My Facebook Euro Personality Quiz Results


Ooh, hark at her...i don't know where to look.

However, in all seriousness, i had better remind you that this board is jam packed full of, and run by, ex-navy types (you know all the boys love a sailor). By indulging in this high camp banter we are running the certain risk that, in the coming days, our in-boxes are going to be filled to bursting with seamen.

Let's all sing the Navy song!

o/` Men, men, men, men, Men, men, men, men, there's men above, there men below, there's men in the galley! There's Bob and Fred and Steve and Joe and even one called Sally! `\o
"shut up, racist."??!! The man dogs you and the best you can do is say "Shut up, racist"?

Hell if that would have been me I'd have told Topper.

"I can lose my virginity anytime I want to. I only need $20 and a bus ticket to Louisiana to see your mamma!"

I could make cracks about Top being such a lousy lay that he has an ex-wife or something...

The racist line is a parody of Topspin's one-liners.