APP - Multiracialism and Violence

Race is a myth and skin color is a recent evolutionary product. Why does it matter whether you are light skinned or dark? Does being one or the other make you a better person? Hardly it seems. And most of the Moslems I have met are white. This is not about race, it is about tribalism, my tribe is better thus I can kill you. Seems humans have not strayed very far from their evolutionary roots. We are a young experiment and have a long way to go. If God existed she'd call it all off and start over. lol

Race is not a myth. Black people are genetically and culturally different, and have a different overall experience, from American Indians. You can try to argue that this doesn't matter, but saying Blacks and American Indians are not two different groups based on genetics, culture, and life experience is just crazy.

Whether or not skin color is a recent evolution product, as opposed to an ancient one, is unimportant. Today we look the way we look, we have different experiences and political interests based on how we look.

The reason skin color matters is because it is one of the things that plays a role in the overall experience of a people. The white experience, the black experience, the East Asian experience, skin color is part of all of those.

With the exception of Albanian Muslims and the few white people who convert to Islam, I'd say Muslims aren't white because they are not culturally or ethnically European.

Race is part of tribalism. Humans are a tribalistic species, and that's why we self-segregate.

Saying each ethnic group should have its own country absolutely is NOT saying it's ok to kill people over ethnicity or race. I support all ethnic groups having the right to life and preservation of their genetics, culture, and experience.

You can say humans would be a better species if we weren't tribal. While I don't know if I agree, I'll grant you that it's a fair opinion to have. But regardless of what SHOULD be, we have to deal with what IS.
Then you're wrong. America has had policies to favor white immigrants until 1965. We also had things like segregation.

that doesn't mean we didn't have multiple cultures.........not even all whites had the same culture in 1965.......for example, the KKK demmycrats in the South did not view things in the same way that the Republicans in the Midwest did.........and the blind ivory tower New Englanders didn't live in the same world as either.........that's not even counting black culture which inarguably existed.......
He has his alternative view based on alternative truths...

It's actually really strange. People will claim that Blacks are disadvantaged because of historic oppression, but then when I say America was founded as a white ethnostate, they claim there were never any laws or policies that favored Whites.
that doesn't mean we didn't have multiple cultures.........not even all whites had the same culture in 1965.......for example, the KKK demmycrats in the South did not view things in the same way that the Republicans in the Midwest did.........and the blind ivory tower New Englanders didn't live in the same world as either.........that's not even counting black culture which inarguably existed.......

Of course there were different regional cultures, but the main ethnic culture was European-American. The main ethnic culture in Germany is German, but they still have Bavarians, Swabians, Saxons, Hessians, and so on.
And yeah, there were some minority ethnic cultures, but they were just that, minorities. America was still overwhelmingly white, not multicultural like it is today.

By the way, I find your hypocrisy on the KKK amusing.
Of course there were different regional cultures, but the main ethnic culture was European-American. The main ethnic culture in Germany is German, but they still have Bavarians, Swabians, Saxons, Hessians, and so on.
And yeah, there were some minority ethnic cultures, but they were just that, minorities. America was still overwhelmingly white, not multicultural like it is today.
so your argument is that there were multiple cultures but it wasn't do realize that most of your arguments end just like this, with you looking incredibly stupid........right?.......New Englanders didn't think like Midwesterners then and they don't now.......the Chinese that came to work on the railroads in the 1800s didn't share the culture of the Southern plantation owners.........the blacks of the 1920s did not share a culture with the Hispanics living in California in the same era.........

By the way, I find your hypocrisy on the KKK amusing.
you can find it as amusing as you want, but there's no avoiding the fact its YOUR hypocrisy, not mine.......or are you one of those fucking idiots that think Republicans today are secret KKK members?........
so your argument is that there were multiple cultures but it wasn't do realize that most of your arguments end just like this, with you looking incredibly stupid........right?.......

I'm sorry, I assumed you knew what "multiculturalism" means. So multiculturalism refers to a society where there are multiple dominante cultures all occupying the same area. Today's America is multicultural. The America of the fifties, when the population was around 90% white, and segregation was still common, America was not multicultural.

you can find it as amusing as you want, but there's no avoiding the fact its YOUR hypocrisy, not mine.......

How am I being hypocritical?
It's actually really strange. People will claim that Blacks are disadvantaged because of historic oppression, but then when I say America was founded as a white ethnostate, they claim there were never any laws or policies that favored Whites.

?? Who are you referring to making those comments??

They didn't need any laws favoring them... Prob why they didn't need to make any..........:palm: They simply acted & did whatever suited them & fuck everyone else........
I'm sorry, I assumed you knew what "multiculturalism" means. So multiculturalism refers to a society where there are multiple dominante cultures all occupying the same area. Today's America is multicultural. The America of the fifties, when the population was around 90% white, and segregation was still common, America was not multicultural.

perhaps you misunderstood the definition.....
"Multiculturalism" is the co-existence of diverse cultures, where culture includes racial, religious, or cultural groups and is manifested in customary behaviours, cultural assumptions and values, patterns of thinking, and communicative styles.
the word "diverse" you for some reason replaced with the word "dominant".......

How am I being hypocritical?

clarification......hypocritical and disingenuous......
As I noted above race is a myth, see below for an education on topic. Also Immigration was covered here well.

And for the interested and open minded reader please see this book. 'On Human Nature' by Edward O. Wilson

"Racism is not about how you look, it is about how people assign meaning to how you look." Robin D.G. Kelley
As I noted above race is a myth, see below for an education on topic. Also Immigration was covered here well.

And for the interested and open minded reader please see this book. 'On Human Nature' by Edward O. Wilson

"Racism is not about how you look, it is about how people assign meaning to how you look." Robin D.G. Kelley

Great suggestions......

There are several stone cold racist, as well as many semi-closeted haters here that are not interested in anything that conflicts w/ their biases & prejudices but who knows :dunno: