MSNBC Host To Rick Santorum: What Are You Doing About ‘White Men With Guns’?

And your opinion is dead on. All Obama needs to do is whisper 'government shut down' and he wins.

The Republican caucus are a bunch of cowards. Except for Ted Cruz---it's one of the reasons I like him. That and the fact congress hates him.

Kinda tells you all you need to know about him.

Obama was not the guy who originally wanted to shut down the government. That was the repubs thinking they could coerce him to defund the ACA.
Obama was not the guy who originally wanted to shut down the government. That was the repubs thinking they could coerce him to defund the ACA.

The stupidity of the left is ever comical. BOTH sides were willing to shut down the government if they didn't get their way. But being as gullible as you are... once again you fall for the spin.
The stupidity of the left is ever comical. BOTH sides were willing to shut down the government if they didn't get their way. But being as gullible as you are... once again you fall for the spin.

What a hack you are. The entire debacle was republican-led.

"The tensions that would ultimately produce the 2013 shutdown began to take shape after Republicans, strengthened by the emergence of the Tea Party, won back a majority of the seats in the House of Representatives from the Democrats in 2010. Even at that time, some conservative activists and Tea Party-affiliated politicians were already calling on congressional Republicans to be willing to shut down the government in order to force congressional Democrats and the President to agree to deep cuts in spending and to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which had been signed into law only a few months earlier.

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, a Republican who had presided over Congress during the last government shutdowns 15 years earlier, said in April 2010 that if Republicans won back control of Congress in the 2010 election, they should remove any funding for the Affordable Care Act in any appropriations bills they passed. Gingrich said Republicans needed to "be ready to stand on principle" and should refuse to fund the new healthcare law even if their refusal would result in a shutdown of the government."
What a hack you are. The entire debacle was republican-led.

"The tensions that would ultimately produce the 2013 shutdown began to take shape after Republicans, strengthened by the emergence of the Tea Party, won back a majority of the seats in the House of Representatives from the Democrats in 2010. Even at that time, some conservative activists and Tea Party-affiliated politicians were already calling on congressional Republicans to be willing to shut down the government in order to force congressional Democrats and the President to agree to deep cuts in spending and to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which had been signed into law only a few months earlier.

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, a Republican who had presided over Congress during the last government shutdowns 15 years earlier, said in April 2010 that if Republicans won back control of Congress in the 2010 election, they should remove any funding for the Affordable Care Act in any appropriations bills they passed. Gingrich said Republicans needed to "be ready to stand on principle" and should refuse to fund the new healthcare law even if their refusal would result in a shutdown of the government."

actually since the Republicans folded and the Democrats didn't, isn't more logical to say the Republicans were NOT willing to shut down the government but the Democrats were?............
What a hack you are. The entire debacle was republican-led.

"The tensions that would ultimately produce the 2013 shutdown began to take shape after Republicans, strengthened by the emergence of the Tea Party, won back a majority of the seats in the House of Representatives from the Democrats in 2010. Even at that time, some conservative activists and Tea Party-affiliated politicians were already calling on congressional Republicans to be willing to shut down the government in order to force congressional Democrats and the President to agree to deep cuts in spending and to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which had been signed into law only a few months earlier.

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, a Republican who had presided over Congress during the last government shutdowns 15 years earlier, said in April 2010 that if Republicans won back control of Congress in the 2010 election, they should remove any funding for the Affordable Care Act in any appropriations bills they passed. Gingrich said Republicans needed to "be ready to stand on principle" and should refuse to fund the new healthcare law even if their refusal would result in a shutdown of the government."

purely comical as I stated... I said both parties were willing to shut down the government, you proclaim it was JUST the Reps... yet I am the hack?

You are simply too gullible. You parrot every stupid thing the idiots on the left tell you to. You are truly becoming like Desh... you see no wrong in your party.
purely comical as I stated... I said both parties were willing to shut down the government, you proclaim it was JUST the Reps... yet I am the hack?

