Musk has been staying at $2,000-a-night Mar-a-Lago cottage — just hundreds of feet from Trump’s main house

Damn, you're so triggered that now you're replying to yourself. And you're *still* boring and inane.

And yet here YOU are replying to someone sooooooo BORING AND INANE. :laugh: Damn,....this is just sooooooooooooo easy. Silly lefties.

For one thing I have several collage degrees, and It is NOT the REPUBLICANS that I am against it is Trump and his stupid MAGAS.
The Republicans were a political party real patriotic Americans could stand behind and don't want to put a want to be dictator in the highest office in the land.
You MAGAS have to open your eyes and read / listen to just what Trump has been saying he is going to do.
and I will ask you again what are they going to do after Trump is done taking the left leaning AMERICANS rights away and comes after yours?
multiple women’s studies lib’rul arts and a masters in drag queen makeup
I very much like the team as it is unfolding...JD, Vivek, Elon, just to mention a few....
Especially when I think about what might have been...;)
Why is he allowed so much influence over Trump? Is it because he purchased him?

He no doubt threw a huge amount of weight behind Trump on X and elsewhere, so Trump kind of owes him. Trump doesn't see it that way since Trump owes no one anything ever. For the time being Trump is getting something from Musk. Once he has used up Musk he will dispense with him.

President Musk will have to be very gentle with Junior President Trump since Junior President Trump is a vicious toddler who actually runs the whole place.

Not unlike that one episode of the Twilight Zone:

Poor Joe...I haven't seen a single thread good bye and thank you thread...
Yeah, and you won't see one, because all these moronic libs know too well that biden screwed
America and Americans in every way possible. Even the cackler won't be able to say goodbye
and a thank you for all of biden's horrendous time as potus.
Kam couldn't win with 2 billion plus...President Trump worked at 'Donalds for 15 minutes, and waved from the cab of a garbage truck...and voila!!
I KNOW,...RIGHT! And it just KILLS THEM! So many of them still to this day even avoid watching THE NEWS because they cant take the heart break! WOW! Talk about snowflakes!

Actually in charge...Joe pretty much admits it now that he was he regrets "stepping aside" now....He may now have a tiny bit of realization how they played him...