My electric bill

No, my AC is always set to the same temp and that is the main source of my energy bill.

It's set at 75 so as soon as it hits 76 it turns on, the outside temperature is irrelevant to that.

The outside temperature is somewhat relevant, since the outside air is heating your house. The greater the difference in temperature, the greater the heat (under the same coupling).

H = −k(A/l)(T2 − T1) where 'k' is the thermal conductivity, 'A' is the cross section of the conducting path, 'I' is the length of the conducting path, 'T2' and 'T1' is the difference in temperature. Heat always flows from hotter to cooler (hence the minus in front of the 'k').

The coupling I refer to is through 'k', 'A', and 'I'. Assuming your house is the same size and has the the same materials, the only change is 'T2' ('T1' is your thermostat setting).

Thus, if it's ten degrees hotter outside, you will experience more heat through the walls of your home. This is what must be pumped by the air conditioner (which is a heat pump).

Now comes your argument; that your electrical bill is higher under Biden. You are correct. For the same kWh, you are paying more. This figure is completely independent of your air conditioner or any other electrical use in your home.
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Special pleading fallacy. Bills are higher during the cooler months too, Phanty.

Bulverism. Bigotry.
Bulverism fallacy. Bigotry.
Bulverism. Bigotry. False Authority.
bigotry, bulverism,
We just shrug our shoulders and pay the fucking bill.

It's not as if we have a choice.

We're not going to live without electricity.
My sex life, that is Biden's fault also.

He has made all men gay I swear to God.

There are no real men left in the world anymore.

Heh. I know quite a bit of men that feel the same about women!

No, Biden cannot make all men gay. There are real men out there, just as there are real women out there. There are still men willing to go out there and build and support families and do whatever it takes to defend them.
There are also still women out there that still build and care for families, and do whatever it takes to defend them.

But...your have a point.

Too many men have no interest in reproduction at all. I could say the same about a lot of women.
The cause is basically from Democrats...pushing anything and everything to feminize men, masculinize women, and destroying families.
Including yourself. :laugh:

Our power comes via an electric co-op. We've been here almost seven years now. Our electric bill averages around $100 a month, year round. It is slightly higher in winter as we have lights on longer. We have a/c but seldom need to turn it on. According to NWS records, our temps have been trending higher than average during this period.

Maybe instead of blaming Biden, who has zero to do with your financial problems (same thing for all presidents), maybe you should point your Cheeto-stained finger at your electric provider, Ivan Ivanovich?

There are no records. You have no data. Stop making shit up.
Denying the effects of Biden's executive orders is not going to help you.
There’s a huge difference between 100° and 110°. 100 is actually quite tolerable in low humidity. 110 is stifling.
Not a lot. Obviously, you have never been to Phoenix in the summer, Dumber.
A/C can only do so much at high temps. It can only drop the temp about 20° or so from the outside temps without running constantly. When the outside temp doesn’t drop much below 90°, which is what a 110° day will do, the A/C is working constantly.
It can create a drop much more than that! Obviously, you have never installed or charged an air conditioner and it sounds like you don't have a freezer either.
Poor Dumber.
So, the claim that the energy demand between the two temps is the same is BS
The cost per kWh is higher, Dumber. That's independent of electrical use.
And why would my electric company lower them under Trump and raise them under Biden?

Because most of your electrical power there comes from coal and natural gas; which Trump supported development of, and which Biden is trying to ban. There is also, of course, the effect of high inflation on everything, including power and other utilities, which primarily occurred during the Biden administration (caused by shortages and Fed action).
Doesn't appear to be a national policy. Ironically, Jan Brewer turned Arizona into Little China when it came to solar companies. Shame that the state doesn't employ the technology.

I get a 10% credit in my usage because my power comes from a nearby solar farm.

Solar is the most expensive method of generating electricity.
Natural gas is renewable. No, it doesn't take 'thousands of years'. It takes literally only hours. Natural gas is cheap and plentiful.
Coal is unknown, but probably renewable. Coal is cheap and plentiful.

