Into the Night
Verified User
Are you a Global Warming worshiper as well?
Yes...he is.
Are you a Global Warming worshiper as well?
They know you are a pro-Russian, anti-American who claims to have voted for Biden? Interesting.
What's my condition, comrade Tink?
So saying that Ukraine should have been invaded because they started a war with Russians in 2014 makes me anti-American?
Your condition is being an idiot.
What is wrong with you? You have been posting practically nonstop for the last 24 hours and posting straight through the wee hours of the late night and early morning.
I value my nationality against all enemies, foreign and domestic.![]()
I'm more cosmopolitan than a bunch of criminals from Sicily. Jus' sayin'.![]()
My electric company didn't do that. My electric bills have been LOWER under Biden. Same with my friends and relatives.
Maybe you should close your windows, TinkerBitch.
I'll take your word for it, Oom,
but going by your own words, I must admit,
that it doesn't seem that you live that way!
You're practically a freaking cowboy.
Does "cosmopolitan" now include that?
I could have just not gotten the memo, of course.
Manic posting for 24 hours and straight through the wee hours of the night has either drugs or loser written all over it.
I'm an unabashed, unhyphenated American who has literally traveled the world. I've studied other cultures and their histories....mostly with a military eye, but studied, nonetheless. I have no need to "value my ethnicity" to give my life value since, as demonstrated on JPP every day, a little bit of Dutch goes a long way.![]()
Agreed. I'm an American, you're an Italian-American.
My loyalties are 100% American, yours are divided between the nation where you were born and an island in the Med. I get it.
Legion! Stop embarrassing yourself with this nonsense!
It takes a Real Women to even know what a REAL MAN is!
I'd rather be normal.
Prices are higher per kWh, ya dumb Sock.url][/url]
The problem is, that you get people entrenched into political positions where they remain for decades. They accumulate power during that time, and they use it and abuse it. Term limits, along with not giving politicians a cushy retirement for serving in an elected position, etc., is the best detergent to clean up that corrupt mess.
As demonstrated daily on JPP with the Far Left and the Far Right.
IMO, it's important to root out the violent and anti-Americans such as those who supported Trump's attempt to overthrow our nation and install himself as President-for-Life.
Bulverism. Bigotry.You have not traveled the world. You hate America.
Stop hallucinating, Sock.
Bulverism fallacy. Bigotry.
Bulverism. Bigotry. False Authority.
bigotry, bulverism,
Bulverism. Bigotry.Trump did not attempt to overthrow anything.
Violent factions like Antifa, BLM, the KKK, and Proud Boys are funded and supported by DEMOCRATS. It was DEMOCRATS that organized the riots on Jan 6th. It was DEMOCRATS that conducted the coup (so far successful).
Bulverism fallacy. Bigotry.
Bulverism. Bigotry. False Authority.
bigotry, bulverism,
Bulverism. Bigotry.Prices are higher per kWh, ya dumb Sock.
Bulverism fallacy. Bigotry.
Bulverism. Bigotry. False Authority.
bigotry, bulverism,
Bulverism. Bigotry.So you consider advocating tyranny and communism 'normal'. Gotit.
Bulverism fallacy. Bigotry.
Bulverism. Bigotry. False Authority.
bigotry, bulverism,
I am against term limits also, but for the very opposite reason.
I like consistent, long term power in government if it's on my side.
I think FDR was clearly the greatest president in our nation's history,
and he was elected to four terms back before they screwed that up with an amendment.
I believe in professional, career public servants.
I like public servants who know what the fuck they're doing when a constituent needs a personal favor.
That's how they earn their support to stay in office--serving their constituents.
My first national election was in 1968 [it would have been 1964 if there were an 18-year-old vote back then].
I have yet to vote for my first Republican ever in a partisan election!
I don't want periodically shaken up government.
I want MY points of view represented.