You are simply too gullible. You parrot every stupid thing the idiots on the left tell you to. You are truly becoming like Desh... you see no wrong in your party.

I suppose you thought Obama should have just caved in and agreed to defund the ACA. Is that it?
I suppose you thought Obama should have just caved in and agreed to defund the ACA. Is that it?

LMAO... you still don't get it do you? BOTH sides refused to cave, thus causing us to come close to a shut down... then the REPS caved rather than shut down the government. Obama refused to give an inch... HE was willing to let the government shut down. Yet he and the media played it up for the gullible idiots by blaming the Reps. You fell for it... AGAIN.
LMAO... you still don't get it do you? BOTH sides refused to cave, thus causing us to come close to a shut down... then the REPS caved rather than shut down the government. Obama refused to give an inch... HE was willing to let the government shut down. Yet he and the media played it up for the gullible idiots by blaming the Reps. You fell for it... AGAIN.

Do you think Obama should have caved in and agreed to defund the ACA? It's not a hard question and it's the basis of the shutdown.

Other than agreeing to defund the ACA what else do you think Obama should have done?
Congress is the branch of government that, supposedly, in theory, speaks for the people. So yeah, he should have de-funded it. It's going to collapse anyway.

Elections speak for the people and the American people chose Obama knowing that health care was the number one item on his agenda.

I've been hearing how it's going to collapse since 2010. Still waiting.
Pay attention. It's about right-wing extremists, not your random white guy violence.

Where did your statistics come from? Do you want to disarm blacks?

Co-host Mika Brzezinski had enough. “I’ll turn the argument around on you. Why aren’t you working on white men with guns?,

Looks to me like shes talking about white men with guns.....

Teenagers with guns?....yeah, I want to disarm them no matter what color they are....

Why didn't you start your stats on 9/10....then you'd come up with about 3050 killed by Muslims.....

More than 47,000 people died from these drug overdoses last year, the CDC reported.

but you're all in a tizzy about so called "white extremists" responsible for 254 over 15 years....? Most of which a just common ordinary insane people.....what a joke.

According to data compiled by Mother Jones magazine, which looked at mass shootings in the United States.
Black people committed close to 16% of the mass shooting Mother Jones looked at.....

Did your figure include Omar Thorton.....killed 8 in 2010
Maurice Clemmons.....killed 4
Nathan Dunlap.....killed 4 in 2014
John Muhammad.....killed 10 in 2003
Christopher Dorner...killed 3 in 2013
Aaron Alexis....killed 13 in 2013
Chris Mercer...killed 9 in 2015
Mark Goudeau....killed 9
Charles Johnston....killed 3
Charles "Cookie" Lee Thornton...killed 6
William Baker....killed 5
Silvio Leyva.....killed 5

This short list accounts for 79 deaths...none of these killers were
'white men'.....its kinda racist to single out 'white men' when you know more facts......
Do you think Obama should have caved in and agreed to defund the ACA? It's not a hard question and it's the basis of the shutdown.

Other than agreeing to defund the ACA what else do you think Obama should have done?

Compromise ????

Guess not, he'd rather shut down the gov. and blame the republicans....
Co-host Mika Brzezinski had enough. “I’ll turn the argument around on you. Why aren’t you working on white men with guns?,

Looks to me like shes talking about white men with guns.....

Teenagers with guns?....yeah, I want to disarm them no matter what color they are....
Then don't be quoting the 2nd amendment and your so-called natural right to own a gun. I don't see anything in the 2nd about age of the gun owner.

Why didn't you start your stats on 9/10....then you'd come up with about 3050 killed by Muslims.....

Why don't you mention the stats of Muslims killed by Americans in the Iraq war?

More than 47,000 people died from these drug overdoses last year, the CDC reported.

but you're all in a tizzy about so called "white extremists" responsible for 254 over 15 years....? Most of which a just common ordinary insane people.....what a joke.

Are these drug deaths homicides?

According to data compiled by Mother Jones magazine, which looked at mass shootings in the United States.
Black people committed close to 16% of the mass shooting Mother Jones looked at.....

