mrs is out with girlie friends, help

She has some pretty hot tail feathers too. You're a lucky man Beefy! :clink:

Added perk, they eat roaches too. Lola is my chicken, one died and the other two are the girls' chickens. Its only natural that Lola became alpha and Jay's chicken got curious as to what a mongoose was and rapidly found out that they are less than benevolent towards poultry.

I'd like that too but either my wife or the Great Horned Owl that likes to perch on my roof would eat them. I don't think it would be safe to have Lola around my wife anyway. She's the jealous type ya know?

They do have meat on their bones, I've been tempted a time or two, but the eggs are too good to pass up.

Beefy....if you let a straight line like this go with out taking a crack at it...I'm going to be very dissapointed in you!!

I'm not one to disappoint.
I hope you're rooting for the Colts tomorrow. Or hate football.

normally I would not because the trend these days in new england is to hate the colts, but if nawlins wins I don't want a montage of all the proles that got flooded. Don't want to hear how "the city has been through a lot, THIS IS FOR YOU GUYS!!!" etc. so i hope they lose.
I've got the same zoning problem here, but it doesn't stop me. You have to make sure they're chickens and not roosters They make very little noise, they're content to hang in the coop all day, and you get fresh eggs every single morning. And chicks dig it.

I"ve got some fencing issues that I need to address and then I'm going to look into it.
My lot is 50 ft by 165 ft and they would have plenty of room to catch ground crawling critters.
LOL! I'll bear that in mind. But he does call me "Iron Chef", which I take to be a positive.
Oooo that's my wife's favorite show. I like to cook too. My friends keep trying to talk me into opening a restraunt (I worked my way through college in restaraunts, their nuts!). PM me if you'd like to swap recipes. I got a killer braised ox tail one.