Power storage is now electrical generation? You are too funny. Next you will be telling us it is the cheapest way to produce electricity.
Yes, I most certainly will ... while you set yourself up for me to mock the shit out of you as you claim that wind and solar, energy sources that are so expensive that they need to be subsidized to remain in existence, are somehow the cheapest. Anyway, I want to start raking you over the coals right now, so please just make your assertion so I can begin.
The peak is more than 84,000 but thanks for playing.
Not according to the chart you posted, but thanks for playing.
Projected to be 85,333 on Thursday this week.
This is why you should have stayed in school. Projections don't count, you moron, only what
actually happens. The peak never actually reaches 84,000 MW. It sure is easy to bamboozle you. Talk about gullible. Am I really the first person to explain all this to you? Don't you think you should have learned all this long ago?
I have to ask ... what the fuck possessed you to pretend to correct me? You know that you are as stupid as horseshit. I realize that you don't take notes on everything I teach you, even though you should, because you probably don't know how to write words, but one would imagine that you would know better and just sit quietly in the fucking corner, or just keep coloring over at the kids' table. If you need more crayons,
that's the time to open your yap.
The maximum capacity is not the maximum summer capacity.
Correct. It's the maximum capacity always. Are you only just now figuring this out?
Anyway, you have backed yourself into a corner whereby you have only two options: 1) be honest and acknowledge that you were mistaken, but that now your eyes have been opened and you can see that wind and solar are expensive and definitely not needed in Texas, or 2) in a final act of desperation, you assign to me a really bogus position that I do not hold, and then attack me for the bogus position that I do not hold, so you at least have something to attack. I wonder which one you will choose.
It's nice that your mythical world has power plants and transmission lines that never need maintenance and aren't affected by heat.
Why didn't you include my quote where I posted this position? Oh, that's right, I never said anything of the sort. Are you assigning a bogus position to me that I do not hold? Wow, I never saw that coming.
All it takes is 2 of the largest power production sites to go offline even at max capacity and you can't meet the demand.
Possibly, but until that happens, Texas is green, per the graphic that you posted.