MSNBC Host To Rick Santorum: What Are You Doing About ‘White Men With Guns’?

You're so stupid you should be institutionalized. You said NOTHING about percentages. You said "we can post the NUMBERS of who committs the most violent crimes, and it aint white people."

Numbers means numbers, not percentages, not ratios. You were 100% wrong (that's a percentage, moron) and won't admit it, a typical psychopathic trait.

You're trying to walk back your racism about violent crime but it's perfectly obvious to anyone who isn't a sociopath like you.

Go lick a window, dummy.

The above just shows how either dishonest or moronic you are.
The American people voted for republicans to take over Congress in order to defund it. Pretending that all those elections mean nothing and only the one you wanted means something is just inane. All those people won elections.

:rolleyes: Another one lacking comprehension of history. Obamacare wasn't the dominant issue in that election. Obamacare was passed in 2010 and Obama won his second term in 2012. Repubs didn't control both houses until two years later. But apparently you think the 2014 mid-terms are the only ones that count.
:rolleyes: Another one lacking comprehension of history. Obamacare wasn't the dominant issue in that election. Obamacare was passed in 2010 and Obama won his second term in 2012. Repubs didn't control both houses until two years later. But apparently you think the 2014 mid-terms are the only ones that count.

Sanctimonious santorum has no good answer to the question, unsurprisingly.

"This morning on MSNBC, Joe Scarborough asked Rick Santorum a simple question: What can we do to show the millions of peaceful Muslim Americans that they are valued and respected members of society? Santorum rejected the question and said that onus was on every Muslim American to confront “the cancer within Islam.” Santorum said that “most Muslims” in America were shirking their duties to confront radicalism.

Co-host Mika Brzezinski had enough. “I’ll turn the argument around on you. Why aren’t you working on white men with guns?,” she asked. “You are telling Muslim Americans they all need to come out and talk about the tiny percentage of their community that has kind of, quite frankly, wreaked havoc. But yet, you look at the data of white men wreaking havoc on this country? Why aren’t white men coming forward? Why don’t you call on them to do that?,” Brzezinski continued.

Santorum responded by saying he was dealing with the problem of “gun violence.” Not by supporting any kind of gun safety legislation but by encouraging people to get married.

Brzezinski is right on the data. Since 9/11, fatalities from attacks by right-wing extremists — a group of almost exclusively white men — has accounted for 254 fatalities. Meanwhile, Islam-inspired attacks accounted for 50 fatalities over the same period. (This data was from June so did not include the recent attacks in Colorado and San Bernardino.)

Prejudice against Muslims in America is not without consequences. ThinkProgress has documented 46 anti-Islam incidents, many of them violent, since the terrorist attacks in Paris. Santorum criticized the Obama and George W. Bush administrations for being too accommodating toward Muslims."

I cant stand her

I'm glad she is not being such an asshole as she used to be though.

she supported many of the stupid things Bush did
The above just shows how either dishonest or moronic you are.

Go lick a window with your pal, dopey. There are four categories of violent crime and homicide is just one of them. Read the stats and get back to me. Blacks lead whites in murder and robbery. Whites lead blacks in rape and aggravated assault. Plus, the only other category on that table of 30 offenses where blacks lead whites is gambling. FBI -Table 43

Rather than reverting to stupid insults like you all do eventually, explain to me why you focus on black crime rather than overall crime. Because in my mind the reason ain't pretty.
So you are just going to continue to chirp the same line? Do you comprehend how compromise works? Do you understand Obama just stood there (as did the Reps in Congress) and was willing to allow a government shutdown because he refused (again, like the Rep Congress) to compromise or show any hint of being willing to work with the other party?

Once more...

Do you think Obama should have caved in and agreed to defund the ACA? It's not a hard question and it's the basis of the shutdown.

Other than agreeing to defund the ACA what else do you think Obama should have done?
Once more...

Do you think Obama should have caved in and agreed to defund the ACA? It's not a hard question and it's the basis of the shutdown.

