My faith is shot


Worst gambler ever
I've always known that the Dixie's and the Toby's and the other hacks were clowns, shot, and not something to worry abut. But now, Desh and Maineman are beating the drums to go to war.Welcome to hell. There is no more voice of reason. The same kneejerk shit that put us into the last 10 wars is at play again. I guess there is no sanity, no concern, no care for our kids.
I've always known that the Dixie's and the Toby's and the other hacks were clowns, shot, and not something to worry abut. But now, Desh and Maineman are beating the drums to go to war.Welcome to hell. There is no more voice of reason. The same kneejerk shit that put us into the last 10 wars is at play again. I guess there is no sanity, no concern, no care for our kids.

Except for us Libertarians.
" kneejerk shit that put us into the last 10 wars is at play again." ?????

Maybe its time you sat down and contemplated WHY things happen instead of just moaning that those things do happen...

Didn't someone once say something about having the strength to accept events you have no
control over and the intelligence to do the right thing about the events you can control....?
I've always known that the Dixie's and the Toby's and the other hacks were clowns, shot, and not something to worry abut. But now, Desh and Maineman are beating the drums to go to war.Welcome to hell. There is no more voice of reason. The same kneejerk shit that put us into the last 10 wars is at play again. I guess there is no sanity, no concern, no care for our kids.
I guess that means you didn't like my idea about killing celebrities?
Alex Baldwin? Let me think...

I think it's Alec but yea, he comes to mind ... along with a few other idiots.

(For the record, I am not really advocating killing anyone. Just having a little fun with Mott's opening)
My faith is secure. This is all according to script and this show has been in syndication for several decades. Want to know what's going to happen next? In 2016 the Republicans will nominate some guy who claims to be against nation building and using the military as a world police force. If he wins, after he starts a few wars the Democrats will all dust off their peace signs and tell us it is time for a change, to move on or some other bs.
The disease of American exceptionalism rots this century; same as the last, but the new twist is Perpetual War against the Muslims.
I've always known that the Dixie's and the Toby's and the other hacks were clowns, shot, and not something to worry abut. But now, Desh and Maineman are beating the drums to go to war.Welcome to hell. There is no more voice of reason. The same kneejerk shit that put us into the last 10 wars is at play again. I guess there is no sanity, no concern, no care for our kids.

read this OP as "my father was shot"

also dixie rage quit JPP.

I've always known that the Dixie's and the Toby's and the other hacks were clowns, shot, and not something to worry abut. But now, Desh and Maineman are beating the drums to go to war.Welcome to hell. There is no more voice of reason. The same kneejerk shit that put us into the last 10 wars is at play again. I guess there is no sanity, no concern, no care for our kids.

Also, Desh was always a hack and a clown.

#Axe to grind
I've always known that the Dixie's and the Toby's and the other hacks were clowns, shot, and not something to worry abut. But now, Desh and Maineman are beating the drums to go to war.Welcome to hell. There is no more voice of reason. The same kneejerk shit that put us into the last 10 wars is at play again. I guess there is no sanity, no concern, no care for our kids.

why do you lie about this?

you know damned well I was pro afgan war.

It was needed and NOT based on lies.

then there was Iraq which I THOUGHT you had agreed with main and me about being a fucking lie fest for oil.

This is NOT IRAQ is it?

this is a breaking of 100 year old laws about weapons so HORRIBLE the world banned then back after WWI.

They kill indiscriminately and those who survive have their ability to have healthy children stripped from them.

So the Babies who DO survive will have massive problems having normal healthy children.

ITS a crime that reaches right into the future generation.

bullets were not banned

Not even fucking war was banned.

These weapons were.

Pretending that being against the Iraq war means you cant back any logical actions based on facts is pure bullshit and you know it deep inside you.

buy a clue beefy
I've always known that the Dixie's and the Toby's and the other hacks were clowns, shot, and not something to worry abut. But now, Desh and Maineman are beating the drums to go to war.Welcome to hell. There is no more voice of reason. The same kneejerk shit that put us into the last 10 wars is at play again. I guess there is no sanity, no concern, no care for our kids.

I am certainly not beating any drums, beefy.
Except for the fact that the UN will not be involved... why is the proposed action in Syria any different than what occurred in Libya?

Why are people so much more up in arms about this?
I think there's been a growing level of opposition to Libya. Overall, it appears that people are disillusioned with the Arab Spring, and view it as a failure.