APP - Multiracialism and Violence

I know Conservatives don't believe in science, but genetics do affect the way people think and act. It's no coincidence that when the creators of a civilization become a minority, the civilization drastically changes.

I'm a scientist, so that blows your theory all to hell.

Race has no effect on how people think and act. Infant twins adopted by separate families of different cultures will become parts of those separate cultures.
I'm a scientist, so that blows your theory all to hell.

Sure, me too.

Race has no effect on how people think and act. Infant twins adopted by separate families of different cultures will become parts of those separate cultures.

Sure, but their genetics will still affect how they think. If an autistic child is adopted and raised by parents who don't have autism, the adopted child will still be autistic.
Sure, me too.

Sure, but their genetics will still affect how they think. If an autistic child is adopted and raised by parents who don't have autism, the adopted child will still be autistic.

But you're trying to suggest that genetics will affect somehow affect a culture.
I know Conservatives don't believe in science, but genetics do affect the way people think and act. It's no coincidence that when the creators of a civilization become a minority, the civilization drastically changes.

Will you be posting anything to support your opinions???
But you're trying to suggest that genetics will affect somehow affect a culture.

Yes, but culture is the result of many people, not one person.
If an Indian guy grows up in Japan, he's going to be pretty culturally Japanese with maybe some peculiar traits. However, if Indians ever outnumbered the Japanese in Japan, the culture of Japan would change to reflect the genetics of the Indian population.
Yes, but culture is the result of many people, not one person.
If an Indian guy grows up in Japan, he's going to be pretty culturally Japanese with maybe some peculiar traits. However, if Indians ever outnumbered the Japanese in Japan, the culture of Japan would change to reflect the genetics of the Indian population.

The Indian growing up in Japan has the culture of Japan, unless he has the support of a large Indian culture, and just because his genetics is Indian, does not mean does not mean that he's all of a sudden going to act Indian.

It looks like you're trying to say that a population shift means that the Japanese are then going to abandon their culture and act like the Indians.
The Indian growing up in Japan has the culture of Japan, unless he has the support of a large Indian culture, and just because his genetics is Indian, does not mean does not mean that he's all of a sudden going to act Indian.

Yes, I'm saying that he's going to be culturally Japanese if he's just one Indian guy in a sea of Japanese people.

It looks like you're trying to say that a population shift means that the Japanese are then going to abandon their culture and act like the Indians.

No, I'm saying that if Indians outnumber the Japanese, then the overall culture will change. Not that the Japanese minority will choose to abandon its culture, but rather that it will grow up in an Indian culture.

Look at what happened in Kosovo. It was a Serbian culture, the Serbs became the minority due to Albanian immigration, and now it's an Albanian culture. So much so, that the Kosovo Albanians seceded from Serbia, making Kosovo its own country.
Yes, I'm saying that he's going to be culturally Japanese if he's just one Indian guy in a sea of Japanese people.

No, I'm saying that if Indians outnumber the Japanese, then the overall culture will change. Not that the Japanese minority will choose to abandon its culture, but rather that it will grow up in an Indian culture.

Look at what happened in Kosovo. It was a Serbian culture, the Serbs became the minority due to Albanian immigration, and now it's an Albanian culture. So much so, that the Kosovo Albanians seceded from Serbia, making Kosovo its own country.

But what about his genetics??

Albanian immigration, so are you saying Trump should stop immigration; before the US becomes a different country??
According to you, he should be acting Indian!! :eek:
Race is a myth and skin color is a recent evolutionary product. Why does it matter whether you are light skinned or dark? Does being one or the other make you a better person? Hardly it seems. And most of the Moslems I have met are white. This is not about race, it is about tribalism, my tribe is better thus I can kill you. Seems humans have not strayed very far from their evolutionary roots. We are a young experiment and have a long way to go. If God existed she'd call it all off and start over. lol

"Racism is not about how you look, it is about how people assign meaning to how you look." Robin D.G. Kelley

"It's always been a great survival value for people to believe they belong to a superior tribe. That's just in human relationships." E. O. Wilson

"If I tell you who I am, you become nervous and uncomfortable, or antagonized. But if I don’t tell you who I am, I have to pass for white. And why should I have to do that?"

"Furthermore, it’s our problem if you think that the social fact of my racial identity is in any event just a personal, special fact about me. It’s not. It’s a fact about us."

"Because if someone can look and sound like me and still be black, then no one is safely, unquestionably white. No one."

'Dear Friend, I am black.''

"I am sure you did not realize this when you made/laughed at/agreed with that racist remark. In the past, I have attempted to alert white people to my racial identity in advance. Unfortunately, this Invariably causes them to react to me as pushy, manipulative, or socially inappropriate, Therefore, my policy is to assume that white people do not make these remarks, even when they believe there are no black people present, and to distribute this card when they do.

I regret any discomfort my presence is causing you, just as I am sure you regret the discomfort your racism is causing me."

Adrian Margaret Smith Piper