Other than agreeing to defund the ACA what else do you think Obama should have done?

So yes... you ARE going to chirp the same line? You truly are as fucking retarded as Desh.
Once more...

Do you think Obama should have caved in and agreed to defund the ACA? It's not a hard question and it's the basis of the shutdown.

Other than agreeing to defund the ACA what else do you think Obama should have done?

Its easy Christie... he could have compromised. He could have come to the table and said... defunding Obama care is not going to happen, but in exchange for your dropping that, I will give you 'x'. Compromise. But he doesn't do that. He stomps his feet and says 'I got elected, I get whatever I want or I will shut everything down and blame you'
see they are all republicans no matter what shit hey claim

they all carry the water they claimed they dont
see they are all republicans no matter what shit hey claim

they all carry the water they claimed they dont

See Christie... the above is precisely how fucking retarded you sound. We criticize BOTH parties, you idiots pretend it is just one party that is the problem and then you idiots call US hacks.
Go lick a window with your pal, dopey. There are four categories of violent crime and homicide is just one of them. Read the stats and get back to me. Blacks lead whites in murder and robbery. Whites lead blacks in rape and aggravated assault. Plus, the only other category on that table of 30 offenses where blacks lead whites is gambling. FBI -Table 43

Rather than reverting to stupid insults like you all do eventually, explain to me why you focus on black crime rather than overall crime. Because in my mind the reason ain't pretty.

Christie... the article YOU linked to was discussing GUNS. Not ALL violent crime. That was the topic, which is why other people discussed it. It also brought up the phrase that 'white men were wreaking havoc with GUNS'... which again is why it was brought to your attention that black people with guns are far more deadly than white people.
Its easy Christie... he could have compromised. He could have come to the table and said... defunding Obama care is not going to happen, but in exchange for your dropping that, I will give you 'x'. Compromise. But he doesn't do that. He stomps his feet and says 'I got elected, I get whatever I want or I will shut everything down and blame you'

Bump for Christie
Christie... the article YOU linked to was discussing GUNS. Not ALL violent crime. That was the topic, which is why other people discussed it. It also brought up the phrase that 'white men were wreaking havoc with GUNS'... which again is why it was brought to your attention that black people with guns are far more deadly than white people.

That was the topic until the sociopath weighed in with his stupid comment, which you would understand if you actually read it in context. He started by saying blacks kill more people with guns, transitioned to all violent crime and then tried to claim that blacks commit the most violent crimes, which is demonstrably false according to the FBI tables.

"how are white men wrecking havoc on our country with guns? Black people kill WAAAAY more people with guns. People really shouldn't be bringing race into the gun debate (when one side doesn't even believe there IS a problem). But if one side is going to insist on doing that, we can post the numbers of who committs the most violent crimes, and it aint white people."
Bump for Christie

If defunding was the main reason for the shutdown threat and Obama said it wasn't going to happen, what quid pro quo could have been on the table?

You're hilarious when you revert to cheap insults about Obama, as if the repubs weren't a laugh riot to the nth degree.
If defunding was the main reason for the shutdown threat and Obama said it wasn't going to happen, what quid pro quo could have been on the table?

You're hilarious when you revert to cheap insults about Obama, as if the repubs weren't a laugh riot to the nth degree.

Cheap insults? He fucking refused any type of compromise. He used the media to make the Reps capitulate by blaming them for the potential shut down that HE TOO was causing.

You honestly think there was nothing Obama could have put on the table that would have helped end the stand off? Yeah... you are 1000000% a partisan hack.
Cheap insults? He fucking refused any type of compromise. He used the media to make the Reps capitulate by blaming them for the potential shut down that HE TOO was causing.

You honestly think there was nothing Obama could have put on the table that would have helped end the stand off? Yeah... you are 1000000% a partisan hack.

So tell me what he could have done rather than just continuing with your cheap insults. You must have had this all figured out since you brought it up.

You thinking I'm a partisan hack is too funny. Pot, kettle...