What is that word salad supposed to mean?
If the price goes up the price goes up? Duh...
If the price goes up, it doesn't mean it is caused by the Federal government.
The price goes up because the costs have gone up. Costs go up for many reasons that have nothing to do with the federal government. The federal government doesn't set demand for electricity or dictate where and why new transmission lines are built.
MN just saw an increase in rates, because of the added costs due to the Texas fiasco that drove the cost of natural gas up dramatically on the spot market.
https://www.xcelenergy.com/staticfi...Change in Rates and Interim Rate Petition.pdf
Much of the increases are to recover past costs that weren't accounted for such as storm damage to transmission lines, increased employee expenses, or changes in fuel costs.
One of the things asked for by one power company was to pay for software to calculate how much they should increase their prices. I don't think you can blame that on Biden.