensive words out there. Once you open that can of worms you have to either ban all words that offend anyone or you are certainly being hypocritical.

Nothing I said has anything to do with "white priviledge" or any other bullshit excuse you want to use. I disagreed with your opinion. When someone who is white disagrees with someone who is black, the automatic call of racism does 2 things. First, it shows YOUR racism. And second, it demeans all those who cry racism for legitimate reasons. Everytime it is used as a bullshit excuse, it lessens the impact of the times it should cause outrage. I am not a racist. My family risked much in the 50s and 60s in the Civil Rights cause, and I am proud of that.
This has absolutely nothing to do with race. It has to do with banning words.

If we ban "nigger", do we also ban the use of the word "cunt"? Women find that equally offensive? How about "mick"? Should we ban that because we don't want to offend irish-americans? How about "whitey"? Or maybe "white trash"? Or perhaps "wetback" or "beaner"?

The point is there are plenty of offensive words out there. Once you open that can of worms you have to either ban all words that offend anyone or you are certainly being hypocritical.

Nothing I said has anything to do with "white priviledge" or any other bullshit excuse you want to use. I disagreed with your opinion. When someone who is white disagrees with someone who is black, the automatic call of racism does 2 things. First, it shows YOUR racism. And second, it demeans all those who cry racism for legitimate reasons. Everytime it is used as a bullshit excuse, it lessens the impact of the times it should cause outrage. I am not a racist. My family risked much in the 50s and 60s in the Civil Rights cause, and I am proud of that.

I guess I was too impulsive and rash, giving you the benefit of the doubt. I started this thread, and it was absolutely concerning "race". And the gravitas and premise was that the n-word was the most vile word in the English lexicon, by the history and context of the usage of the word. All the pejoratives you listed can't compare to the history or utilitarian usage of the n-word. We weren't talking about those words...we were talking about the n-word. If you want to start a thread to address those words, by all means, be my guest. But don't try to change the impetus or distort my intent for posting the article.

And of course what you did and said, had everything to do with white privilege. You lectured me. You felt compelled to do so. What would have given you the impetus to do so? Nothing other that your inherent sense that you know best because you're white and I'm black. You proved my point.
When someone who is white disagrees with someone who is black...we have to look toward context, to see if there is any racial component.
How the hell do you know what Damo was being? Why do you feel the need to speak for him? Where does that arrogancy come from? I'm baffled. Then you proceed to tell me what reason there is or not. Who are you? I stated an opinion..and rather than just allowing it to be, you found fault, and proceeded to lecture me as to what Damo was doing, what he believes, and what I needed to do. You lost your mind.
And if you don't think I'm pissed off, as hell, by the minimalization of exactly what you did, and the false cries of "reverse racism" and "boys crying wolf". Take a look in the mirror. You don't think I have any common or "good sense"? My many postings should serve to inform you and everybody else, that you're not dealing with anyone's fool. I'm smarter than most...and I'm beyond taking shit from anyone, including you. I give a shit what your family did in the 50's and 60''s about you and me, and right now. And me, calling you on your shit, does not denote racism on my part.
However, you won't ban its' use, here. Hypocrite.

I would be a hypocrite if I started banning people for disagreeing or stating something "offensive" to another. Either you don't understand that words mean things, or you really don't understand what "hypocrite" means. I don't believe that is the case and that you are just attempting an ad hominem attack that you believe will get me to act like you want me to act. People don't like to be called hypocrite or racist, however baseless the accusation may be and will often go a long way to try to get people to stop. However, I do know that words mean things, and that my stance on censorship would make me a hypocrite if I banned the word. You can't make me a hypocrite, only I could do that.

I don't like the F-word either, but you won't see me "banning" its usage on the site. I don't like "apple", when used in a certain context, because it is a racial slur for either a mixed breed native, or a statement of how a native "acts" somehow different than expected, they are 'red' on the outside, but 'white' on the inside. You won't see me banning that either. Nor do I assume every time somebody says anything about it or uses it in any form that it is a personal attack. (There are many different forms of this one too. I've heard "white apple"... which is a person who is partial native who looks white.) Basically it would be like using "oreo" in a context other than speaking of cookies and where it was used to refer to race.
I guess I was too impulsive and rash, giving you the benefit of the doubt. I started this thread, and it was absolutely concerning "race". And the gravitas and premise was that the n-word was the most vile word in the English lexicon, by the history and context of the usage of the word. All the pejoratives you listed can't compare to the history or utilitarian usage of the n-word. We weren't talking about those words...we were talking about the n-word. If you want to start a thread to address those words, by all means, be my guest. But don't try to change the impetus or distort my intent for posting the article.

And of course what you did and said, had everything to do with white privilege. You lectured me. You felt compelled to do so. What would have given you the impetus to do so? Nothing other that your inherent sense that you know best because you're white and I'm black. You proved my point.
When someone who is white disagrees with someone who is black...we have to look toward context, to see if there is any racial component.
How the hell do you know what Damo was being? Why do you feel the need to speak for him? Where does that arrogancy come from? I'm baffled. Then you proceed to tell me what reason there is or not. Who are you? I stated an opinion..and rather than just allowing it to be, you found fault, and proceeded to lecture me as to what Damo was doing, what he believes, and what I needed to do. You lost your mind.
And if you don't think I'm pissed off, as hell, by the minimalization of exactly what you did, and the false cries of "reverse racism" and "boys crying wolf". Take a look in the mirror. You don't think I have any common or "good sense"? My many postings should serve to inform you and everybody else, that you're not dealing with anyone's fool. I'm smarter than most...and I'm beyond taking shit from anyone, including you. I give a shit what your family did in the 50's and 60''s about you and me, and right now. And me, calling you on your shit, does not denote racism on my part.

I have known Damo for several years. I have watched him run this place for 4 years. He has not banned any individual words. So your accusation of hypocrisy is, in fact, wrong.

I did not tell you because I am white and you are black. I told you because I am very familiar with this place and with Damo's moderation of it. And you are obviously not familiar with it.

I did not minimalize you. I only offered you information from someone far more familiar with this website. I have watched Damo moderate for over 4 years, and you have been here less than a month. Who do you think is more qualified to speak to his motivations? The colors of our respective skin has absolutely nothing to do with it.

You want a single word banned because it offends you. You have not addressed any words that offend anyone else. So your demands are completely self-serving. And if your self-serving demands are based soely on race, your demands are, by definition, racist.

No settle the fuck down and hold your racist accusations for those who have done something based on race. I have certainly not. Your statement: "Nothing other that your inherent sense that you know best because you're white and I'm black." is absolute bullshit. By that reasoning, no one of any race is allowed to tell anyone of another race that they are in error. Regardless of the difference in experience, education, or knowledge, any correction is racism because it is a white person correcting a black person? That is utter nonsense.