Mrs. Keaton is a Lesbian

Dudes ,Im a chick and not that much younger than thos lady.

She worked her whole life in a field that was very accepting of homosexuality.

She was obviously attracted to men at some level or she would not have taken years to figure this out.

When you are a BI you can pick to live a hetro life or a homosexual life.

She can be a lesbian and still have bi tendancies.

Bis are very lucky in my observation. They can pick whatever person they want and have a full life.

I am restricted to just men becuase the idea of women literally makes me feel ill.

Thank goodness I find men very entertaining as people.

Now imagine your most she she female friend. If she could pick a girl and have someone to do all the girly things with and enjoy sex with too why would she even think about men as a partner?
If you are talking to me yes. She calls herself a lesbian. I'm just going off what she says.

Family Ties's Meredith Baxter: 'I'm a Lesbian Mom'
By Blaine Zuckerman

Most people know Meredith Baxter as Elyse Keaton, everyone's favorite mom from the hit '80s sitcom Family Ties. But now the actress reveals to PEOPLE that she's ready for the world to see her in a different – and surprising – way: "I'm a lesbian mom," she says.

Before Baxter, 62, first started dating women seven years ago, the thought of being gay "had never crossed my mind," she tells PEOPLE. Having been in three failed marriages to men (most famously to actor David Birney), she says of her many difficult years before coming out, "I was never comfortable with myself." But she's quick to add, "That doesn't mean I was questioning."

Now in a four-year relationship with building contractor Nancy Locke – the couple have lived together for two years – the actress, who continues to act and run a skincare company, says, "I feel like I'm being honest for the first time."

Baxter was open about her new-found identity almost immediately with her five kids. Her son Peter’s reaction, like that of his siblings, was both reassuring and supportive. "I just couldn't stop smiling," says Peter, 25, "because she finally figured it out.",,20323654,00.html

I know how she feels. I just recently discovered that I'm a lesbian too.
"Three failed marriages". More evidence that lesbians choose their lifestyle because they can't find a decent guy.
Only at college and in bars.

I did personally know a handful of bi and lesbian chicks in college. One of the most amazing girls I ever met fell for some girl before I could make a move, and now they are married. Oh, well.

Next time don't be such a grandmaw's boy, stop thinking for 2 yrs what to say and say something trite, then listen cause she doesn't care what you say anyway virgin. :clink:
Only at college and in bars.

I did personally know a handful of bi and lesbian chicks in college. One of the most amazing girls I ever met fell for some girl before I could make a move, and now they are married. Oh, well.
She thought you were THAT nasty? :palm:
23 years and growing stronger every day pal. Eat your heart out. :)
You know, in most states, if she had killed someone she would be coming up on a parole date by now. If someone has been with you 23 years, then you have either kept her addicted to smack and she thinks you are the only one that has it, or she is shackled to a wall somewhere in your basement.
You know, in most states, if she had killed someone she would be coming up on a parole date by now. If someone has been with you 23 years, then you have either kept her addicted to smack and she thinks you are the only one that has it, or she is shackled to a wall somewhere in your basement.
Either that or I make her the happiest woman on earth, which I strive to do. :)

You see, some women actually like men with strong convictions, and who follow through with what they promise to do.

That, plus I'm so devastatingly handsome, and a decent cook.
You know, in most states, if she had killed someone she would be coming up on a parole date by now. If someone has been with you 23 years, then you have either kept her addicted to smack and she thinks you are the only one that has it, or she is shackled to a wall somewhere in your basement.

Let's hope you live long enough to enjoy 23 years with your newest wife.

I wish you the best.
Man, I don't care what side of the fence she's on, I'll ALWAYS be indebted to her for a scene that she did in her mid to late 40's....a drama called "My Breast" that was about a woman dealing with breast cancer. Suffice to say, you got to hand it to her for not letting her career being defined by her body....and brother, that lady has a shape on her!

More power to ya, Meredith!
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Wow... three marriages and 5 kids later Alex Keaton's mom on Family Ties comes out as a lesbain.

Man, I loved that show when I was a kid.

Wait, was that the show with the kid who was a Young Republican, who had posters of Reagan and Nixon in his bedroom, and who hated his parent’s counter culture liberalism?

Whoa, Cawacko I can totally see you being into that show! It must have been like a pop-culture parallel to the Reagan Shrine you had in your bedroom. Nice!
You know, in most states, if she had killed someone she would be coming up on a parole date by now. If someone has been with you 23 years, then you have either kept her addicted to smack and she thinks you are the only one that has it, or she is shackled to a wall somewhere in your basement.

Some men just have that magic touch, soccy.
From the article:

"“I am a lesbian and it was a later-in-life recognition,” she told Matt Lauer on TODAY."

"Baxter says that her relationship with men was complicated, and it took her decades to understand why."

"Then, seven years ago, she had a relationship with a woman and concluded that she was homosexual. Suddenly, things seemed to make sense.

“I got involved with someone I never expected to get involved with, and it was that kind of awakening,” she said. “I never fought it because it was like, oh, I understand why I had the issues I had early in life. I had a great deal of difficulty connecting with men in relationships.” "

The bottom line is that Meredith Baxter says she is a lesbian.

The bottom line is the poor guys who must have had to deal with her. There had to be a lack of passion as she wasn't really "into" it.

God bless those poor souls. :(
Dudes ,Im a chick and not that much younger than thos lady.

She worked her whole life in a field that was very accepting of homosexuality.

She was obviously attracted to men at some level or she would not have taken years to figure this out.

When you are a BI you can pick to live a hetro life or a homosexual life.

She can be a lesbian and still have bi tendancies.

Bis are very lucky in my observation. They can pick whatever person they want and have a full life.

I am restricted to just men becuase the idea of women literally makes me feel ill.

Thank goodness I find men very entertaining as people.

Now imagine your most she she female friend. If she could pick a girl and have someone to do all the girly things with and enjoy sex with too why would she even think about men as a partner?

Besides, BI folks get double the chances of a date.

Alas, some of us are not that fortunate.