You cannot store electricity (other than trivial amounts in batteries).

CO2 is not a pollutant. It is a naturally occurring gas. It has ZERO capability to warm the Earth.

Arizona is part of the WRIC (Western Regional Interconnect), the name for the grid in that area, which covers AZ, NM, UT, NV, WY, CO, OR, WA, the SDTC, and two provinces in Canada.
There is NO SUCH THING as a 'single supplier' on the WRIC.

Any 'credit' you get is due to communism from the government.
They didn't. You are lying. Again. In 2019 the average price of electricity in Arizona was 12.77 cents per Kilowatt hour. The average price in February 2023 was 13.9 per kilowatt hour. Why do you lie when the truth will do, Nora?

Another utter failure of a thread from THE dumbest poster on JPP.

You just made her case, dummy.
I am against term limits, I have argued this here before.

I believe it is the turnover in power that keeps our union together, not the age of the individual.

If someone is representing you to your satisfaction he should be able to remain in office.

It's like a grandfather clock, it swings left and right but always passes center more often. It's this swing left and right that keeps us essentially in the middle and keeps us going forward just like the time ticks forward.

When that clock gets stuck on either the left or right side then time stops going forward and we have tyranny.

The problem is, that you get people entrenched into political positions where they remain for decades. They accumulate power during that time, and they use it and abuse it. Term limits, along with not giving politicians a cushy retirement for serving in an elected position, etc., is the best detergent to clean up that corrupt mess.
The problem is, that you get people entrenched into political positions where they remain for decades. They accumulate power during that time, and they use it and abuse it. Term limits, along with not giving politicians a cushy retirement for serving in an elected position, etc., is the best detergent to clean up that corrupt mess.

As demonstrated daily on JPP with the Far Left and the Far Right.

IMO, it's important to root out the violent and anti-Americans such as those who supported Trump's attempt to overthrow our nation and install himself as President-for-Life.
There is a huge difference in electricity used to keep your home at 75.
Not a lot, and the price is by kWh, not the total electricity used. That's independent of ANY use of electricity. That price is higher.
Air conditioning doesn't care about the humidity.
YES IT DOES! Obviously, you know NOTHING about refrigeration systems!
It is fighting temperature.
Refrigeration systems (such as HVAC) do not 'fight' temperatures. They pump heat. Temperatures are simply what they are.
When your nights only get down to 90 and your days are at 115 your air conditioning works a lot more than if your nights are down to 80 and your days are 100.
Maybe you should actually run the numbers. You will find there isn't a lot of difference of energy.
The reason for this is simple physics. The calculation for energy needed to change temperature includes the difference between the two temperatures.

115-75 = 40
100 - 75 = 25
It takes more energy to get your home to 75 on 115degree day than it does on one that is 100.
While correct, you are STILL IGNORING the cost per kWh, which is not affected by how long you run your AC, and which has been GOING UP due to shortages and inflation, both caused by Biden and Democrats.
The problem is, that you get people entrenched into political positions where they remain for decades. They accumulate power during that time, and they use it and abuse it. Term limits, along with not giving politicians a cushy retirement for serving in an elected position, etc., is the best detergent to clean up that corrupt mess.

People keep electing them because the politician is representing them well.

The more power they can accumulate the better they can represent their district or their state benefiting their constituents.

When people don't like their representation they can vote them out.

The majority of long term politicians have shown no signs of corruption.

Your argument is based on an unfounded fear of what could happen.

And actually it's newer politicians that are far more open to corruption then long serving ones as they are seeking either power or money, the older ones already have it.
Because most of your electrical power there comes from coal and natural gas; which Trump supported development of, and which Biden is trying to ban. There is also, of course, the effect of high inflation on everything, including power and other utilities, which primarily occurred during the Biden administration (caused by shortages and Fed action).
