MPR: The "N-word"

I guess I was too impulsive and rash, giving you the benefit of the doubt. I started this thread, and it was absolutely concerning "race". And the gravitas and premise was that the n-word was the most vile word in the English lexicon, by the history and context of the usage of the word. All the pejoratives you listed can't compare to the history or utilitarian usage of the n-word. We weren't talking about those words...we were talking about the n-word. If you want to start a thread to address those words, by all means, be my guest. But don't try to change the impetus or distort my intent for posting the article.

And of course what you did and said, had everything to do with white privilege. You lectured me. You felt compelled to do so. What would have given you the impetus to do so? Nothing other that your inherent sense that you know best because you're white and I'm black. You proved my point.
When someone who is white disagrees with someone who is black...we have to look toward context, to see if there is any racial component.
How the hell do you know what Damo was being? Why do you feel the need to speak for him? Where does that arrogancy come from? I'm baffled. Then you proceed to tell me what reason there is or not. Who are you? I stated an opinion..and rather than just allowing it to be, you found fault, and proceeded to lecture me as to what Damo was doing, what he believes, and what I needed to do. You lost your mind.
And if you don't think I'm pissed off, as hell, by the minimalization of exactly what you did, and the false cries of "reverse racism" and "boys crying wolf". Take a look in the mirror. You don't think I have any common or "good sense"? My many postings should serve to inform you and everybody else, that you're not dealing with anyone's fool. I'm smarter than most...and I'm beyond taking shit from anyone, including you. I give a shit what your family did in the 50's and 60''s about you and me, and right now. And me, calling you on your shit, does not denote racism on my part.

You're an idiot.

I would be a hypocrite if I started banning people for disagreeing or stating something "offensive" to another. Either you don't understand that words mean things, or you really don't understand what "hypocrite" means. I don't believe that is the case and that you are just attempting an ad hominem attack that you believe will get me to act like you want me to act. People don't like to be called hypocrite or racist, however baseless the accusation may be and will often go a long way to try to get people to stop. However, I do know that words mean things, and that my stance on censorship would make me a hypocrite if I banned the word. You can't make me a hypocrite, only I could do that.

I don't like the F-word either, but you won't see me "banning" its usage on the site. I don't like "apple", when used in a certain context, because it is a racial slur for either a mixed breed native, or a statement of how a native "acts" somehow different than expected, they are 'red' on the outside, but 'white' on the inside. You won't see me banning that either. Nor do I assume every time somebody says anything about it or uses it in any form that it is a personal attack. (There are many different forms of this one too. I've heard "white apple"... which is a person who is partial native who looks white.) Basically it would be like using "oreo" in a context other than speaking of cookies and where it was used to refer to race.

Word up; Dawg.

GO DAMO :cheer: GO DAMO :cheer: GO DAMO :cheer: GO DAMO
No,'re a hypocrite, in light of the fact that you don't approve of the usage of the n-word...but neither will you do anything about it, which is actually in your power to do. Many forums forbid the usage of racial pejoratives...all you have to say is that it's not welcome here...but, hypocritically, you state that it's more important that people exercise their "freedom of speech" right, in light of this single solitary hideous word...used only to demean and degrade a group of people, not only an individual, all the while condemning its' use. That seems the textbook definition of "hypocrite".
And I have a Webster's New World Dictionary, 5 feet from me, most of the time. I don't use words I don't know the meaning of..........ever. And I am not a poet laureate. I'm up for consideration. Don't get it confused.

"...And I am not a poet laureate. I'm up for consideration..."

If they read your comments, on this board; then you fucked up that chance.
But then; if you don't get it, it's probably because they're a bunch of racist white guys.
Pared down to those I've heard before:

Beaner, camel jockey, chink, coon, cracker, dago, frog, gook, gringo, guido, guinea, gypsy, heeb, honky, hun, hymie, injun, jap, jerry, jig, jungle bunny, kike, kraut, limey, n____r, nip, oreo, paddy, paki, polack, raghead, redneck, sambo, sand n___r, slope head, spade, spearchucker, spic, uncle Tom, wetback, wigger, whitey, wop, yank, yellow.

Get busy, Damo. :)

You left out ol' fay and white bread; to name a couple more.