My faith is shot

That is because the dumb mutherfuckers thought that Jefferson and Madison existed in the middle east. They thought that the people of the Arab world are going to overthrow Islam and embrace democracy and freedom of religion, that women would roan the nations in bikinis and that Imams would be out of work.

This is random but my buddy is in Istanbul this week for part of his MBA program and he sent this email this morning. Probably offensive to some but knowing my friend I was in tears.

""Ill check the box. Not a chance in hell im coming back though. I get it, everything is old as sh*t here. It doesnt take away from the fact that people dont booze here, its way too f'ing crowded, the food sucks, no hot chicks, the beer tastes like ass, ive been watching the same goddamn tv station for three days, no golf courses and the fitness center is the size of my bathroom. Im all for history, but three days of 800 year old "mosaics" and "tapestries" has driven me to drink copious amounts of the crap they try to pass off as beer. Other than that its awesome.""
the thing is the Obama admin has been asking assad the whole time to give up these weapons.

He kept denying he even had them until he thought he was about to get hit

lmao......the latest version of desh's make believe history.....
This is random but my buddy is in Istanbul this week for part of his MBA program and he sent this email this morning. Probably offensive to some but knowing my friend I was in tears.

""Ill check the box. Not a chance in hell im coming back though. I get it, everything is old as sh*t here. It doesnt take away from the fact that people dont booze here, its way too f'ing crowded, the food sucks, no hot chicks, the beer tastes like ass, ive been watching the same goddamn tv station for three days, no golf courses and the fitness center is the size of my bathroom. Im all for history, but three days of 800 year old "mosaics" and "tapestries" has driven me to drink copious amounts of the crap they try to pass off as beer. Other than that its awesome.""

Oh poor silver spooned guy, lol
This is random but my buddy is in Istanbul this week for part of his MBA program and he sent this email this morning. Probably offensive to some but knowing my friend I was in tears.

""Ill check the box. Not a chance in hell im coming back though. I get it, everything is old as sh*t here. It doesnt take away from the fact that people dont booze here, its way too f'ing crowded, the food sucks, no hot chicks, the beer tastes like ass, ive been watching the same goddamn tv station for three days, no golf courses and the fitness center is the size of my bathroom. Im all for history, but three days of 800 year old "mosaics" and "tapestries" has driven me to drink copious amounts of the crap they try to pass off as beer. Other than that its awesome.""

ROFL! he needs a new MBA program! (smile)
I loved Istanbul, the food was great, the history amazing... but I have to agree on the chicks, not my type.