Musk Is Trator Trash on H1B Issue

I am against what H-1B's have become. The basic idea is good, but it has become a way for rich people to import slave labor.
no the basic idea is bad.

it was conceived with this purpose in mind.

so you're against them.

you're more America first that Elon Musk.

Fuck Elon musk.

And it is not like mar-a-lardo is some sort of research facility. These people cleaned toilets. We need people who clean toilets, but if you pay enough, we have them. The only reason trump imported them was he wanted to pay them below minimum wage.

It is a disgrace.

Worse yet, he stole and stored top secret information in with the basically illegal aliens.
so why do you not believe in border enforcement?

it's the exact same arguments.
These two things are not mutually exclusive. One can be both Indian and top talent inclusively. H1Bs are designed to bring folks here to do jobs for which we do not have enough trained or educated folks. Stealing other nation's top talent is a good thing.
Sheepskins Are for Sheep

Radically change the Eweniversity to highly paid professional training. Just because no Influencer suggests this common-sense proposal means that we should quit depending on what we are told to think. Under this indentured-servitude system, cow-ledge means nothing more than buying a job, which puts inferior minds in superior positions. Sacrifice has no merit; it is nothing but brown-nosing by sheepish tyranny-lovers.

The Big Lie is something we'd automatically reject if we weren't bombarded with propaganda about unpaid education: "What? You want us to go years without a job, living like teenagers who are afraid to grow up, just to get one of the jobs you think you own? What are you trying to pull? We create your wealth for you, so the talented should be the only ones making demands."