There were 64% committed by whites and 9% by Asians. What's your point?

Did your figure include Omar Thorton.....killed 8 in 2010
Maurice Clemmons.....killed 4
Nathan Dunlap.....killed 4 in 2014
John Muhammad.....killed 10 in 2003
Christopher Dorner...killed 3 in 2013
Aaron Alexis....killed 13 in 2013
Chris Mercer...killed 9 in 2015
Mark Goudeau....killed 9
Charles Johnston....killed 3
Charles "Cookie" Lee Thornton...killed 6
William Baker....killed 5
Silvio Leyva.....killed 5

This short list accounts for 79 deaths...none of these killers were
'white men'.....its kinda racist to single out 'white men' when you know more facts......

Sixty-four percent v. 16 percent means there have been four times as many mass shootings by white men. Yet you would never dream of disarming them.
Sanctimonious santorum has no good answer to the question, unsurprisingly.

"This morning on MSNBC, Joe Scarborough asked Rick Santorum a simple question: What can we do to show the millions of peaceful Muslim Americans that they are valued and respected members of society? Santorum rejected the question and said that onus was on every Muslim American to confront “the cancer within Islam.” Santorum said that “most Muslims” in America were shirking their duties to confront radicalism.

Co-host Mika Brzezinski had enough. “I’ll turn the argument around on you. Why aren’t you working on white men with guns?,” she asked. “You are telling Muslim Americans they all need to come out and talk about the tiny percentage of their community that has kind of, quite frankly, wreaked havoc. But yet, you look at the data of white men wreaking havoc on this country? Why aren’t white men coming forward? Why don’t you call on them to do that?,” Brzezinski continued.

Santorum responded by saying he was dealing with the problem of “gun violence.” Not by supporting any kind of gun safety legislation but by encouraging people to get married.

Brzezinski is right on the data. Since 9/11, fatalities from attacks by right-wing extremists — a group of almost exclusively white men — has accounted for 254 fatalities. Meanwhile, Islam-inspired attacks accounted for 50 fatalities over the same period. (This data was from June so did not include the recent attacks in Colorado and San Bernardino.)

Prejudice against Muslims in America is not without consequences. ThinkProgress has documented 46 anti-Islam incidents, many of them violent, since the terrorist attacks in Paris. Santorum criticized the Obama and George W. Bush administrations for being too accommodating toward Muslims."

how are white men wrecking havoc on our country with guns? Black people kill WAAAAY more people with guns. People really shouldn't be bringing race into the gun debate (when one side doesn't even believe there IS a problem). But if one side is going to insist on doing that, we can post the numbers of who committs the most violent crimes, and it aint white people.
purely comical as I stated... I said both parties were willing to shut down the government, you proclaim it was JUST the Reps... yet I am the hack?

You are simply too gullible. You parrot every stupid thing the idiots on the left tell you to. You are truly becoming like Desh... you see no wrong in your party.

I have said this forever. I am glad people are finally starting to see it for themselves. Christiefan is the epitome of simpleton thinking. She's basically a robot.
how are white men wrecking havoc on our country with guns? Black people kill WAAAAY more people with guns. People really shouldn't be bringing race into the gun debate (when one side doesn't even believe there IS a problem). But if one side is going to insist on doing that, we can post the numbers of who committs the most violent crimes, and it aint white people.

In addition to being a sociopath you're a congenital idiot. Learn how to read a table, numbnuts. Crime in the US - Arrests by Race 2013

Whites are responsible for more violent crime by a wide margin, 6,214,197 to 2,549,655.
In addition to being a sociopath you're a congenital idiot. Learn how to read a table, numbnuts. Crime in the US - Arrests by Race 2013

Whites are responsible for more violent crime by a wide margin, 6,214,197 to 2,549,655.

actually that's the numbers for all crimes, not violent crimes.....
from your link, talking about homicides, its 3,799 whites to 4,379 blacks.....interestingly whites lead in every type of crime EXCEPT killing.........