Mrs. Keaton is a Lesbian


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Wow... three marriages and 5 kids later Alex Keaton's mom on Family Ties comes out as a lesbain.

Man, I loved that show when I was a kid.
Please save the lesbian outages to the hotties in their 20's not some grilled cheese dried up granny.
Have you heard of the word Bisexual?

If you are talking to me yes. She calls herself a lesbian. I'm just going off what she says.

Family Ties's Meredith Baxter: 'I'm a Lesbian Mom'
By Blaine Zuckerman

Most people know Meredith Baxter as Elyse Keaton, everyone's favorite mom from the hit '80s sitcom Family Ties. But now the actress reveals to PEOPLE that she's ready for the world to see her in a different – and surprising – way: "I'm a lesbian mom," she says.

Before Baxter, 62, first started dating women seven years ago, the thought of being gay "had never crossed my mind," she tells PEOPLE. Having been in three failed marriages to men (most famously to actor David Birney), she says of her many difficult years before coming out, "I was never comfortable with myself." But she's quick to add, "That doesn't mean I was questioning."

Now in a four-year relationship with building contractor Nancy Locke – the couple have lived together for two years – the actress, who continues to act and run a skincare company, says, "I feel like I'm being honest for the first time."

Baxter was open about her new-found identity almost immediately with her five kids. Her son Peter’s reaction, like that of his siblings, was both reassuring and supportive. "I just couldn't stop smiling," says Peter, 25, "because she finally figured it out.",,20323654,00.html
cawacko, please stop 62
how bout you dig up some 22 bisexual hottie for us.
what's next an 82 yr old lesbian 3 some.
new board age limit on lesbian discussions.
What ever age Madonna and Brittney were when they sucked face like it would increase record sales by a million.
Have you ever heard of calling somebody what they asked to be called?

I have no problem recognizing her as a lesbian.

Could you live as a homosexual for 30 years?

I think people who do what she did have a bisexual component to their orientation.

Desiding that she is happier as a lesbian is not out of line with any of this.
I have no problem recognizing her as a lesbian.

Could you live as a homosexual for 30 years?

I think people who do what she did have a bisexual component to their orientation.

Desiding that she is happier as a lesbian is not out of line with any of this.

Its more common for women to hide their sexuality and deny their homosexual desires. It does not negate their sexual activities. Stimulation works regardless of the gender of the person doing the stimulating.

Society has stricter standards for women concerning most sexual subjects.

So its quite possible she is a lesbian and not bisexual. If she has no desire to have sex with a man, then "bisexual" would not be an appropriate label for her.
I have no problem recognizing her as a lesbian.

Could you live as a homosexual for 30 years?

I think people who do what she did have a bisexual component to their orientation.

Desiding that she is happier as a lesbian is not out of line with any of this.
You'll do or say anything rather than just say, "Oh... She said she's a lesbian, then okay, sorry, lesbian then. I shouldn't have been trying to force her into the box I want her to fit in."
Guys I just know that I could never have lived as a lesbian for one day let alone 30 years.

I still submitt that someone her age would not have had the pressure that would make her remarry after the first marriage. She could have very easily remained a single mother and not had to have a "beard" arround.

I think many who do this have a bisexual component to their sexuallity.
Guys I just know that I could never have lived as a lesbian for one day let alone 30 years.

I still submitt that someone her age would not have had the pressure that would make her remarry after the first marriage. She could have very easily remained a single mother and not had to have a "beard" arround.

I think many who do this have a bisexual component to their sexuallity.

From the article:

"“I am a lesbian and it was a later-in-life recognition,” she told Matt Lauer on TODAY."

"Baxter says that her relationship with men was complicated, and it took her decades to understand why."

"Then, seven years ago, she had a relationship with a woman and concluded that she was homosexual. Suddenly, things seemed to make sense.

“I got involved with someone I never expected to get involved with, and it was that kind of awakening,” she said. “I never fought it because it was like, oh, I understand why I had the issues I had early in life. I had a great deal of difficulty connecting with men in relationships.” "

The bottom line is that Meredith Baxter says she is a lesbian.
I have no problem recognizing her as a lesbian.

Could you live as a homosexual for 30 years?

I think people who do what she did have a bisexual component to their orientation.

Desiding that she is happier as a lesbian is not out of line with any of this.

times were different back then. People weren't exposed to the whole gay culture thing like we are today. They were out of sight and out of mind. It's not unreasonable to assume that a gay person back then would literally just not have considered anything like that
Guys I just know that I could never have lived as a lesbian for one day let alone 30 years.

I still submitt that someone her age would not have had the pressure that would make her remarry after the first marriage. She could have very easily remained a single mother and not had to have a "beard" arround.

I think many who do this have a bisexual component to their sexuallity.

its easier for a lesbian to live as a straight person than for a straight person to pretend to be a lesbian.