MSNBC in meltdown after Donald Trump's McDonald's shift.

The restaurant was closed to the public during Trump’s visit, and the motorists whom Trump served were screened by the U.S. Secret Service and positioned before his arrival. No one ordered food. Instead, the attendees received whatever Trump gave them.
So? Anyone with half-a-brain can see it was a brilliant publicity stunt. It totally blows away anything Harris has tried to look like an average person. I'm not saying that because it's Trump. Any politician doing that when your opponent claims they once worked a Micky D's and is probably lying should be given credit for doing that.
It shows she experienced what poorer people did. Trump did not know how to buy food. He is chauffeured every place he goes in a limo. He has never been poor. Working for money among the lower level workers provides an understanding of what their problems are. He never had bosses, after his dad died. He has lived a very spoiled life and has no idea what the problems of the masses are. Harris has worked and talked with average workers.
No, Harris led a privileged life too. She when to good universities where she didn't have to take out loans to pay her way through, then got a law degree--not that that means much on its own--and went into politics where she quickly moved up the ladder with good connections to the 'right' people.