My Facebook Euro Personality Quiz Results

Minister of Truth

Practically Perfect

You are sophisticated, well-mannered, polite and proper. You prefer negotiation over violence. You have a witty, sometimes wacky, sense of humor. As you resemble the people of Britain, you just might enjoy an evening of Monty python movies and fish and chips.

Spot on, I should say. Monty Python was excellent, although by far Fawlty Towers is the finest programme ever to appear on the tele in Britain!
3D, next time post the results of something better, like the results of your "Which Fairytale Princess are you".
ship it.

[FONT=verdana, geneva, helvetica]Which Disney Princess Are You???[/FONT]

According to the answers you have just chosen you are most like the Disney Princess Cinderella.

Although gentle and soft spoken, Cinderella has a keen intelligent sense of humor which she wisely keeps hidden from her cruel Stepmother and jealous stepsisters. Finding delight in her tiny animal friends, able to sing as she works, Cinderella has true dignity something her Stepsisters could learn a thing or two about. Despite moments of heartbreak and disappointment, Cinderella holds onto her hopes until goodness and beauty are rewarded and dreams that she has dreamed do come true.
i was hoping for jasmine by the way, she's hot.
She's a cartoon.

Next week I'm going to Disney World. My goal is to get a picture with every Disney Princess with my hand behind them looking like I'm grabbing their tuckus...

Think it will be possible?
She's a cartoon.

Next week I'm going to Disney World. My goal is to get a picture with every Disney Princess with my hand behind them looking like I'm grabbing their tuckus...

Think it will be possible?

Have you got enough money to make bail?
I tried that and I got German. I found the result amusing enough that I labeled it "Mon Fuhrer!" and published it. Usually, when I bother to take quizzes on facebook, I refuse to waste other peoples time by actually publishing them.
Watermark Watermarky: Mon Fuhrer!


Watermark completed the quiz "THE INNER NATIONALITY QUIZ: WHAT ARE YOU REALLY?" with the result You are German..
You are precise yet romantic, efficient yet dreamy, friendly yet somewhat suspicious of others. You rarely smile, but when you do it's very meaningful. You like it best when there is a group consensus, and yet you are easily annoyed by the slowness and/or stupidity of others. Sometimes you think that if only you could live on an island or move to some wonderful place far away, everything would be better, and if you can't realize this dream you often lose yourself in books/vacations/recipes/sports -- anything for an escape! All in all, however, you make your peace with life, and have many old friends. .

Someone commented "krout".

BTW, you may notice the pseudo-apathetic tone of this post and look on disapprovingly, but note that this is just a facade to make me look cooler, and a poor one at that since there is very little that can be done to make me look cool.
ship it.

[FONT=verdana, geneva, helvetica]Which Disney Princess Are You???[/FONT]

According to the answers you have just chosen you are most like the Disney Princess Cinderella.

Although gentle and soft spoken, Cinderella has a keen intelligent sense of humor which she wisely keeps hidden from her cruel Stepmother and jealous stepsisters. Finding delight in her tiny animal friends, able to sing as she works, Cinderella has true dignity something her Stepsisters could learn a thing or two about. Despite moments of heartbreak and disappointment, Cinderella holds onto her hopes until goodness and beauty are rewarded and dreams that she has dreamed do come true.

Nice try, Watermark.
Which Chemical Element Are You?


You Are Holmium.

With your extremely magnetic personality many people fail to see the soft side of your nature. You have the tendency to be easily shaped by others but are usually cool under standard pressure and temperature. And with an impressive boiling point of 2720 degrees Celsius, why wouldn't you be the coolest cat in town?

In your spare time you probably have no problem just hanging out, being what you were meant to be - an honest to goodness Ho, with the atomic number 67. You are most suited to a career as a nuclear control rod or, perhaps in the field of calibrating gamma ray spectrometers. You know how the girls go crazy for gamma ray spectrometers, right?
Good idea.

I don't know why anyone hasn't thought of it before now.
Imagine if it got popular, people taking a quiz and getting an answer they aren't able to understand the results of...

You are <insert poster's name here>!

You can't spell and are slavishly dedicated to your political party to the extent that while you can sometimes say they may need to improve, you cannot mention even one thing that could be improved upon in any of their actual actions.... blah, blah, describe, blah.
Imagine if it got popular, people taking a quiz and getting an answer they aren't able to understand the results of...

You are <insert poster's name here>!

You can't spell and are slavishly dedicated to your political party to the extent that while you can sometimes say they may need to improve, you cannot mention even one thing that could be improved upon in any of their actual actions.... blah, blah, describe, blah.

OK, i've narrowed that down to two possibles.

You should get working on this with Grind straight away.

Just think of the massive traffic of deluded internets idiots you could pull in with a cleverly worded quiz such as this.