Mrs. Keaton is a Lesbian

Man, I don't care what side of the fence she's on, I'll ALWAYS be indebted to her for a scene that she did in her mid to late 40's....a drama called "My Breast" that was about a woman dealing with breast cancer. Suffice to say, you got to hand it to her for not letting her career being defined by her body....and brother, that lady has a shape on her!

More power to ya, Meredith!

Translation: 'I think she's hot so who cares about morals?'
Translation: 'I think she's hot so who cares about morals?'

"For the most part right and wrong acts are classified as such because they cause benefit or harm, respectively. However, this is not by any means an all encompassing criterion; it's possible that many moral beliefs are due to prejudice, ignorance or even hatred."

What could be considered harmful about lesbianism other than some guy losing out on a hot chic?

Sort of like celibacy. When I hear a gal is celibate the first thing I think is, "What a waste!"
tions, and who follow through with what they promise to do.

That, plus I'm so devastatingly handsome, and a decent cook.

LOL! You kidding? You look like a mule with the wrong chromosome count. You must have married Helen Keller.
"For the most part right and wrong acts are classified as such because they cause benefit or harm, respectively. However, this is not by any means an all encompassing criterion; it's possible that many moral beliefs are due to prejudice, ignorance or even hatred."

What could be considered harmful about lesbianism other than some guy losing out on a hot chic?

Sort of like celibacy. When I hear a gal is celibate the first thing I think is, "What a waste!"

LOL Wiki is now the liberal's version of morality.
Wasn't it you who posted that picture standing on the Yamaha rice burner entitled, "Me on the Chick Magnet"?

I think we've all seen your picture.

I stand corrected. However it was a Kawasaki and as you recall, the chicks were indeed swooning. ;)
The bottom line is the poor guys who must have had to deal with her. There had to be a lack of passion as she wasn't really "into" it.

God bless those poor souls. :(

What a load of bull$hit Apple! I am sure all your vast experience of being a woman makes you an authority on it, eh?

Women become disenchanted with sex with men because a good majority of men are only concerned with having their own needs met. Once that happens the sex is over for the woman.

Ask women who discover later in life that their sexual preferences have changed. A good majority will tell you that other women know what is missing and what to do to satisfy.
Romans chapter one.

Romans 1:
26: "For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:"
27: "And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another;"

Well, I'll be dam.......Well, not literally. There's no substitute for long, smooth legs that go all the way up to make an.......Well, you get the idea.

Hmmm. All this time I thought it was just man lying with man.

Well, let me unequivocally state before the world that if I can save the soul of a gal from damnation due to her searching for affection in all the wrong places may the good Lord lead me to her door. :inno:
What a load of bull$hit Apple! I am sure all your vast experience of being a woman makes you an authority on it, eh?

Women become disenchanted with sex with men because a good majority of men are only concerned with having their own needs met. Once that happens the sex is over for the woman.

Ask women who discover later in life that their sexual preferences have changed. A good majority will tell you that other women know what is missing and what to do to satisfy.

It's not bull$hit if she always swung that way. If I recall correctly she mentioned she felt there was something amiss with each guy. Did she discuss it with her men? It would appear not.

I'm all for everyone getting their satisfaction but there has to be some sort of initial attraction.

There were times during my life when even the neighbor's husky wouldn't risk turning his back on me but I never considered getting whisker burn from necking, regardless of the predicament I was in.

My point is I doubt a person thinks to themselves, "I can't get a decent lay so I think I'll change teams" unless there is some initial attraction there.

Hey, I could be wrong. Personally, I'd search the earth for the last woman alive before I gave up.
Originally Posted by usaloyal2theend
What a load of bull$hit Apple! I am sure all your vast experience of being a woman makes you an authority on it, eh?

Women become disenchanted with sex with men because a good majority of men are only concerned with having their own needs met. Once that happens the sex is over for the woman.

Ask women who discover later in life that their sexual preferences have changed. A good majority will tell you that other women know what is missing and what to do to satisfy.

It's not bull$hit if she always swung that way. If I recall correctly she mentioned she felt there was something amiss with each guy. Did she discuss it with her men? It would appear not.

I'm all for everyone getting their satisfaction but there has to be some sort of initial attraction.

There were times during my life when even the neighbor's husky wouldn't risk turning his back on me but I never considered getting whisker burn from necking, regardless of the predicament I was in.

My point is I doubt a person thinks to themselves, "I can't get a decent lay so I think I'll change teams" unless there is some initial attraction there.

Hey, I could be wrong. Personally, I'd search the earth for the last woman alive before I gave up.

I can't believe the absurd BS I reading on this...women become lesbians because they can't be satisfied by a man? Give me a fucking break....either you have the inclination or you don't. If that nonsense was true, you'd have a hell of lot of guys who couldn't get laid to save their lives suddenly going gay. And that's just not happening. Our society essentially gears people to their gender role from childhood on....this was especially true for Baxter's generation. Hence the plethora of writings and such by gay folk about the angst of coming to terms with their sexual differences in a society that doesn't acknowledge them...much less demonizes them. Baxter unfortunately is not the first woman living a lie, and won't be the last.