mrs is out with girlie friends, help


actually i made the ravoli from costco, chicken, mozzellara and herbs...not the frozen stuff, but i did make my own fontina sauce and i used parmasian, and my favorite pecoino romano...i also have this kicken marina sauce from world market that i am dipping my garlic bread in...

its different having the house to myself
Remember Yurt. When the women are out. It's man night. You got the first part right. Drinking. The pasta is ok, but you have to wash it down with something inappropriate, like half a pint of milk drank straight from the jug. Eating something bad for you is even better. You can eat a whole carton of ice cream and not have to listen to her nag. My suggestion, open a can of tune and eat it straight from the can with a lump of old cheese and some cold hot dogs which you dip directly into the jar of mustard. Not only will you enjoy a manly meal you'll make her feel bad for leaving you alone. For the rest of the evening you should be sitting in your under wear and scratching your belly while watching man shows like a ball game, some porn, a Dirty Harry movie, etc. No way should you be calling any guys, unless it's either your bookie or you're calling 3D or Watermark to make fun of them for being virgins. Last but not least, when you've drank enough don't, for god's sakes, go to bed. Pass out on the couch. That way you'll embarass your wife if she happens to bring one of her friends in to chit chat. Alternatively passing out in the bathroom or kitchen floor is acceptable.
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Oh, my, your strategy is so much more romantic than mine! I prepare a great dinner that my poor neglected husband will have to eat alone while I'm at a dog club event then come home to eat my share. He does like the meals, though.
Poor fella...I mean I"m sure the meals are appreciated (unless your doin the tuna casserole thing). I should warn you Thorn, if the ole boy gets to the point where he has to tie a blue ribbon that says "First Prize" around his you know what to get your attention..... then it's time for you to get professional help!!
lol...started a few minutes ago

tequila rules the night

i am going to make some awesome pasta to go with this. i don't feel like ordering out. and you know, it is actually cool to hang with yourself. good lord, does this mean i'm getting old :palm:
Not at all, drinking alone is a forgotten pleasure in this day and age. It's a great time for self discovery.
Poor fella...I mean I"m sure the meals are appreciated (unless your doin the tuna casserole thing). I should warn you Thorn, if the ole boy gets to the point where he has to tie a blue ribbon that says "First Prize" around his you know what to get your attention..... then it's time for you to get professional help!!

LOL! I'll bear that in mind. But he does call me "Iron Chef", which I take to be a positive.
That was Lola. She always gets the centipedes. She's an ambitious chicken. At 9 months she already has 2 homes and leads the pack around the yard.

If I could have some, I would; just so they could help with the scorpions, during the summer.
Why can't you have them? They're a shitload of fun and they make great noises.
I'd like that too but either my wife or the Great Horned Owl that likes to perch on my roof would eat them. I don't think it would be safe to have Lola around my wife anyway. She's the jealous type ya know?
City laws regarding "farm animals".

I've got the same zoning problem here, but it doesn't stop me. You have to make sure they're chickens and not roosters They make very little noise, they're content to hang in the coop all day, and you get fresh eggs every single morning. And chicks dig it.
I've got the same zoning problem here, but it doesn't stop me. You have to make sure they're chickens and not roosters They make very little noise, they're content to hang in the coop all day, and you get fresh eggs every single morning. And chicks dig it.
You have a hen named Larry? That just fucked up Beefy!