Passive-aggressive to the max! She's glommed onto many LW women over the years. Phantasmal, Christiefan, me, Evince, a half dozen at the old forum. But I've always been her first unrequited love.
Ask Christiefan sometime about her first Toxic exposure. Toxic refused to venture out into the forum and join discussions for her first few months here. Instead, she squatted in a thread created by another one of her former defenders. But she followed
@christiefan915 around like a wormy stray dog, putting "groans" on all of her posts. CF tried to engage her to no avail. Toxic wouldn't respond until CF showed up in her Thumb-Sucking Safe House and confronted her about the groans and asked her why she refused to respond. That turned into Toxic trying to get CF banned for posting an internal JPP link! That link led to a JPP discussion I had started, which contained a link to another forum. Toxic claimed that CF was doxing her because that other forum contained some of Toxic's personal info, including the fact that she had tried repeatedly to join it with fake names, but was always discovered and denied. Quite the circus! Sadly Toxic is so unselfaware that she believes that Christiefan and others dislike her because I've told them to. She can't seem to understand that it is her own behavior and words that have created such animosity and mockery of the stupid sad twit.