Shaken, not stirred!
I’m working up a load for a muzzleloader I have acquired. It’s a Traditions Buckskinner in 50 caliber, manufactured in the early 2000’s. This gun was given to me and I’m planning to squirrel hunt with it. If it is accurate enough, I’ll deer hunt with it when the season rolls around.
“50 cal is a little overkill,” you say? Well, you’d be right. But I’m at that point in my life where I hunt more for fun and nostalgia more than for food, although I do enjoy the food. I enjoy taking my dogs to woods the most. And think about it, not many of our ancestors had different caliber weapons for different game. They loaded and shot accordingly.
I shot some bullets from a mold I have had for several years out of the gun today with 30 grains of Triple 7. It was pretty good from 30 yards, but not good enough. I have ordered a round ball mold in the proper caliber and am hoping that a patched round ball gets me to squirrel head sized groups.
I’ll post a picture of the little gun in the comments.
Just for clarification: you eat squirrels? You prepare them yourself or do you have a local butcher do it for you? If so, what's it taste like?